Lixi the hotodetchi


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Dec 19, 2005
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Hey guys! My first tamagotchi just hatched. It's a girl! I woke up this morning and she's become a hotodetchi, it seems. Anyone know what they like to eat? She apparently HATES french fries. Either that, or the french fries made her sick... o_O Either way, this site looks great! Happy holidays everyone!

Hi dreamerboy6

Hitodetchi's fave treat is pineapple.

Welcome to TamaTalk!

Hope you enjoy your visits. There's lots of good info and fun stuff here - it won't take long to find your way around the different forums!

Best, etc.


hey! have a good time 'round the site!

join marapets!

ill help you, just PM me!



[SIZE=22pt] Hi dreamerboy6! I'm glad to have you here [/SIZE] :D !

PM me if you have any questions, and Happy Holidays to you too :D !!

:D tamagirl777

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Happy holidays to you too! Yeah, sadly, french fries are a hotodetchi's most unfavored food.. They reeeeaaallllyyy dont like french fries... Their fave food though is I think either hamburgers or cherries... cant remember which though... anyway have fun on TamaTalk! If you need anything or want someone to talk to PM me.


Hiya, and welcome. I've got a tama at that stage myself, currently. Cute aren't they? And yes, as it was stated before, they absolutely despise french fries, but loooove pineapples. I love how each character has their favorites of everything. :lol:

if it happens to turn into Ringotchi (the apple) its favorite food is....... strangly enough, juice.

Oh and welcome. Nice to have you here as well. Happy Holidays to you too, thanks.

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