Log: A Carer of Eight


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Hi all,

Change of circumstances. It turns out that I do have to work on Tuesday, which means that I'll have to keep the Tamas paused. :( Therefore, the next episode will be on Wednesday, and the one after that on Friday, like normal. Sorry about this change; hopefully it didn't inconvenience you!

Tell you something though; Karen and Bruno just evolved. I won't tell you what exactly yet, but one turned into an exciting character, the other, not so much! Anyway, you'll find out exactly what on Wednesday.

Also, thanks KSH for another like! But anyway, as per revised schedule, I'll see you here in two-ish more days, and until then, good luck with your own Tama adventures!

Episode 33

Hello Tamafans! It's third palindrome episode today as we catch up on the Tamas yet again!

So anyway, as I told you on my last post here, Karen and Bruno became adults on Monday afternoon, but I didn't tell you exactly what characters they became. Well, the wait's over!


Bruno became a Tarakotchi, which I'm quite happy about because I haven't had this character before! Tarakotchi's in the middle tier (Average care), a tier lower than the one I was aiming for, which means I must have somehow slipped up other than the deliberate keep-lights-on trick one night when he was a teenager. The Version 2 is quite strict like that. Not that this instance annoys me though, since Tarakotchi is fine anyway!

Karen's evolution into a Memetchi, however, was a really bad stroke of luck. She made the tier I was aiming for (Second, good-care tier), but she became the only character which I didn't want! The others in this tier (Kuchipatchi and Biluotchi) would have been excellent results, but the needle happened to land on Memetchi by rotten chance. Ah well...

If this is making me seem like I hate Memetchi, I really don't. It's just that I have gotten this character countless times now, and consistently so! Karen's evolution also made me have two Memetchi at the same time, which really didn't help things.

Anyway, I did connect the two, and they're now in love!


I'll have them breed tomorrow afternoon, partially as a measure to have Memetchi out of my sight for a while. When I was thinking of this as I connected Karen and Bruno, I remembered a backup plan!


Hohotchi Time, of course! This'll help me with my Memetchi Overload. I haven't used the Hohotchi costume in a while either (Not since Izumi, on this unit's second generation), so it's very refreshing to see my favourite and namesake character at the moment. Karen is still currently wearing this costume - she pretty much has it on full-time!


Interestingly, Karen still goes into the bath with her costume on. I originally questioned why she would dare go into the bathtub while wearing a delicate full-body costume, but it didn't get ruined, so I guess that's OK.

"You obviously don't know the renowned toughness and durability of a Hohotchi costume from Tamagotchi Planet, then."

Renowned toughness? Is the Hohotchi Costume waterproof or something?

"In fact, it is. It's also shock-proof and extremely comfortable."

I don't know of any clothing on Earth that has all of those features at once. What material is it made out of?

"I'm not telling you. The second you find out, humans will invade Tamagotchi Planet and will rob all of its natural resources!"

We're not that mean, you know.

"I'm afraid that I disagree, and I'm the smarter one, so I am right on this issue! Human history states so!" *Disappears*

Yuji's weird. Anyway, one interesting thing that I found with Bruno was that he started doing close-ups about a minute after he became a Tarakotchi!


He couldn't wait to show his new self to the world! I actually find Tarakotchi to be hilarious simply because he seems to be so up himself. You can just tell by the way he moves his hips in his idle animation. It's like he's just constantly swaggering at you! :tarakotchi: :tarakotchi: :tarakotchi:

The kissing during his close-ups just accelerates this fact further. I think, because of this, I'll enjoy having Bruno around over the next couple of days, even if he'll be married off soon!

Anyway, on Monday afternoon, Iris and Hana graduated school and got jobs!


I like the chef and DJ minigames because they're both fast and fun for me. In that case, it makes it much easier for me to fill their happy hearts!

Iris is almost 6 years old, so she's getting closer to having a Matchmaker visit. I'll try get her a Kuchi partner, since that family has had the least adults obtained for me and I may as well try get her baby to be a Kuchi.

Monday was quite an uneventful day for Lisa. It wasn't until Wednesday when she turned 1 year old, so when I unpaused her after I came back in the afternoon, she evolved!


No surprises there. Due to this, I'll have her become a Mimitchi again, since it'll be the most refreshing even if not by much. Yuji should be proud of his great-granddaughter then! Due to this, she entered Mr. Turtlepedia's class at school.

Strangely, Eddie and Hana refused to marry each other on Monday evening, even after Hana got her job. Therefore, I had to wait until Wednesday before they'd make the ultimate commitment!


Two baby girls! By this time, Eddie was actually old enough for the Matchmaker, though he hadn't received any visits.

I'm especially excited about Hana's daughter, since with her I can finally start to explore some of the Version 4.5's true ensemble of characters. Believe it or not, up to now (In the last 3 months), I've only had the Ura mascots, special characters and Universal characters with all of my generations' adult forms! However, I've pretty much exhausted them now, so it's time for the rest of the cast! At this point, it also doesn't matter which family she goes in. Given her mother, she'll probably become an Ura Meme.

As for Eddie's daughter, I would like her to get into the Kuchi family, though she'll probably be a Mame unless I do some tricks. I'll try to get this one to be a Universal teen, and then hope I get a Kuchi adult after that. It won't be a good chance, given the randomness, but I may as well try since that's all I've got!

Talking about babies, I raised two others on Wednesday!


Yep, Will and Zelda left their sons on Monday night! As seen above, I named the two Joey and John, respectively, and started 'em up after they waited for a day and a half!

I raised Joey like normal during the baby stage, but I did something different to my normal standards with John, in that I mostly fed him snacks instead of playing games. This was because I wanted him to become a Mizutamatchi so I could have him either become a Meme or Kuchi teen later on. This is because I am aiming for either Minotchi or Tosakatchi, two characters which I haven't gotten before!

Apparently, Mizutamatchi is more likely to attain with bad care during the baby stage, and I figured that if I gave better care then John would likely become a Harutchi (Which can only become a Mame or Meme).

After the usual hour, the two evolved into the child stage. I couldn't capture the actual evolution process, since I was working on the computer at the time, but Joey became a Marutchi and John a Mizutamatchi, just like I hoped! I actually don't have a photo of the two after just evolving either, because I forgot, and the two were asleep when I remembered! So sorry about that...

Joey's evolution into Marutchi surprised me a bit, but it was more fresh, because I haven't had Marutchi in a little while. I also have a goal with Joey, and that's for him to become a Kuchipatchi as an adult. For that, I'll just have to take perfect care of him but not turn the light out once when he's a teenager. I think this will work, since it did on the Versions 2 and 3. Kuchipatchi will be very refreshing because I've only had him once since I re-started these Tamas, and this was for less than a day. It was way back in the white/rainbow Version 4's first generation, a male named Link, who became a Nonbiritchi on the day he became an adult. Interestingly, Joey is very distantly related to Link, because his mother was one of Link's descendants in the same white/rainbow shell! I guess his Kuchipatchi goal will be an unintentional homage to Link or something.

Since John became a child, I started treating him like normal and played games again because he'll either be a Meme or Kuchi teen now anyway. He's still a bit overweight (21 lb) but this should drop over time. He entered pre-school an hour after evolving, of course:


Well, that's all for now! It's time for the boring part, the stats section! :p

Stats for Joey (Version 1, Black shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 2/9 bars
Age: 1 year
Weight: 12 lb
Style: Boy
Generation: 7G
Stage: Child
Evolution: Babytchi > Marutchi

Stats for Bruno (Version 2, Flowery Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Age: 5 years
Weight: 32 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 9G
Gotchi Points: 4,231
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Petitchi > Kuribotchi > Ringotchi > Tarakotchi

Stats for Karen (Version 3, Red shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 5 years
Weight: 30 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 5G
Gotchi Points: 9,999
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Teletchi > Mohitamatchi > Obotchi > Hohotchi Memetchi

Stats for Edward ("Eddie" - Version 4, Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 6/9 bars
Skill Points: 60 Intelligence / 23 Fashion / 122 Social
Age: 7 years
Weight: 35 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 5G
Points: 31,818
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: KuroTsubutchi > Harutchi > Young Androtchi > Zukyutchi
Occupation: Pre-school Supervisor

Stats for John (Version 4, White/Rainbow shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 2/9 bars
Skill Points: 6 Intelligence / 22 Fashion / 12 Social
Age: 0 years
Weight: 21 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 39,710
Stage: Child
Evolution: KuroTsubutchi > Mizutamatchi
Occupation: Pre-schooler

Stats for Lisa (Version 4, Flowery Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 5/9 bars
Skill Points: 32 Intelligence / 26 Fashion / 11 Social
Age: 1 year
Weight: 26 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Points: 36,710
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Young Mimitchi
Occupation: School Student (Intelligence Class)

Stats for Iris (Version 4, Snowy Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 8/9 bars
Skill Points: 107 Intelligence / 146 Fashion / 17 Social
Age: 5 years
Weight: 32 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 5G
Gotchi Points: 49,790
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Ringotchi > Maidtchi
Occupation: Baker

Stats for Hana (Version 4.5, Globe shell)
Hunger: 3/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Skill Points: 64 Humour / 362 Glamour / 59 Spiritual
Age: 5 years
Weight: 23 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 85,420
Stage: Adult (Special, Parent)
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Ura Young Memetchi > Ura Memetchi > Hanagatatchi
Occupation: DJ

Well, this is the end of this episode! There aren't any further disruptions to the timetable that I can see, so hopefully the next time for an update is Friday! I'll see you then, and have good luck on your Tama adventures until this time!
Episode 34

Hi Tamafans! It's another Friday-on-Saturday episode, so I'm late again. But, as said before, I'm assuming I'm the one who gets the most upset about it all, so I need to chill, man! Anyway, here we go into the Tama world once again!

For Thursday, nothing in particular happened and the Tamas were just going on as normal. While I was planning on marrying Bruno and Karen that day, I changed my mind to Friday afternoon because (1) I'm enjoying Hohotchi and Tarakotchi and (2) the afternoon was very cloudy and I couldn't take good pictures. The two weren't due for the Matchmaker until Saturday either, so I deferred it.

John turned 1 last night, so he and Joey were obviously going to evolve the next afternoon. So, when I unpaused them, I took out the camera, and...


So Joey's a Hinotamatchi, huh? Interesting. I don't think I took bad care of him as a child character, to be honest. In fact, I don't think his hearts even went down to 2 at all! Ah well, from previous experience, the teenager form doesn't affect what adult you get (It's just what care you give in that stage - I got Mametchi from Hinotamatchi before), so for all I know I'll continue my Kuchipatchi goal. I'll take as good care of him as possible but leave the lights on once, and hopefully that should do the trick.

I haven't seen Gourmetchi in a while (Not since Lance), so it's good that John is now one. Him going into the Meme family means that he'll become a Tosakatchi as an adult. Due to this, I enrolled him in Mr. Turtlepedia's class when he was accepted into school:


I also finally married Karen and Bruno early in the afternoon!


Karen's baby is the first boy that has ever been born in her lineage! It'll be sure interesting to raise my first boy in a Version 3 for a long time, even if it doesn't make much difference.

I do find it interesting that during the marriage animation between two different versions, the babies are born, and then the one sent to the male parent changes form. For instance, Karen gave birth to two KuroTeletchi, and then Bruno's baby became a Petitchi when he moved over to the Version 2, with the legs as opposed to ears! It's just technical limitations, but it's still funny to watch.

"Ugh... Now you're questioning the ways of the spontaneously-transforming Tamagotchi babies phenomenon? Do you even leave a stone unturned at all?"

Well, I mean, if I just saw a human baby just change into a different-looking baby while going to another house, I'd be pretty perplexed.

"Yes, but that's human babies! Tamagotchi babies are different!" *Sigh* "We're having the same conversation all over again!"

In what way?

"Come on, are you really that stupid? You're expecting us Tamagotchis to be humans, but we aren't! We come from another world, full of different expectations and ideals. We have fun in different ways to you. We live and speak differently. We are capable of alternative things and rely on different technology. And yes, we even have different phenomenons to you that don't seem so strange to us! You can't expect the same things from someone different. You'll even see things like this on Earth, with animals and plants! Heck, even other humans do different things! The only thing that does what you do is yourself, and those who expect everyone else to behave just like them are selfish and narrow-minded!"

Hmmm, I think I'm starting to get what you're saying, actually... so you're stating that making fun of your species for doing Tamagotchi things is just as bad as... making fun of someone else because they don't like Pokemon, for example? Is it the same thing?

"You finally get it, boy! Gee, that took a while. I'm starting to think that I'd have a much easier time if I accompanied any other Tamagotchi log as opposed to this one."


"It's only the truth."

Whatever, Yuji...

Anyway, after Karen got married, I did see her do close-ups:


I find it interesting that Hohotchi looks a bit different in proportions to its official artwork. It reminds me of ChoMametchi on the Version 3 in that it looks more like its low-detail normal sprite as opposed to the artwork. The sprite designers here must have improvised these based on what a zoomed-up sprite would look like as opposed to the actual artwork. Maybe they never even saw Hohotchi's artwork at all while doing it!

Over the past couple of days, I connected John and Lisa a lot in an attempt to turn them into a couple down the line. On Friday afternoon I got the two to four faces!


The two visited each other a lot while connecting. I like it when you see a Tama go inside another's shell because it adds to the realism you get with a virtual pet.

Eddie and Hana were still with me as of Friday afternoon. I thought that they'd leave on Thursday night, but they didn't. I musn't have had them unpaused for long enough. So they were with me on Friday, and finally left at midnight! Here are a couple of final shots, with the two using items:


I like Eddie and his bow especially, since he looks real snazzy with it. I guess that item would be right in the ballpark for a social-minded Zukyutchi after all! Not to mention the bow's physical style works well with Zukyutchi's rounded body features.

Talking about Eddie, he got the opportunity to change jobs on Thursday afternoon, but I cancelled the effort because I thought he was going to leave that night and so it would be pointless. It turned out that he stayed another day anyway, but it doesn't matter all that much. He still had a job, at least!

So it's the end of the run for Eddie and Hana! Next episode, their babies will be raised!

Finally, I'd better talk about Iris. She's now 6, but I totally forgot about looking for any Matchmaker visits. They're really easy to miss on the Version 4, so if you don't hear the beep, then it's gone before you realise what time it is! Over the day on Saturday, I'll be very attentive and make sure that I'm there when the Matchmaker arrives. I don't want Iris to become a senior, so I'll need to marry her off. As said last time, I'll try to get her together with a Kuchi adult.

I actually discovered that I haven't talked about Iris much, especially after her infancy. I guess her life just sneaked along without a whole lot to mention! When I thought about that, I realised that there are some real people like that as well, those who just sneak through well with life and don't seek attention for it. It's funny to think that Iris is now at marrying age, and her quietness makes it seem so quick even though it wasn't!

Well anyway, as for now, that's all the updates. So, it's time for stats!

Stats for Joey (Version 1, Black shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 5/9 bars
Age: 3 years
Weight: 15 lb
Style: Boy
Generation: 7G
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Babytchi > Marutchi > Hinotamatchi

Stats for Bruno (Version 2, Flowery Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Age: 6 years
Weight: 35 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 9G
Gotchi Points: 4,291
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: Petitchi > Kuribotchi > Ringotchi > Tarakotchi

Stats for Karen (Version 3, Red shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 6 years
Weight: 34 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 5G
Gotchi Points: 9,999
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: Teletchi > Mohitamatchi > Obotchi > Memetchi

Stats for Edward ("Eddie" - Version 4, Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 6/9 bars
Skill Points: 66 Intelligence / 23 Fashion / 124 Social
Age: 8 years
Weight: 38 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 5G
Points: 33,618
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: KuroTsubutchi > Harutchi > Young Androtchi > Zukyutchi
Occupation: Pre-school Supervisor

Stats for John (Version 4, White/Rainbow shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 2/9 bars
Skill Points: 36 Intelligence / 22 Fashion / 12 Social
Age: 1 year
Weight: 21 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 41,910
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: KuroTsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Gourmetchi
Occupation: School Student (Intelligence Class)

Stats for Lisa (Version 4, Flowery Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 6/9 bars
Skill Points: 132 Intelligence / 26 Fashion / 13 Social
Age: 2 years
Weight: 22 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Points: 38,510
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Young Mimitchi
Occupation: School Student (Intelligence Class)

Stats for Iris (Version 4, Snowy Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 8/9 bars
Skill Points: 119 Intelligence / 158 Fashion / 20 Social
Age: 6 years
Weight: 36 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 5G
Gotchi Points: 52,830
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Ringotchi > Maidtchi
Occupation: Baker

Stats for Hana (Version 4.5, Globe shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Skill Points: 72 Humour / 362 Glamour / 75 Spiritual
Age: 6 years
Weight: 21 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 89,420
Stage: Adult (Special, Parent)
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Ura Young Memetchi > Ura Memetchi > Hanagatatchi
Occupation: DJ

It's the end again! I think this episode was a little shorter than normal but at least there's another one soon. But until this next episode, I wish you best of luck on your own Tama adventures!
"Heheh. This boy is such a hypocrite."

It's the end again! I think this episode was a little shorter than normal but at least there's another one soon. But until this next episode, I wish you best of luck on your own Tama adventures!
"He keeps making promises like this and never delivers them! Funny that he's interested in buses, because if he ever runs a bus route, it will always be late, just like this log!"

Huh, wait, what? Yuji, have you hijacked my computer remotely?

"Of course. I'm a genius, so stuff like this is easy."

Stop that!

"Not until you write your next belated log episode!"

Fine, I will!

"And you also must apologise to TamaTalk for your sloppy behaviour! Laziness like this is unacceptable!"

All right, sorry, TamaTalk...

"No! That's not a real apology! I'll give you until the end of this episode to apologise and explain, or else I will do what I like with your computer!"

What if I turn it off and unplug it?

"Uh... um..."

Yeah, thought so! Anyway, I'd better get on with this and explain anyway. I had a few errands to do on Saturday morning and couldn't unpause them until 3PM, so there wasn't enough stuff to write about on Saturday night. I deliberately decided to merge the two episodes in this case, so this episode covers one and a half days. Yeah, it does tarnish my track record again, but I think that in this case I should go for "Quality not quantity" and make one, more worthwhile episode. If I had two full days, then it'd be different, but that's what it is for this one. At least you all have other logs to read in the meantime! But now...

Episode 35

We should get down to business. When I did get back to the Tamas, I saw two crying babies, which were the offspring of Hana and Eddie! So, I named them and began their independent lives...


Rose and Yoko were raised normally, though I was typing at the time (Not this log though) so I didn't take perfect care. Rose got the worst of it, having her hearts drop to two once or twice. I also did the strategy of playing Jumping Rope and Climb at the same time, and neither of them won very much because of it!

As (I think) I said before, I aimed Rose to be a Universal teen so that she would have a better chance of becoming a Kuchi adult. She probably got Mame genes from Eddie, so I would have to control this to make her a Universal.

When the two evolved an hour later, Rose became a Mizutamatchi and Yoko became a Tamatchi!


I guess Rose didn't become a Harutchi because of my care slips. As with Yoko, I was glad that she became a Tamatchi because I hadn't received that character yet! I find it to be very cute actually.

Of course, afterwards, the two went to pre-school. I didn't bother putting in a photo of this because (1) it was really dark and (2) you get the gist already.

From this point onwards, I started a strategy of taking normal care of Rose except only feeding snacks instead of playing games. As a result, her skill points stayed very low, and Yoko's soared ahead in comparison.

During the next day (Sunday), the two became teenagers. Here's what they evolved into:


...Young Memetchi? Really? Okay, that's really weird. Rose had less than 10 skill points in all her categories, I fed her snacks like she was a bottomless barrel, and she became as pudgy as a seal. So why didn't she become a Universal teen? In fact, Young Memetchi is meant to be the best-care Meme female character!

I must be under a Memetchi Curse or something. I'm seeing Memetchi everywhere!!! Maybe the only way you can get a universal teen is by letting their hearts drop and give them actual care mistakes or something.

At least Yoko's evolution was good. She became a Zouritchi, which is the good-care Ura Mame female teen character. I was a bit surprised because I thought that she'd inherit Ura Meme genes from her mother, but apparently not. It isn't an issue though.

An hour later, the two entered school. After much thinking, I put Yoko into Mr. Turtlepedia's class and Rose into Mr. Canvas' class. That way, I'll have Rose (Reluctantly) become a Violetchi. I actually don't know what Yoko will become with high Humour points in the Ura Mame family (I don't have as much of an idea with the Version 4.5's growth chart), but I don't mind what I get.

Yeah, no school photos either. It was basically for the same reasons as the pre-school photos; it was too dark and you all know what it looks like.

Anyway, that's all for these two young'uns. Back to Saturday night, Iris finally got a matchmaker visit! I missed the 10:30 AM and 3:00 PM ones (Due to pausing) so I had to wait until 7:00 PM. However, when the Matchmaker brought over Iris' potential partner, I had a real derp moment. Here's what happened...


"Oh, cool! The Matchmaker brought over a Kuchi adult first go! I'd better say yes!"


Right after I pressed yes and the wedding started, I realised that Debatchi wasn't a Kuchi adult and was actually a Universal, and that I just totally mucked up my plans for Iris to marry a Kuchi! Well done, Hohotchi-HO7, well done.

I think I got this Debatchi thing confused with Ura Debatchi, who is an Ura Kuchi adult on the Version 4.5. Ah well, I guess I'll have to deal with it. Perhaps I'll just use the technique I tried and failed with Rose for the baby...

Anyway, Iris' baby is a girl!


Iris has stayed with me for a while, so I've gotten quite used to her over this time! It'll be a bit funny to see her gone.

Anyway, Iris' marriage and the two young'uns were the only bit of news for Saturday (Basically why I didn't do a Saturday episode). I'd better fill the rest of Sunday's events! So, in the morning, I heard the evolution sound whilst sleeping. Lisa had evolved!


I have had Mimitchi a lot, but it's still a bit more refreshing than either Marotchi or Maidchi again whom I've had really recently. Too bad that the Version 4 doesn't have costumes... But anyway, Mimitchi is pretty cute, so I do like that aspect. I think I do like Mimitchi a bit more than Memetchi (I'm really starting to look like a Memetchi basher, aren't I?), but I really don't hate Memetchi or anything! Please take my word for it!

"Well, congratulations, boy. You're really guiding my family to the right path now! My great-granddaughter looks excellent as a nice, clever Mimitchi..."

Thanks Yuji!

"You earned it. Now all I need to do is finally give you that lesson that I've been meaning to do, which is to teach you to not tease an Androtchi."

How will you do that?

"I know, I can induce it into your dreams when you're asleep tonight! Then I don't have to blabber my mouth around for a long time."

Excellent, a nightmare just before work starts again...

"Consider it as your punishment for hurting poor Nigel! Sometimes, you'll just have to face inconvenience if you do something wrong! Now, I must go to prepare my lesson!" *Disappears*

Oh Yuji, you're a weird one...

Joey and John are still going all right. John should evolve tomorrow afternoon, whereas I'll have to wait till Wednesday for Joey. He had is light turned on during Friday night so that he could drop to the Kuchipatchi tier.

I did have a bit of a scare with Joey at about 2:00 PM on Sunday when I saw him have only one happy heart! It was rather odd, because he still had 3 hungry hearts and he was only left for 30 minutes or so! At least I think he was anyway, unless I forgot to check him the last time...

I hope this care slip didn't drop him another tier! Of course, in the middle tier, you get Tarakotchi on the Version 1, and I just had him with Bruno, so I hope that doesn't happen. I'll just have to cross my fingers I guess.

Talking about Tarakotchi, Bruno and his partner Karen were still around on Sunday. It was due to the pausing on Saturday which didn't allow 24 hours to pass by midnight. Because of this, I decided to have Karen and Bruno some pictures taken of them!


LOL, they both look very funny to me, especially the wig on Karen as a Hohotchi! The bow tie suits Bruno's up-himselfness too. I find it interesting that this sprite is yet another example of zoomed-up sprites looking like the default sprite instead of the artwork. For instance, Bruno here is shown with rectangular lips and is not facing forward, unlike the artwork and even the close-up sprites in the same version! Pretty weird...

I realised that Iris would also be gone on Sunday night (Because I didn't pause her, even though she had her baby a day later) so I gave her a farewell too!


She seemed to enjoy wearing these jeans, so that's cool!

Anyway, Iris' departure marks the ending of the experiment that I started all the way back in Episode 11 (Over 2 months ago), in researching whether Oyajitchi can reset any "family genes". As far as I found, it seems to work, though I don't know if you can reliably choose the family via Oyajitchi's partner. For instance, while Eddie's father (Joe) married a Mame and Eddie went into that family, it didn't work with Iris in that her father (Drake) married a Kuchi, and she veered off into the Mame path as well! But anyway, it's better than being stuck in the same loop over and over again. So, if you're stuck in a certain family in the Version 4, I'd recommend trying the Oyajitchi Trick to help you get out (Even though it does take a whole lot of time, and it needs two Tamas to work).

Anyway, that's it for the updates! Bring in the stats!

Stats for Joey (Version 1, Black shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 5 years
Weight: 24 lb
Style: Boy
Generation: 7G
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Babytchi > Marutchi > Hinotamatchi

Stats for Bruno (Version 2, Flowery Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Age: 7 years
Weight: 37 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 9G
Gotchi Points: 3,396
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: Petitchi > Kuribotchi > Ringotchi > Tarakotchi

Stats for Karen (Version 3, Red shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 7 years
Weight: 34 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 5G
Gotchi Points: 9,999
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: Teletchi > Mohitamatchi > Obotchi > Memetchi

Stats for Rose (Version 4, Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 5/9 bars
Skill Points: 6 Intelligence / 2 Fashion / 11 Social
Age: 1 year
Weight: 41 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 34,818
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Young Memetchi
Occupation: School Student (Social Class)

Stats for John (Version 4, White/Rainbow shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Skill Points: 155 Intelligence / 22 Fashion / 16 Social
Age: 2 years
Weight: 17 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 43,560
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: KuroTsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Gourmetchi
Occupation: School Student (Intelligence Class)

Stats for Lisa (Version 4, Flowery Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Skill Points: 172 Intelligence / 26 Fashion / 13 Social
Age: 4 years
Weight: 35 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 40,410
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Young Mimitchi > Mimitchi
Occupation: School Student (Intelligence Class)

Stats for Iris (Version 4, Snowy Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 8/9 bars
Skill Points: 151 Intelligence / 164 Fashion / 20 Social
Age: 7 years
Weight: 33 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 5G
Gotchi Points: 55,510
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Ringotchi > Maidtchi
Occupation: Baker

Stats for Yoko (Version 4.5, Globe shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 5/9 bars
Skill Points: 35 Humour / 61 Glamour / 23 Spiritual
Age: 1 year
Weight: 22 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 98,220
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Tamatchi > Zouritchi
Occupation: School Student (Humour Class)

Again, I'm sorry for the messed-up timetable, but I don't think it's worth bringing in a half-size episode on time as opposed to a full episode a bit later. That's what I think, anyway.

Well, until (Hopefully) Wednesday, when my next episode should come, I wish you all good luck on your own Tama adventures!

Edit: Fixed Yoko's stats.
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Hi all,

I'm afraid that I'll have to delay yet another episode. The last few days at work were very hectic, so I had to more or less nap in the afternoons when I got home! This on top of family business on Monday made me not run my Tamas over the last few days. I've only just unpaued them now, and I can't make an episode with just 5 minutes of events to report on!

I should have enough time by tomorrow (Thursday) afternoon to write the next episode. Again, sorry for the delay, but as I tend to say nowadays, I prefer long episodes that are late as opposed to early ones that aren't worthwhile.

Thanks for understanding! I'll be back soon... :kuribotchi:

Episode 36

Hey, guess what? My late episode is even later than what it was originally going to be! Ah well, that's what you get when you begin writing at 9:30 PM. At least it exists now!

This episode will be a very focused one, because a lot of stuff happened for some of my Tamas and not much to the others. This will probably make the episode a bit shorter than average.

So first-up, I'd better talk about Wednesday's events. This was the day that I unpaused my Tamas (The first since Sunday), and I discovered upon unpausing them that John had turned 3 years old. So I took the camera out, and shortly after...


He became a Tosakatchi for his adult form! John's evolution into Tosakatchi officially completed my Meme obtainment collection in the Version 4! I actually quite like Tosakatchi for a quite personal reason. Despite Hohotchi being my favourite Tamagotchi character, I will admit that if I was a Tamagotchi character myself (Given my personality), I would probably be a Tosakatchi. Why? Well, I'm really shy and awkward! I'm so shy in real life that I have a great deal of trouble talking to other people! Because of this, John grew on me really quickly in his Tosakatchi form.

The only other Tama to have an event on Wednesday was Lisa, who got her job in the evening. She was employed at the Hospital, a place where my Tamas haven't been at for a while.


In my previous experiences with the minigame, I had a lot of trouble with noticing the difference between the skulls and black hearts without focusing. Since Lisa got the job, I had practiced and obtained better success as of Thursday. So it's good that I'm getting better!

The next day was the most eventful. At the time, I had three crying babies, waiting to be named, as their parents (Karen, Bruno and Iris) had left them on Sunday. The poor things waited until Thursday afternoon to be named!


Bruno's son was named Ramos, whereas Karen's was named Flint. Iris' daughter, meanwhile, was named Prima.

I started the three babies at about 5:20 PMish, with small gaps between them. I had set goals for both Ramos and Flint at birth.

For Ramos, I aimed him to get to the top (Perfect care) tier as an adult. This is because Ramos is in an even generation, and the three top-tier even generation adults on the Version 2 are Mimitchi, Chohimetchi and Marumimitchi. Out of the three, I've only had Mimitchi, so if I obtain the top tier with Ramos then I'll have a good chance of getting an adult I didn't have before. I know that the 2-of-3 tactic didn't work last time (With Karen) but I'll give it another shot.

As for Flint, I wanted him to be in the second tier (Good care). Flint is also in an even generation, so in the second tier, he can either be a Hidatchi, Debatchi or Bunbuntchi. I haven't obtained any of those three, so as long as I get to the right tier, there's no chance of failure!

I had a much looser goal with Prima, though I did want her to be a Mizutamatchi so that she has a more likely chance of being a Kuchi teen (She would otherwise be a Harutchi given her Mame mother).

As a result, between all three, I gave Ramos and Flint the highest priority, with Prima having decreased importance in terms of care.

While raising the three babies, I decided to cook up some pasta. While this filled my stomach, it did slightly neglect the babies' stomachs as a consequence, as I was busy a lot of the time! Flint got his Hungry hearts to 2 once, whereas Prima had both hungry and happy hearts down to 2 on anther occasion! Luckily, Ramos went through unharmed.

I found it odd that KuroTeletchi's happy/jumping sprite seems to show the baby with an outstretched mouth as opposed to smile:


Looks pretty weird to me. Imagine that you're happy, and you express yourself through stretching your lips horizontally as far as you can as a substitute for smiling! What's even weirder is that the female Teletchi sprite shows a normal smile, and that character has more or less the same sprite but reversed colours! Hmm, I dunno.

But, if you thought that was weird, have a look at this:


Yep, Ramos was 2 years old when he was born! This here was probably some really weird glitch of some kind. Though, I do have a theory on why it activated. On Tuesday morning, while Ramos was crying his heart out waiting to be named, I accidentally pressed one of the Version 2's buttons which led me to the naming screen. I didn't name him until Thursday, so he sat in that screen for about 2 days. I wonder if the age counter had actually started when I went to the naming screen, even though his life cycle hadn't started yet? Though, that doesn't explain the other times I left my Tamas on the naming screen for extended periods without premature aging.

I guess that because of Ramos' weird age issue, he'll age like normal but have 2 years ahead in his counter. For instance, he'll evolve into a teenager at 3 and then an adult at 6 (And senior at 12, but I don't want him to become one).

Anyway, after the hour was up, all three evolved into their child stage! It seemed that my care slips didn't affect the trio very much at all:


Ramos became a Kuribotchi, which is good since it's one of the high-tier child characters. He's therefore on the path to become a top-tier adult! I seem to get Kuribotchi a lot on the Version 2, though I don't mind much, because I really like that character!

Flint's evolution was just as familiar - a Kuchitamatchi. Good to know that Flint's a high-tier child character too, bringing him on the same path as his twin!

Interestingly, Prima didn't become a Mizutamatchi despite my sloppy mistakes with her. I think Mizutamatchi only has a higher chance (Not guaranteed) of appeearing with bad care, so I suppose it was just luck there. Ah well, I guess she's Mame-destined again. I won't try the low-skill-point tactic with her to get her to become a Kuchi, as it failed with Rose. I'll just do another boring Mame-bound run I guess, unless her teen evolution surprises me.

Of course, Prima entered pre-school sometime after:


That's all for the three kids as of now! The other three that I haven't mentioned (Joey, Rose and Yoko) are still going fine, though they haven't done too much. I anticipate that Joey will become an adult on Friday afternoon, so I am really looking forward to that. I hope he becomes a Kuchipatchi! His training is now full and he's received good care since the single-heart incident last episode.

Yoko's still the same, though she's 2 now obviously. Her Funny points have gone up a bit, though I'll raise them some more on Friday. She is also less than 1,000 points away from having the maximum of 99,999! That's pretty crazy - I don't know how I even saved up that much over the generations. As a result, I'm looking for expensive items to buy, especially the 50,000 point UFO!

Rose is still going along too, though she's still quite overweight and a bit lacking in skill points. I recently decided to keep her that way and see if she'd evolve into a Pyonkotchi as an adult with these conditions. I don't know for sure if she will, but if she does, it'd be more refreshing than Violetchi. I've only received a Pyonkotchi once before, and it's been a while since I had. We'll see!

Anyway, that's all. It's time for... uh, wait! I haven't seen Yuji yet! That's weird. He interrupts me all the time! I wonder why he hasn't come?

"Shh. I'm still organising my lesson about Androtchi to you."

Yuji! So you are here. But weren't you meant to do that last time?

"Yes, but I got a little sidetracked..."

Wait a second! Were you slacking off?

"No, I just..."

Heh! You were being lazy, weren't you? That's unlikely from you, the same Tamagotchi who told me to not be sloppy or lazy in regards to my log under any circumstances!

"No, I can explain!"

No excuses. That's what you said to me! Now, off you go and finish your lesson plan! You should reduce your lagging time as much as possible!

"You really are a boy, aren't you?" *Disappears*

Well, that makes me a bit less guilty with my own track record. With that, it's time for stats!

Stats for Joey (Version 1, Black shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 7 years
Weight: 15 lb
Style: Boy
Generation: 7G
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Babytchi > Marutchi > Hinotamatchi

Stats for Ramos (Version 2, Flowery Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 1/9 bars
Age: 2 years (Actually 0)
Weight: 14 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 10G
Gotchi Points: 3,511
Stage: Child
Evolution: Petitchi > Kuribotchi

Stats for Flint (Version 3, Red shell)
Hunger: 3/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 1/9 bars
Age: 0 years
Weight: 11 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 9,999
Stage: Child
Evolution: KuroTeletchi > Kuchitamatchi

Stats for Rose (Version 4, Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 6/9 bars
Skill Points: 6 Intelligence / 2 Fashion / 49 Social
Age: 2 years
Weight: 42 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 35,478
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Young Memetchi
Occupation: School Student (Social Class)

Stats for John (Version 4, White/Rainbow shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Skill Points: 163 Intelligence / 22 Fashion / 16 Social
Age: 4 years
Weight: 23 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 43,960
Stage: Adult
Evolution: KuroTsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Gourmetchi > Tosakatchi
Occupation: School Student (Intelligence Class)

Stats for Lisa (Version 4, Flowery Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Skill Points: 186 Intelligence / 26 Fashion / 13 Social
Age: 5 years
Weight: 36 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 41,610
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Young Mimitchi > Mimitchi
Occupation: Doctor

Stats for Prima (Version 4, Snowy Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 2/9 bars
Skill Points: 6 Intelligence / 12 Fashion / 3 Social
Age: 0 years
Weight: 13 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 57,210
Stage: Child
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi
Occupation: Pre-schooler

Stats for Yoko (Version 4.5, Globe shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Skill Points: 90 Humour / 61 Glamour / 23 Spiritual
Age: 2 years
Weight: 22 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 99,070
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Tamatchi > Zouritchi
Occupation: School Student (Humour Class)

Well, that's all again, TamaTalkers! I'm not actually sure when my next episode will be, to be honest. I'd say it'd either be Friday or Saturday depending on how much stuff happens. I'm thinking of abolishing timetables altogether with this log, since I fail at meeting the desired times so much. Instead, I might start a regime of writing an episode for each unpaused Tama-year, which takes two work days or one weekend day, approximately. Anyway, we'll see. I'll just follow my instinct for now.

So, until whenever the next episode arrives, good luck with your own Tama adventures!
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Episode 37

Hi Tamafans! Turns out that there's only one episode this weekend. Since Thursday, I didn't have as much time with my Tamas as normal, mostly because I had contractual and social obligations going on. There is enough stuff for this one installment, though. And, this stuff has a special theme; Evolution!

I was busy for most of Friday (Even in the afternoon), so I could only do one thing, and this was to unpause Joey for a minute as he was due to evolve into an adult!


He became a Kuchipatchi, just like I aimed! Excellent! Unfortunately, I had to pause him again, since I had so much to do.

It wasn't until Saturday afternoon when I could run them again. Nothing much happened during that day, but I did begin connecting Joey with Lisa. The reason why is because I decided for them to be a couple, since Joey's Kuchi genes (By Version 4 standards) will be really helpful with Lisa's Mame-loop situation at the moment.

Since I can be very sleepy on the weekends, my Tamas woke me up, and with evolution noises! In fact, I heard no less than four of them! After a while, I got up and checked them.


First-up, I saw that Prima became a Ringotchi. No surprise there!


Flint turned into a Young Mimitchi. A good-care teen, keeping him on track for the tier I want!


Since Flint and Prima evolved, this meant that Ramos in the Version 2 with the dead speaker evolved as well! He turned into a Hinatchi, another good-care teen, giving me a good sign for my goal for him as well. I haven't had Hinatchi in a while (Not since Izumi, the Version 3's second generation), so that's pretty refreshing. Interestingly, since Ramos' mother was from the Version 3, he and Izumi are distantly related!


Just as we had children becoming teenagers, we also had teenagers leaving this stage behind. It turned out that Rose, despite her weight and low skill points, became a Violetchi after all! I've seen conflicting statements from Tamagotchi Wiki regarding a teenager's evolution into a Universal adult; the threshhold for this seems to be either 60 or 30. Rose had (Just) under 60, so I suppose that the threshhold is officially 30, unless it's something different again. Tell you what, the Version 4 is pretty easy when it comes to care levels. Even my deliberate attempts at poor care with Rose had ended me up with mainstream characters anyway!

Interestingly, despite me hearing 4 evolution sounds (Since Ramos has no speaker he doesn't count), I saw that Yoko was still asleep after 9AM when she was due to wake up and evolve. I then originally thought that the fourth evolution sound was just me not hearing things right due to sleepiness, but as my brain began to boot up properly, I figured that Yoko did indeed evolve and that her adult character wakes up at 10AM instead of 9AM, so she went right back to sleep after evolving!

Anyway, when Yoko did indeed wake up, I saw her as a Horoyotchi:


Tell you what, Horoyotchi is just plain weird. Her character description states that she drinks a lot of alcohol (And her design is based off it too). Not something acceptable for a young Western audience which this Tamagotchi was marketed to! This character was definitely designed with the Uratama (And not Version 4.5) in mind. I'm surprised that she wasn't replaced in this western release! Anyway, for a grown-up like me, it's fine, and actually rather funny.

So, 6 of my 8 Tamas evolved in this one episode! Pretty cool, I'd say.

"They weren't the only ones to evolve, you know."

Who else, Yuji? Lisa and John certainly didn't. They aren't old enough to be seniors yet!

"I didn't mean those two."

Then who? I'm not running any other Tamagotchis at the moment.

"You did!"

How? I'm an adult now and I have been for a while. And I'm not a Tamagotchi either, so I can't evolve anyway!

"I mean figuratively. You were a boy when you started teasing Nigel. But luckily, I educated you in your dreams last night, and taught you to not make fun of robots! Now, you've finally grown up!"

Ah, so that's why I hadn't thought of any robot jokes today.

"Yes! And you never will now! Robots will only become more important in the future, and society needs to accommodate them! They will be equal members in society in just a few short years!"

Tell you what, I'd say that dream is why I was so tired in the morning as well.

"That's just a small price to pay for the infinitely-beneficial attitude of robot compassion!"

Hey, Yuji. You say that I figuratively evolved, right? Well, what if I literally evolved?

"What do you mean?"

What? YOUNG HOHOTCHI is evolving!


Congratulations! Your YOUNG HOHOTCHI evolved into a HOHOTCHI!


See? I made more productive time in making this GIF as opposed to joking about robots! Aren't you proud?

*Sigh* "You're strange..." *Disappears*

Anyway, you all must be getting pretty tired of evolutions, so time for other stuff! In the morning, John finally received his notification to graduate school and get a job. He was 5 by then - I guess his lateness was due to excessive pausing.


When I was scrolling through the jobs, I found the news station and thought that it would be funny to see an introverted Tosakatchi read the news in front of millions of viewers! So I selected that place and contrary to his stereotype, he got it!

Funny too how his mouth was hanging open as the King gave him the item. It's a problem with Tosakatchi's sprite sets which I believe I talked about in a previous episode, but to recap, Tosakatchi's open and close mouth sprites are the wrong way around, so while he was meant to look at the King with his closed mouth, he instead stared on with a jaw-dropped expression! I guess John must be in so much awe of the King seeing him or something.

At around the same time, Prima got enrolled into school.


I chose Mr. Canvas' class, simply because I've had Marotchi the least recently out of the female Mame adults (Even though she was still obtained comparatively recently - only a generation ago).

Other than evolutions and career paths, not much has happened actually, though I did do a lot of connecting on Sunday. I got Joey and Lisa in love by the afternoon:


I'll hopefully marry the two on Monday, or whenever I'll get to run them next. I've also connected Prima with Flint a whole lot, as well as John with Yoko. At the moment, the friendship levels are at 3 and 2 faces, respectively.

Since Rose evolved, I've also started to raise her properly for once and get her more skill points so she could have an actual chance of getting a job. This operation has been quite successful so far actually, since she now has over 80 Social points. It's not huge, but for a late start, it's better than nothing. Her weight is also getting lower. Hopefully she'll reach her base weight in a day or two, which she hasn't been at since she entered her child stage.

I also had Flint buy an airline ticket from the shop, so he finally depleted a large sum of his cash stash! I bet it won't take long to max out again though (Given the Version 3's points generosity and its comparatively low cap).

When Flint went to bed, I also kept his light on, steering him to the second tier when he evolves.

Well, that's it for all of 'em. Time to drag in the stats!

Stats for Joey (Version 1, Black shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 9 years
Weigh37 lb
Style: Boy
Generation: 7G
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Babytchi > Marutchi > Hinotamatchi > Kuchipatchi

Stats for Ramos (Version 2, Flowery Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 3/9 bars
Age: 3 years (Actually 1)
Weight: 22 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 10G
Gotchi Points: 3,715
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Petitchi > Kuribotchi > Hinatchi

Stats for Flint (Version 3, Red shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 1/9 bars
Age: 1 year
Weight: 22 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 4,615
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: KuroTeletchi > Kuchitamatchi > Young Mimitchi

Stats for Rose (Version 4, Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 6/9 bars
Skill Points: 28 Intelligence / 2 Fashion / 84 Social
Age: 3 years
Weight: 39 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 36,378
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Young Memetchi > Violetchi
Occupation: School Student (Social Class)

Stats for John (Version 4, White/Rainbow shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Skill Points: 196 Intelligence / 25 Fashion / 16 Social
Age: 5 years
Weight: 26 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 46,060
Stage: Adult
Evolution: KuroTsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Gourmetchi > Tosakatchi
Occupation: News Reporter

Stats for Lisa (Version 4, Flowery Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Skill Points: 207 Intelligence / 34 Fashion / 17 Social
Age: 6 years
Weight: 33 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 46,390
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Young Mimitchi > Mimitchi
Occupation: Doctor

Stats for Prima (Version 4, Snowy Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 5/9 bars
Skill Points: 36 Intelligence / 38 Fashion / 49 Social
Age: 1 year
Weight: 23 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 59,960
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Ringotchi
Occupation: School Student (Social Class)

Stats for Yoko (Version 4.5, Globe shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 8/9 bars
Skill Points: 138 Humour / 61 Glamour / 47 Spiritual
Age: 3 years
Weight: 37 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 99,999
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Tamatchi > Zouritchi > Horoyotchi
Occupation: School Student (Humour Class)

This is the end of this singular weekend installment! I'd say that Wednesday is the most likely date for the next one, but since I don't really work on a timetable anymore, it might appear on a different day. It all depends on how busy I am! I am generally getting busier these days, so I guess you'll find a more staggered release schedule from here on. So, until next time, good luck with your own Tama adventures!
Episode 38

Hi all! So yeah, it's just this episode for this whole working week! I was very busy at work these past few days, requiring more "rest" than usual. I was only able to run my Tamas on Wednesday and Friday! While I do love my Tamas, I can't say that running eight of them at once is the most relaxing past-time. I consider it to be more of a semi-intensive but very fun and rewarding experience, kinda like a video game, but at the same time different. It's hard to explain.

Anyway, while I did run them for two afternoons, almost all of the mentionable stuff happened on Wednesday! But it's still enough for an episode. It'll still be a bit shorter than normal standards, though.

First-up, I judged my operation to get Rose healthy to be a success. Shortly after I unpaused her on Wednesday afternoon, she got her notification to graduate and get a job! I had her apply at the fire station firstly, and she got it first go!


Also, as of Friday, Rose got back down to base weight. So she finally got back to being decently healthy! I have no-one to marry her with, so I'll wait for the Matchmaker to come. I'll try the Kuchi Partner strategy again, and hopefully, I won't stuff it all up like I did with Iris!

Talking about marrying a Kuchi partner:


Joey and Lisa got married! I find that a couple consisting of an intelligent Mimitchi and a dorky Kuchipatchi to be rather fitting. I don't really know how it blends so well... it just does for me! The two received baby girls.

"How could you? You should have married my dear Lisa with a Mame partner from the Matchmaker! You're ruining my lineage now! My great-great-granddaughter could now become a Yattatchi who cheers aimlessly with no realist substance, or any of those other pointless Kuchi hippies! Why are you steering my family into the wrong path?"

Oh, man. I thought I already taught you about all this.

"My family's lineage is already tainted enough without your meddling!"

I don't get it. You're whining about me having your descendants marry non-Mame partners, but yet your own wife isn't a Mame either. In fact, on the Version 4, Pyonkotchi is in the Universal family, and you can only obtain her with low skill points! So what makes her an exception?

"Yes, Yuji! What excepts me from Joey?"

"Uh, uhmmm..."

Ah Ellen! You're back!

"And for good reason. I love my husband, but he is very naughty at times. Yuji, I personally accept Joey to be a great partner for Lisa. So, as a cohort, we both must accept him!"

"B... but..."

He's being rather childish for a genius.

"Yes, he is like that at times..."

"No, I'm not!" *Cries*

Huh? Wow.


"I think I'll have to teach him to accept his new family members more diligently. I'll see you some other time!" *Disappears with Yuji*

Hmm, that was... odd, like most encounters with him I guess. However, Lisa and Joey's wedding wasn't the only one!


I got John and Yoko to marry too! I raised their friendship from 2 faces to 4 hearts in a single session on Wednesday. Interestingly, shortly after the two fell in love, Yoko got her opportunity for a job (More on that later). Then, when I connected the two again, they married! Pretty quick - I didn't know that two Tamas could marry on the same day they fall in love, but I must be wrong I guess. In fact, Yoko's lack of graduation seemed to be the hindrance. I'm lucky that I was able to get pictures of the unexpected event quickly. Like the other couple, they now have baby girls!

Interestingly, both pairs of parents recently left at Midnight, which was interesting because I didn't think that 24 unpaused hours would have passed between marriage and Friday night. I guess I was wrong!

Anyway, I'd better show you what job Yoko got:


It's the first time that I've had a Tama get the Circus job since I restarted them a few months ago. I found that I'm actually really bad at this game, mostly because I can't press the button at the exact time that she has to jump. It seems to be very strict in this minigame! Anyway, at least I could keep on top of her happiness by playing the normal games.

Other than the two marriages and subsequent departures... not too much has happened actually. The three teenagers (Ramos, Flint and Prima) were being raised as normal. Interestingly, while the three were hatched at the same time, Flint and Ramos turned 3 on Friday afternoon (Well Ramos turned 5, but he was actually 3 in practical terms) whereas Prima didn't turn 3 until she went to sleep.

Like with his father, Ramos' training was a little hard to build up, though I did remain attentive enough to get his meter to 8 bars as of current. The other two are at 9 bars now, but I still have a day or so to go before Ramos evolves so I think I'll be able to max out his training.

Prima will probably evolve into an adult when she wakes up. Prima and Flint are at 4 faces friendship now too, so they'll be able to marry pretty quickly when they're both adults. I'm excited to see Flint and Ramos reach their adult forms!

Yoko's cash stash also isn't at 99,999 anymore either. I bought her a passport on Wednesday that was stocked at the shop. I'm pretty sure that it's useless now that Tamatown isn't around anymore, but I got it anyway so that Yoko could still earn money. I do find it a bit pointless to win the games and get a job if the gotchi points are maxed out and you can't get any more, but that's just me.

One last thing - I saw Joey do his close-ups sometime after he had his baby!


In my opinion, these close-ups portray Kuchipatchi's romantic personality very well. I think these close-ups were replaced by the Version 4 (If not earlier). These original ones are very fitting though, and Kuchipatchi looks very cute with the flower!

Anyway, that's all from this week, short as it is! It's stats time!

Stats for Joey (Version 1, Black shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 11 years
Weight: 32 lb
Style: Boy
Generation: 7G
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: Babytchi > Marutchi > Hinotamatchi > Kuchipatchi

Stats for Ramos (Version 2, Flowery Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 8/9 bars
Age: 5 years (Actually 3)
Weight: 24 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 10G
Gotchi Points: 3,965
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Petitchi > Kuribotchi > Hinatchi

Stats for Flint (Version 3, Red shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 3 years
Weight: 22 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 6,301
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: KuroTeletchi > Kuchitamatchi > Young Mimitchi

Stats for Rose (Version 4, Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 6/9 bars
Skill Points: 52 Intelligence / 2 Fashion / 108 Social
Age: 5 years
Weight: 30 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 38,778
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Young Memetchi > Violetchi
Occupation: Fire Fighter

Stats for John (Version 4, White/Rainbow shell)
Hunger: 3/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Skill Points: 220 Intelligence / 25 Fashion / 16 Social
Age: 7 years
Weight: 27 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 50,420
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: KuroTsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Gourmetchi > Tosakatchi
Occupation: News Reporter

Stats for Lisa (Version 4, Flowery Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Skill Points: 253 Intelligence / 34 Fashion / 17 Social
Age: 8 years
Weight: 32 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 49,490
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Young Mimitchi > Mimitchi
Occupation: Doctor

Stats for Prima (Version 4, Snowy Blue shell)
Hunger: 3/4 hearts
Happiness: 3/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Skill Points: 76 Intelligence / 38 Fashion / 89 Social
Age: 3 years
Weight: 23 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 62,090
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Ringotchi
Occupation: School Student (Social Class)

Stats for Yoko (Version 4.5, Globe shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 8/9 bars
Skill Points: 146 Humour / 61 Glamour / 79 Spiritual
Age: 5 years
Weight: 33 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 87,199
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Tamatchi > Zouritchi > Horoyotchi
Occupation: Circus Performer

That's all again! Sorry for the short post for this week; I guess this has to happen sometimes. Life's getting pretty busy for me at the moment, and I don't know when it will calm down. I hope it doesn't stay this way forever, but in the meantime, there's at least everyone else's logs to read!

Anyway, I'm afraid that this weekend will be busy as well. I'll be doing stuff for most of Saturday, so my Tamas will have to remain paused. I will be able to run them on Sunday though, so there should be an episode then unless something happens. Yeah... my episode releases really are getting sparse.

Anyway, until my next episode arrives, good luck with your own Tama adventures!
Episode 39

Hi again! So yes, there were no weekend episodes at all! As I said, I could only run the Tamas on Sunday, and I decided that evening to write the log on Monday since not a great deal of events had passed with enough Tamas. I had to leave them paused on Monday as well, though I did do one thing with two of my Tamas then which you'll know about below. With these combined events, therefore, another increasingly-uncommon episode release is warranted.

I woke up really late on Sunday morning, and after a few chores, I was able to start my Tamas up again at about midday. First-up, I realised that Prima was due to evolve, so I took out the camera and...


She evolved into a Marotchi, as I planned!

However, I had other Tama matters to attend. I had four babies crying their hearts out since Saturday, and since I was free, I named them and began their independent lives!



All four are girls, and are the offspring of Joey & Lisa, and John & Yoko. I named the babies Ash (Short for Ashleigh or Ashley or something like that), Gina, Valma and Sae.

I actually had made plans for three of the four of them, two of which are rather radical ones.

Firstly, poor Ash would become exposed to some (unusual) neglect, as she was chosen to be part of an experiment of mine. I don't want Mimitchi again this generation, so I'm going to see how far I can go down the Tama tier ladder by doing two simultaneous methods - these being a high weight (By feeding snacks for happiness) and additionally never turning the light out at bedtime. If I do this until the adult stage, I wonder if I can get Tarakotchi, or even more preferably below, perhaps to Androtchi or even Gozarutchi. As part of this experiment, though, her hearts will remain tended to, only by meals and snacks instead of meals and games.

It will be interesting to see Ash's result because I'd rather neglect by using these tactics as opposed to starving the poor thing. I'd rather sleep with a light turned on than have no food, after all! Interestingly, and yes it does sound weird, but I really can't emotionally handle starving a Tamagotchi! So that is basically why I started this experiment.

Valma's got a just-as-interesting plan. I figured recently that I've already exhausted most of the Version 4's obtainable character roster, more quickly so than the other versions (Partly because I have four Version 4s and only one of the other versions each). So I decided that in order to slow this down a bit, I'll raise Valma to the senior stage and see how long she'll live! However, there is a twist. Since I pause my Tamas a whole lot these days, I can only reliably use the age counter to tell her age. Most other oldie attempts are done without any pausing at all, and this is useful for counting days after they've gone over 99 years (When the 2-digit counter becomes useless). However, I can't do this, since I have to pause them so much, so I won't have much of a clue how old Valma is if she's over 99.

So instead of doing a proper long-lived oldie run, I decided to run Valma until she is almost 99 tama-years old, and them marry her off! This will have her run an "Oldest Parent" attempt or something. I doubt that it'll break a world record of this nature (I'm pretty sure that someone on this earth would've married off an oldie who was over 99 sometime), but it'll still be a personal record at least! So no, I won't attempt to break Ilse's ongoing record or anything. That's assuming I get to over 90 years anyway. There's a good chance I might not!

This will be good for a few reasons. Valma's existence on the white Version 4 will make only three of my Version 4s able to have me obtain more adults, so this will extend their replayability a bit. It will also give me a personal achievement to aim for, and also a chance for me to bond with a certain Tama for ages! If I reach Valma's goal of over 90 years, she will be around for a loooong time, since these days I can only have a couple of Tama-years pass each week! For all I know, Valma could live for a good part of a whole human year!

My considerably less concise plan for Gina is to hope she becomes a Kuchi. There is a chance, since her father was a Kuchipatchi, but we'll see! And for Sae, since I haven't had many characters so far, I'll run her as normal and just let randomness decide what adult she becomes. As long as it's not one I had before, then it's fine!


So, after this rather lengthly speech about my plans, I started up the four babies at 2:45 PM. Due to Ash's experiment, I gave her decreased priority as opposed to the other babies, and additionally only fed her snacks.

At the half-hour mark (When babies have their 5-minute nap), I did accidentally turn Ash's lights off, avoiding her care miss for the baby stage! Ah well, there are still plenty of nights to remember to leave the lights on in later life stages.

The other three were raised pretty normally. I went pretty well with them, and I think Gina was the only one who fell to two hearts (Hungry) once. When it was time to evolve...


Ash became a Marutchi. No surprise there, since she was pretty pudgy by this time (Well over 30 lbs), even though she had a good-care father. This means that she's guaranteed to become an Oniontchi as a teenager. For her desired bad-care path then, so far so good!

(And yes, she needed to go to the toilet right after she evolved, and I forgot to take another photo... so that's all I got! Sorry...)


Valma became a Puchitchi. Also very predictable, given her Meme father. Her Meme genes are another reason why I selected Valma for the "Old Parent" goal; she will follow a boring Meme growth pattern for her youthful stages and she'll be unremarkable unless she does something special like this.


Sae became a Kuchitamatchi, which seems to appear a lot on this Version 4.5. While I've obtained all of the other child characters on this Tama, I've had Kuchitamatchi by far the most. I actually don't know how the Version 4.5's child character system works (I know a whole lot more about the other versions), so it's interesting if I get Kuchitamatchi simply by chance or if it's because of something I'm doing. Who knows?


And finally, it seemed that Gina broke the genes of both her parents and went the Meme route by becoming a Mizutamatchi! I guess most of my hopes for a Kuchi character have fallen yet again. I wonder if it was caused by the two-hearts incident before, though I'll never know for certain.

Mizutamatchi does have a small chance of becoming a Kuchi teen, but it more likely becomes a Meme, which kinda sucks since I've had Memetchi and Violetchi so many times now. I'll just have to wait and see what she does when she next evolves.

Anyway, after this, the four girls continued to be raised as before, but without nearly as many checks obviously, given the child stage. Of course, Valma, Gina and Sae enrolled in pre-school. After this, their raising was quite uneventful. However, it is exciting to see Valma here especially, as it is the beginning of our hopefully longer-than-usual time together! I wish Valma luck!

Anyway, I'd better get to the others for Sunday. Rose just breezed through with nothing to report. It was the final day of teenagehood for Ramos and Flint though, and by nightfall I was very excited to see what they'd become. During the day, Ramos got his final bar of training, so it's now full!

This brings me to Monday. In the morning, before I got to work, I was so anxious to see Ramos and Flint evolve that I decided to wake them up (By changing the clock) at about 7:00 AM. I woke Flint up first, waited about 15 seconds, and he became...


...Huh? What? Mimitchi?...I don't get it! No! It can't be! This has to be a nightmare! NNNNNUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!

So... my fail-proof plan... actually failed? That's just... so weird. It makes no sense too. I gave Flint a care miss by leaving his lights on for one night as a teenager, and when I did the same with his mother (Karen), she downgraded to the second tier, meaning that a single care miss makes a Tama downgrade. So why Mimitchi? Did I give him such good care that it made up for the care miss or something? *Sigh*

With this disappointment, I counted on Ramos to uplift my spirits. I woke him up, waited for a minute, checked my screen, and...





:mimitchi: :mimitchi:



This time, I reached the right tier, but I lost out on the 66% success chance yet again! The exact same happened with Ramos' (And Flint's) mother, Karen, who reached the second tier, but became a Memetchi which was the only character that I didn't want!

...I really must have gotten rotten luck! In fact, I don't think this result could have been any worse! Don't get me wrong, I think Mimitchi is really cool, but I just need change! Y'know, something more exclusive like Chohimetchi or Hidatchi or something. It's kinda like having too much of the same treat. For instance, I love marshmallows, but I get tired of them if I eat too many in a short time! I mean, I just need something different, like ice cream! Anything else will do! I just need a break from marshmallows for a while! You know what I'm saying, right?!

"No! Marshmallows are really cool! You should eat them all day every day!" *Pyong*

Who are you? You don't sound like Yuji.

"Don't you know who I am? Do you need me to tell you?" *Pyong*

I mean, it's not like I can instantly know who you are if we haven't met before...

"I'm the Mimitchi Overlord, doofus!" *Pyong* "You should know my voice! You get Mimitchi all the time, right?" *Pyong*

Mimitchi Overlord? What do you even do, anyway?

"I spam good carers with Mimitchi!" *Pyong* "Because Mimitchi is the best!" *Pyong*

Wait, so you're saying that you did this?

"Maybe!" *Pyong*

Hey, don't mess around! I need answers!

"Seeya! I'll be back to give you even more Mimitchi goodness!" *Pyong*


Okay, that's weird. Even weirder than Yuji... Talking about him, I wonder why he didn't appear today? *Sigh* anyway, I guess it's time to bring out the good ol' Hohotchi costume again, once I run Flint next time. I actually don't have the Kigurumitchi costume on my Version 2, so I suppose I should get it with the secret codes, assuming I hadn't used the codes once before.

Well anyway, that's all for the Tama news. Time for stats!

Stats for Ash (Version 1, Black shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 3/9 bars
Age: 1 year
Weight: 43 lb
Style: Girl
Generation: 8G
Stage: Child
Evolution: ShiroBabytchi > Marutchi

Stats for Ramos (Version 2, Flowery Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 6 years (Actually 4)
Weight: 30 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 10G
Gotchi Points: 4,025
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Petitchi > Kuribotchi > Hinatchi > Mimitchi

Stats for Flint (Version 3, Red shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 4 years
Weight: 31 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 7,111
Stage: Adult
Evolution: KuroTeletchi > Kuchitamatchi > Young Mimitchi > Mimitchi

Stats for Rose (Version 4, Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 6/9 bars
Skill Points: 52 Intelligence / 7 Fashion / 121 Social
Age: 6 years
Weight: 32 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 37,978
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Young Memetchi > Violetchi
Occupation: Fire Fighter

Stats for Valma (Version 4, White/Rainbow shell)
Hunger: 3/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 2/9 bars
Skill Points: 19 Intelligence / 28 Fashion / 10 Social
Age: 0 years
Weight: 11 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 52,350
Stage: Child
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Petitchi
Occupation: Pre-schooler

Stats for Gina (Version 4, Flowery Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 3/9 bars
Skill Points: 17 Intelligence / 30 Fashion / 7 Social
Age: 0 years
Weight: 15 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 52,020
Stage: Child
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi
Occupation: Pre-schooler

Stats for Prima (Version 4, Snowy Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Skill Points: 84 Intelligence / 44 Fashion / 89 Social
Age: 4 years
Weight: 32 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 62,940
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Ringotchi > Marotchi
Occupation: School Student (Social Class)

Stats for Sae (Version 4.5, Globe shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 2/9 bars
Skill Points: 26 Humour / 12 Glamour / 37 Spiritual
Age: 0 years
Weight: 15 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 8G
Gotchi Points: 89,299
Stage: Child
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi
Occupation: Pre-schooler

That's everything, again! I don't know when exactly I'll be back, but it'll probably be in a few days.
Oh, and before I forget, thanks Popgotchi for liking a previous episode! I'm enjoying your M!x log as well, so I encourage you to keep at it!

Good luck to you all on your own Tama adventures! I'm pretty sure that you'll have better luck than me as of recent, anyway...
Last edited by a moderator:
Episode 40

Hello again! Man, I'm such a slacker, aren't I? Well, I guess that's part of the reason on why I haven't had a log episode here in about a week. I've also been very busy though, so I guess I can call that an excuse. I've been so busy in fact, that I was only able to run my Tamas last Wednesday and Thursday since the last episode! I did have some events during the weekend though, which you'll see below...

This episode also took a number of days to write. I've been so hammered with tiredness and obligations that I could only do small bits of this each day, making me slow this episode's writing process to a crawl. I think I'm at the busiest I've been since I joined TamaTalk, in fact. It will continue for a few more weeks at least too. I now can't run my Tamas on weekends at all, actually. Life can be so inconvenient at times...

But anyway, there is a decent amount of stuff to cover, hence why this is here now.

This is one of those episodes where almost nothing happened on one day and much more stuff occurred on the other. In this case, Wednesday was the rather empty afternoon. The only thing that really happened was that Prima finally got into the world of employment!

After she graduated, Prima began looking for jobs, as usual. But actually landing one seemed to be a bit of an issue...


She was rejected from no less than 3 jobs! From my vague memory, I think that those three were the laboratory, the restaurant and the music studio. This interested me greatly because I've never commonly had Tamas that had a hard time getting jobs. It wasn't until Prima applied at the Pre-school that she got success:


Phew! I think that Prima's situation arose due to the distribution of her skill points. From her Teenager stage onward, I mostly played Shape to keep her happiness up (It's my most preferred Version 4 game), but in order to make her become a Marotchi I raised her Social points mainly through School. As a result, the points in those two categories were pretty well-balanced with Social having the slightly higher value. Both figures were just under 100, and I think that 100 is just about the threshhold in terms of a Tama reliably landing a job without difficulty. So I think that for the best success of a job, it's best to concentrate on one skill especially.

But yeah, that was practically everything memorable on Wednesday. Everyone else went like normal, and the four kids that I began raising last Monday afternoon stayed in their Child stage. It wasn't until Thursday that they turned 1 year old and became old enough to be teenagers! I unpaused them, one by one, and...


Sae became an Ura Young Memetchi. As of that time, she's exactly followed her grandmother (Hana's) growth.

Valma became Sae's non-Ura counterpart, Young Memetchi! No surprise there, having had a recent family history of Memeness. :) :)


Then, Gina evolved into an Ichigotchi. Guess that Mizutamatchi's larger Meme possibility was the one that was chosen after all... -_-
And of course, Ash turned into the only teenager that Marutchi can become on even generations: Oniontchi!

An hour later, Valma, Sae and Gina obviously got enrolled at school. I picked Mr. Turtlepedia for Valma, Ms. Flower for Gina and Mr. Canvas for Sae:


At that time, I decided to have Valma become a Ponytchi as an adult, mostly because (1) I've had Ponytchi the least-recently of the Meme female adults and (2) Ponytchi is a human-like character like Otokitchi, making the two fitting for each other. Therefore, when Valma becomes a senior, it will be almost like she aged into an older version of herself! The same thing happened with Robin, the first Otokitchi I've raised since I restarted the Tamas.

Despite my huge exposure to Memetchi over these past few months, I put Gina into the Fashion class anyway, since I currently have a Violetchi (Rose) and Memetchi is therefore my second choice after Ponytchi.

Finally, I put Sae into the Social class to get Ura Violetchi, which I believe requires spiritual points in the Ura Meme family.

Thursday was also a special day for Rose. She was 6 years old for a while by this time, so naturally, she started getting Matchmaker visits! At 3:00 PM, she came to offer a Pyonchitchi.


I declined, of course, because Pyonchitchi's Universal genes would do nothing to get Rose's family out of the Meme loop. So I waited. Luckily, at 7:00 PM...


The Matchmaker took my suggestion and brought Rose a Kuchipatchi! Of course, I accepted, and Rose had a baby boy! I decided shortly afterwards that I'll use Rose's baby in Tamadonut's Summer Hatch (https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/194407-summer-hatch-2017/), since it's coming up soon! Therefore, after Rose leaves, I'll leave him unnamed until the 1st of June.

I also connected Flint and Prima, making the two fall in love. On Thursday, I tried to marry Prima and Flint, since Prima got her job, meaning the two could breed. However, they didn't for some reason. I decided to try the next day. I couldn't run my Tamas as a whole on Friday (Too tired/busy, as previously explained), but I did have the chance to quickly unpause Flint and Prima to connect them and see. Surely enough...


They married and had baby girls! Congrats, you two!

Sorry that there weren't many photos; my other ones from the marriage process were very blurry, so I decided to not edit them in. You all know what it looks like, anyway. Too bad that Flint became a Mimitchi, since it wouldn't help Prima's daughter in the genes department, but oh well. If only he got into the second tier like I wanted...

Interestingly, I haven't put the Hohotchi costume on Flint yet. I guess I wanted him to marry in his true form. Anyway, I think I will do it when I next run him.

"Don't do that!" *Pyong*

Huh, wait... you're that Mimitchi Overlord or whatever, aren't you?

*Pyong* "You're finally getting it, doofus! Now I'm gonna make you get everything else about my cause!" *Pyong*

What do you mean?

"When I'm done with you, you're gonna love Mimitchi waaaaaaay more than that dumb-looking bird costume of yours!" *Pyong* "You're gonna wish you had a Mimitchi costume instead, which you'll wanna put on any adult you get!" *Pyong*

If you think you can topple Hohotchi as my favourite Tamagotchi character, you're not off to a good start.

"You're wrong!" *Pyong* "You're gonna love Mimitchi sooooo much that you'll make a new account with the username Mimitchi-HO7!" *Pyong*


"Just you watch! Bye-bye!" *Pyong*


This Mimitchi Overlord seems to be all talk... I guess that's a good thing in the end. Talking about Mimitchi, Flint's brother, Ramos, is still going well, though he's the only one who hasn't done anything since last episode. I've only had limited success with Slot, since Mimitchi's mouth in its happy sprite looks similar to its mouth in the angry and sad sprites (I keep getting it wrong as a result). Unlike Flint, I'll have to marry Ramos off using the Matchmaker in a couple of Tama years' time.

Anyway, since then, my Tamas had remained paused through the entire weekend, as I had so much stuff and so many obligations to do. At least... I thought they were! You see, I did indeed have some more Tama adventures during the weekend, even though they weren't... planned. Let me tell you the rest...

So, long story short, I had to leave the house for almost the whole day on Saturday. When I came back, I slumped on my bed, exhausted. But I wasn't there for long because I heard a Tamagotchi attention beep from my bedside table! Panicked and confused, I checked them, and I found that poor Gina was unpaused, and was sick, with all-empty hearts on both meters and no less than 6 messes! I checked my other Tamas to see if they were all right, and 6 of my 7 others were paused and fine. But Ash was unpaused, as her clock was running (At an incorrect time)! I found her asleep, with the exact same problems as Gina!


I was a quite flustered, so I only took a photo of Ash. I tended to Gina first, since she was awake, and so I cleaned her up. I think she was pretty close to death; I'm really glad that she beeped for attention that time I rested on my bed. If she didn't, then the first sounds I could've heard may have been the dying chimes! :(

She was also 3 years old on her age counter (She was 1 when I last saw her), so she might have been unpaused since Friday morning, if it's even possible for a Tama to live for two days without any care at all.

I then recovered Ash, and played the Jump game (For the first time possibly since the baby stage) to get her happiness up. After Ash's recovery, I sent Gina to school 10 times to up her Fashion points, as she's missed too much opportunity to get some before due to the unpausing.

I decided after this that I will not continue Ash's care experiment, as she's received more than enough neglect due to that period of being unpaused! In fact, I think she's pretty much guaranteed to become a Gozarutchi when she evolves. I'm also pretty certain that Gina will become a Masktchi (Instead of Memetchi) due to the neglect she's had. On one side, I'm pretty excited for these two characters, since I haven't had them in years, but I'm also pretty upset because I really don't like all-out neglecting Tamas to achieve my goals, even if it was accidental.

When the full recovery was done, I paused the two again, having had more than enough Tama business for the day. I've kept them all paused since then, partly so I could finish this episode and also to give myself a bit of a Tama-break from that aforementioned fright! I also moved my Tamas from my bedside table to my bookshelf, where I can't touch their buttons accidentally. I'll never really know how the two of them became unpaused, but it was either from me failing to pause them in the first place (i.e. I didn't do the button combinations properly but didn't realise), or they got unpaused somehow, sometime after they did get paused (Due to me accidentally pressing their buttons while moving them or doing things on my bedside table).

So yeah, this was my surprise Tama event that I recieved on the weekend. That concludes the content for this episode, so it's time for stats:

Stats for Ash (Version 1, Black shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Age: 5 years
Weight: 59 lb
Style: Girl
Generation: 8G
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: ShiroBabytchi > Marutchi > Oniontchi

Stats for Ramos (Version 2, Flowery Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 7 years (Actually 5)
Weight: 36 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 10G
Gotchi Points: 4,223
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Petitchi > Kuribotchi > Hinatchi > Mimitchi

Stats for Flint (Version 3, Red shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 5 years
Weight: 34 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 7,787
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: KuroTeletchi > Kuchitamatchi > Young Mimitchi > Mimitchi

Stats for Rose (Version 4, Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 6/9 bars
Skill Points: 58 Intelligence / 8 Fashion / 142 Social
Age: 7 years
Weight: 33 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 41,068
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Young Memetchi > Violetchi
Occupation: Fire Fighter

Stats for Valma (Version 4, White/Rainbow shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 6/9 bars
Skill Points: 37 Intelligence / 34 Fashion / 10 Social
Age: 2 years
Weight: 16 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 54,050
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Puchitchi > Young Memetchi
Occupation: School Student (Intelligence Class)

Stats for Gina (Version 4, Flowery Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 6/9 bars
Skill Points: 36 Intelligence / 79 Fashion / 20 Social
Age: 3 years
Weight: 5 lb (Ichigotchi Glitch rampaging around again)
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 55,070
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Ichigotchi
Occupation: School Student (Fashion Class)

Stats for Prima (Version 4, Snowy Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Skill Points: 106 Intelligence / 44 Fashion / 99 Social
Age: 5 years
Weight: 37 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 6G
Gotchi Points: 66,940
Stage: Adult (Parent)
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Harutchi > Ringotchi > Marotchi
Occupation: Pre-school Supervisor

Stats for Sae (Version 4.5, Globe shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 6/9 bars
Skill Points: 32 Humour / 26 Glamour / 83 Spiritual
Age: 2 years
Weight: 18 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 8G
Gotchi Points: 90,799
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Ura Young Memetchi
Occupation: School Student (Spiritual Class)

Again, I'm really sorry for this episode coming so late. I just have a quite demanding schedule at the moment, and I can't run my Tamas on weekends for the time being. I'm still also a bit emotionally wierded out from the accidental neglect of Gina and Ash. But anyway, I will try to improve things from now on. I'll unpause my Tamas again starting from tomorrow, and from there I hope I can do another episode by the weekend.

While I can't run the Tamas during the weekend at the moment, I now have Tuesday free again for the next while (Hence why this was posted on a Tuesday, Australian time), so I can at least have more time during the week to tend to this log.

And before I forget, when I enter Rose's child into Tamadonut's Summer Hatch, I will log him in a different approach to my previous hatch (The Tama-Thon Marathon). Because I'm having just one Tama in this hatch, I will run my eight units like normal, so this log will not be interrupted. The only difference will be that I will log Rose's child in the hatch instead of here. I will also run him as often as possible, in order to log him most days, if not every day. Therefore, his ageing will go faster than my other ones. So don't worry, this log will run like normal! With just one Tama in the group hatch, I will be able to run him on some days that I can't run the other seven, mostly because caring for one Tama is much easier than eight.

Anyway, thank you all for sticking with me and my sloppy time management! And thank you to x.Optimistic for liking the last episode too! You're doing a much better job in keeping up your great log in comparison to me, so I congratulate you on that! Keep it up!
As I said above, I hope the next episode will be in a few days. But until then, good luck with your own Tama adventures, and let there be no near-Tama-death experiences like with me!
Episode 41

Hi again! Yeah I did miss the deadline again... I almost finished it on Sunday but couldn't upload the photos before getting too tired. So I had to do the rest on Monday afternoon...

At least there's some good news. I ran my Tamas on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday last week. This would have been a bit too much for a single episode normally, but nothing happened on Wednesday, so I realistically speaking have just two days to write about like normal. The Tamas did age more than usual though, so we're going to see a fair amount of evolutions here.

So, let's begin! As said before, Wednesday went along fine but uneventfully. I did begin to take proper care of Ash though, by playing Jump whenever she was unhappy. Her weight began to steadily decrease, and dropped from almost 60 lb to about 50 throughout the afternoon.

Gina was also cared for properly, to her delight. Despite being 3 years old though, she did not evolve throughout the whole day. I guess that the huge amount of pausing that she's had has mucked her aging up. I figured that she would evolve the next day, after waking up/unpausing.

Luckily, I was right when I came home on Thursday afternoon. I took out my camera, unpaused Gina, and about 20 seconds later...


"Nooooooooooooooooooo! :( "

Huh? Who was that?


Hmm, that's weird. Anyway, so Gina became a Masktchi after all! I was excited to see Masktchi after so long, but I also feel sorry for the neglect I've given Gina to (accidentally) achieve that character...

But all things said, I actually like Masktchi as a character, because her shyness makes her relateable to me (I'm also pretty shy - I like Tosakatchi for that as well). In addition, she gives off a mystifying vibe because, well, of her mask. Too bad that you can only get her from neglect.

After Gina evolved, I sent her to school 10 more times so I could get her more Fashion points. She was a bit behind while in her teenager stage due to her time being unpaused (And uncared for). After this was finished, I got her Fashion points up to 119, making her employable (I think so anyway).

Thursday also proved to be the last day for Rose, Flint and Prima, as they left at midnight. During both Wednesday and Thursday, I had Flint in the Hohotchi costume.

Friday was the most eventful day. I knew it was time for Ash to evolve, and I also noticed in the morning that Valma and Sae turned 3, meaning that they would evolve as well. So in the afternoon, I unpaused them, and...


Just as I expected, Sae became an Ura Violetchi and Valma turned into a Ponytchi. Also, like I anticipated from the neglect, Ash evolved into a Gozarutchi, which is on the lowest tier in even generations.

"Whyyyyyyyy? My plan failed?!"

Hey, it's that same voice again. Who are you?

"You did this to trick me, didn't you? :angry: "

Now there's a way to dodge my question.

"You make me mad! I am the one and only, the Memetchi Overlord!"

Memetchi Overlord? You mean, Memetchi has an Overlord or whatever, just like Mimitchi does?

"Of course, dummy! Every Tamagotchi character has an Overlord! And I am the Overlord that represents all Memetchi in the universe!"

Right. So why were you all upset just now?

"Because you blew my chances on giving you two Memetchi at the same time, you dumb dummy! -_- If it weren't for your neglect, then Gina would be a happy Memetchi! Same with Ash too! If she hadn't have dropped too many tiers, she would have become a Memetchi just like Gina!"

Ah, that makes sense. You know, you Overlords don't seem like good... beings? Whatever you are, you all just seem to try and get me the same character over and over again. That's not what I want at all! I like some diversity around here, because it not only keeps things exciting for me, but it also keeps things exciting for the rest of TamaTalk and whoever else reads this log.

"How dare you insult Memetchi! You know what, you don't seem like a good person either! I was trying to turn you good, you know! I read your entire log, and I saw all of the Memetchi insults you made! So I was trying to make you like Memetchi by having both Gina and Ash become Memetchi at the same time. Then you'd have a double-dose of Memetchi awesomeness, and then you'll love Memetchi more than you love buses! You'll have Memetchi posters all over your room and wear Memetchi T-shirts to work! But nope, you blew it all with that neglect. I actually don't think that your neglect was accidental! I think that the Masktchi and Gozarutchi Overlords paid you to get their characters instead! :p "

Well, that's a bold accusation. But, it isn't true.

"Can you prove it?"

You read my log, right? Surely, you can remember my previous episode.

"But that's not proof! You can make up anything you like on TamaTalk! That's the thing with the internet, you can lie all you like!"

Well, you're technically right actually, now that I think about it.

"See? So because of that, I don't like you at all! But I'm going to make you Memetchi's biggest fan! Just you see... I'm going to open your eyes and make you see how good Memetchi are!"

Good luck. You'll need it.

"No I won't!" *Disappears*

Man, now I have two Overlords trying to get me certain characters... ugh. But anyway, at least this one's gone for now.

There is one more major thing from Friday. Since Rose, Flint and Prima went away the previous night, there were three babies crying, waiting to be named!


Right after this photo, I put the green Version 4 away and left it on this screen, as Rose's baby will not be named until he participates in the Summer Hatch on the 1st of June. Meanwhile, I named Flint's daughter Ann and Prima's daughter Ruth.


Then, the two babies began their independent lives! Like with many of my newborn Tamas though, I quickly made plans for them. What I decided to do for Ann was to give perfect care of her but keep the lights on twice during the teenager stage. I chose this because I am aiming for either the second or third tiers, where hopefully I can obtain either Biluotchi (Second), Paparatchi or Mimiyoritchi (Both Third). Of course, I can get Kuchipatchi, Memetchi or Tarakotchi, too, but eh, I'll have to risk it unless I want to actually neglect her.

I decided on two care misses this time because I'm not actually sure if one care miss guarantees a drop to the second tier now. Flint's evolution into a top-tier Mimitchi after a single care miss threw the whole fact into question for me. I want to see if two care misses will give me a more secure entry to the second tier or if it will actually drop to the third. Either way, there is at least one character in each tier that I haven't gotten yet.

In addition to this generation, the result will have me learn on Ann's eventual offspring as well. I want to make sure I cement the next generation in the even generation second tier again, which was what I failed to do with Flint. So basically Ann will also educate me on whether having two care misses will be a reliable method on making the second tier.

As for Ann's sister Ruth, she has Mame blood through and through, given her Mimitchi and Marotchi parents. So unless I control that, she's a guaranteed Harutchi. After much thought, I landed on the decision to try the trick I did with Rose again (Aiming for a Universal teen by keeping hearts full but use snacks instead of games). I know that while it failed with Rose, I think I have a possible reason why; I raised Rose as normal during the baby stage and only started to fatten her up when she became a child. She also had a few skill points; not much mind you (Under 10 in all categories), but still some.

I decided that I would fatten Ruth up from the get-go, so she would have little-to-no skill points and an even higher weight. With this, I hope she'll have a higher chance of becoming a Universal teen (Ojotchi or Hawaikotchi). Then, if it works, I'll finally start bringing her skill points and health up, and I'll have a small chance of having her become a Kuchi by adulthood. It's not a good chance but it's better than another guaranteed Mame generation.

So, because of these plans, I only played games with Ann and stuffed Ruth with snacks to keep her satisfied. I did play Jumping Rope with Ruth once at the very beginning though; this was before I decided on Ruth's path. So she did get 6 Social points, but nothing else.

After their one-hour stage, the two evolved and became...


Tamatchi and Mizutamatchi, respectively!

I was quite surprised on Ann becoming a Tamatchi, since I get Kuchitamatchi a lot. Tamatchi is also one of the "bad" child characters in the Version 3, even though she came from a perfect-care parent and to my knowledge got good care as a baby (No drops to 2 hearts). Ah well, I'll never know. Tamatchi is more refreshing at the moment anyway.

And Ruth's evolution into Mizutamatchi (The "bad" Version 4 child character) must've shown that the fattening did some effect on her. I think she was almost 30 lb by that stage. Here's to hoping that it drops her to Universal status by teenagehood!

Of course, Ruth entered pre-school an hour later, but I have no intention on her going to it. I need as little skill points as possible! Other than that, the two were raised uneventfully since.

While Ruth's weight was rising, a rehabilitating Ash was losing hers! She eventually got down to just under 40 lb by Friday night, so another day of raising will probably get her back down to base weight for the first time since she was initially fed as a baby.

There was one last thing that happened with Gina on Friday. About 30 seconds before she was due for bed at 10:00 PM, she received her job notification. I rushed upstairs to grab my camera, but, you guessed it, she was already asleep when I came back. :D So she still has the notification in the mail. It'll pretty much be guaranteed that Gina's job search will be the first event covered in the next episode.

Anyway, this is all for now. It's time for stats!

Stats for Ash (Version 1, Black shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 7 years
Weight: 40 lb
Style: Girl
Generation: 8G
Stage: Adult
Evolution: ShiroBabytchi > Marutchi > Oniontchi > Gozarutchi

Stats for Ramos (Version 2, Flowery Green shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 9 years (Actually 7)
Weight: 35 lb
Gender: Boy
Generation: 10G
Gotchi Points: 5,717
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Petitchi > Kuribotchi > Hinatchi > Mimitchi

Stats for Ann (Version 3, Red shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 2/9 bars
Age: 0 years
Weight: 14 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 9,461
Stage: Child
Evolution: Teletchi > Tamatchi

Stats for Valma (Version 4, White/Rainbow shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 8/9 bars
Skill Points: 121 Intelligence / 34 Fashion / 10 Social
Age: 4 years
Weight: 36 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 57,050
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Puchitchi > Young Memetchi > Ponytchi
Occupation: School Student (Intelligence Class)

Stats for Gina (Version 4, Flowery Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Skill Points: 66 Intelligence / 119 Fashion / 20 Social
Age: 4 years
Weight: 27 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 56,370
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Ichigotchi > Masktchi
Occupation: School Student (Fashion Class)

Stats for Ruth (Version 4, Snowy Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 3/9 bars
Skill Points: 0 Intelligence / 0 Fashion / 6 Social
Age: 0 years
Weight: 38 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 71,340
Stage: Child
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi
Occupation: Pre-schooler

Stats for Sae (Version 4.5, Globe shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 8/9 bars
Skill Points: 40 Humour / 26 Glamour / 123 Spiritual
Age: 4 years
Weight: 31 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 8G
Gotchi Points: 93,399
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Ura Young Memetchi > Ura Violetchi
Occupation: School Student (Spiritual Class)
So here's the end of yet another episode. While I didn't improve much this time from last, I hope that I will run my Tamas from Tuesday through to Friday afternoons this week, enabling me to write two episodes before Sunday. I will be proud of myself if I succeed!

But before then, it will be up to you to wonder if I do indeed succeed in my task that I set upon myself. Until I next emerge in this thread, I hope you do well in your own Tamagotchi adventures!

P.S. By the way, thanks for the 1,500 views! You're all really cool!

Episode 42

Hi all! So I couldn't keep to my word unfortunately... I don't think I can at all at this rate. I was only able to run the Tamas again from Wednesday to Friday. I had to skip Tuesday again because I had unexpected family commitments. In addition, Friday was a rather empty day, so I had another case where I could fit three days in an episode. I think I should stop making all of these promises because they are about as empty as a vacuum at this point. But without further ado, it's time to get onto these recent Tama happenings!

As predicted last time, Gina recieved the first significant event. When I unpaused her on Wednesday afternoon, she had the notification icon flashing in her letter box (From the other night), so she promptly graduated school and started finding a job!


Gina had no difficulty getting employment, despite her troubled past. The first place I had her apply was the bakery and she got it without a hassle! Congratulations, Gina! Sorry for the weird issue in the pictures; I think there was way too much light.

The only other major Wednesday event came under the topic of Ramos' romantic life. I was doing stuff on my computer when I checked the Tamas at about 7:10 PM, and I noticed the Matchmaker in Ramos' shell! I really don't know why they shortened the time that the Matchmaker stays so much in the Version 4. It's like Bandai really wanted to promote the Senior stage or something.

Anyway, that aside, the Matchmaker offered a Debatchi. I accepted, and the two married on first sight!


Ramos had a baby girl!

Interestingly, Sae got a notification in her mailbox to graduate school right before she went to bed on Wednesday night, like with Gina. I left it there for Thursday because it was pretty dark and I would rather take photos during the day. When I unpaused Sae the next afternoon (She was unpaused first), I sent her to search for a job.


I found the weightlifting job among the ones offered, and since I've never had it before, I had Sae apply for it. If the images don't tell already, she got it first-go, which is really cool! I played it as well, and it's a nice, quick game that easily gets happiness up.

With Sae's employment catered to, I realised that it would be time for the sisters Ann and Ruth to become teenagers. So I unpaused them, and...


"Aww Yeah! B) "

Huh? Wait, I know that voice...


She went away already? Gee, the Memetchi Overlord really knows how to sneak around.

Anyway, yes, Ruth became an Ichigotchi... She still had only 6 skill points in total and was getting quite overweight. I think this just about destroys the myth that you can get a Universal teen with low skill points. I mean, if a measly total of 6 doesn't make your Tama fall below the premium standard, then I doubt that skill points has anything to do with it at all. I'm pretty sure now that you can only obtain a Universal teen with shoddy care, pure and simple; you'll need to do some actual neglect by keeping hearts empty. And it must be really bad care because with all of my accidental slip-ups I've done with my child characters in the past, I've still never gotten a Universal teen!

So, what should I do from here? Well, I think I'll continue fattening up Ruth, since I have a new plan for her. Since I only just discovered hints about how the teenage Universal characters actually work, I'm curious about how you get a Universal adult from a mainstream teen. I read on the internet that you get into the Universal family as an adult (From any teen) by having low skill points, and thereafter the specific character based on care levels as well. The three female Universal adults are Pyonkotchi, Hanatchi and Masktchi, and you get Pyonkotchi with low skill points but good care, and Hanatchi with low skill points and average care. Masktchi is different though, since she is obtained with severe neglect no matter how many skill points you have (As with what happened to Gina), effectively making Masktchi the very "worst" female adult in the Version 4.

I also found online that some sources say 30 total skill points to be the threshhold for a Universal, whereas others say 60. I discovered some time ago that Rose (Who I attempted the same fattening trick with and failed) had a bit under 60 skill points but still became a Violetchi, meaning that the 60 threshhold must be false. I guess that the total must be under 30 points, unless it's something else entirely. Anyway, 6 total points should cut below if such a thing is real.

Anyway, it's finally time for me to talk about Ann's evolution. She became a Pirorirotchi, which excited me because I never had this character before. It also interested me because Pirorirotchi is in the lower tier (Bad care) in odd generations. I can't recall letting Ann lose a lot of hearts, so I'm not sure why this occurred, though I have seen instances on other logs with some low-tier child Tamas becoming lower-tier teenagers as well, regardless of care. Anyway, who knows. I doubt it alone will affect Ann's adult form, because I've obtained perfect-care adults from bad-care teenagers on the Version 3 before.

Over the last while, I found myself to quite like Pirorirotchi, though I don't exactly know why. I think its sprite just gives a lot of personality. For instance, it looks innocent and happy when facing forward, but it shows a deeper side when it reveals its scary-looking teeth when sideways. It adds a lot of dimension to the character, as well as mystery. If you haven't realised already, I tend to like the "mysterious" characters the most.


When Ruth enrolled at school, I chose Mr. Turtlepedia's class so I can quickly gain her skill points once she becomes an adult. I play Shape most often from the teenager stage onwards on my Version 4s, so if I couple that with some school sessions, I can make Ruth's Intelligence points decent within a day after becoming an adult, giving me at least a chance to get her a job. It will be harder for me to do that if I choose either of the other two classes.

Talking about jobs, Valma got hers later in the afternoon:


She got a position at the School! It was one of three Intelligence-based jobs offered (Along with the Laboratory and News Station), but I chose the school because it was the most familiar minigame. This won't be the only job that Valma will have though, since she won't get married as a young adult (She still has around 90 years to go), meaning that she will switch jobs when she's 7 years old.


Very late on Thursday evening, I finally got Ash to her base weight. I realised that it was around 20 lb instead of 30 lb like on many other adults. It took a while, but I'm happy for Ash that it's been done! She must be feeling the best she's ever been in her life. I think that next time I unpause her, she should be or near the right age to get Matchmaker visits.

I have had an interesting time caring for Ash over the last couple of days. I firstly noticed that she is significantly needier than the top-tier adults I usually got on this Version 1. I certainly can't leave Ash for 2 hours without a heart dropping like I could with my various Mametchi and Mimitchi that I had in this shell, ewhom all seemed to be even more lax than my other adults. Interestingly, I haven't had Mametchi for a little while on any of my Tamas even though i used to get him a lot.

I'll also note Ash's late bedtime on the Version 1. In this version, the lowest-tier characters (Masktchi and Gozarutchi) go to bed at 11:00 PM (And wake up at 10:00 AM), which is quite exclusive because the bedtime was changed to 10:00 PM in later versions. I can see why; I go to bed before 11:00 PM on some nights and I did get woken up by Ash on one occasion with her beeping, wanting her lights turned off! Since Tamagotchis are marketed towards young kids who probably go to bed before 11 PM, I can see how this late bedtime would be disruptive.

I find Ash's late bedtime to be pretty cool though if I do stay up, either writing or playing video games; it's like Ash and I are chilling out together!

Also over the last couple of days, I actually did multiple care slips to Ann and got her down to 2 hearts on either hunger or happiness. I think Pirorirotchi is a quite needy character, being in the lowest teen tier after all. I didn't even leave her for any longer than the other Tamas; she just happened to lose two hearts multiple times between check-ups. Because of these slips, I decided to leave the light on only once with Ann, as I fear that doing it twice with those care slips could take her down too many tiers. I'll do the light trick the night before she evolves.

Ruth started to get as heavy as a NSWGR D57 class as of Friday! Well not really, but she nearly got to maximum weight (98 lb) by Friday night, and she's still in her teen stage. She actually gained weight faster than Ash did; the latter was still under 70 lb at the same point of her growth. I think that this is due to the Version 4's mail system; during her growth, Ruth got a number of snakes and messes in the mail like every other Version 4 Tama, emptying her happy hearts and forcing me to fill them with 3 or 4 snacks. It will be a long road for me to reduce her weight once she becomes an adult, but I hope I can do it.

And finally, Ramos left his baby on Friday turning into Saturday, at midnight. As of now, his baby is waiting to be named; I'll start her up on Monday when I next unpause my Tamas.

Anyway, that's all from me for now! Here are the stats:

Stats for Ash (Version 1, Black shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 3/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Age: 10 years
Weight: 24 lb
Style: Girl
Generation: 8G
Stage: Adult
Evolution: ShiroBabytchi > Marutchi > Oniontchi > Gozarutchi

Stats for Ann (Version 3, Red shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Age: 2 years
Weight: 21 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 6,063
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Teletchi > Tamatchi > Pirorirotchi

Stats for Valma (Version 4, White/Rainbow shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 8/9 bars
Skill Points: 158 Intelligence / 34 Fashion / 16 Social
Age: 6 years
Weight: 34 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 59,800
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Puchitchi > Young Memetchi > Ponytchi
Occupation: School Teacher

Stats for Gina (Version 4, Flowery Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 7/9 bars
Skill Points: 98 Intelligence / 139 Fashion / 25 Social
Age: 7 years
Weight: 22 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 61,970
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Ichigotchi > Masktchi
Occupation: Baker

Stats for Ruth (Version 4, Snowy Blue shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 9/9 bars
Skill Points: 0 Intelligence / 0 Fashion / 6 Social
Age: 2 years
Weight: 98 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 7G
Gotchi Points: 71,340
Stage: Teenager
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Mizutamatchi > Ichigotchi
Occupation: School Student (Intelligence Class)

Stats for Sae (Version 4.5, Globe shell)
Hunger: 4/4 hearts
Happiness: 4/4 hearts
Training: 8/9 bars
Skill Points: 48 Humour / 38 Glamour / 147 Spiritual
Age: 6 years
Weight: 34 lb
Gender: Girl
Generation: 8G
Gotchi Points: 96,199
Stage: Adult
Evolution: Tsubutchi > Kuchitamatchi > Ura Young Memetchi > Ura Violetchi
Occupation: Weightlifter
By the way, if you're anxious for more logging, you can read Tamadonut's summer hatch logs (https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/194463-summer-hatch-logs-%E2%97%95%E2%88%80%E2%97%95%E2%9C%BF/) which not only has posts from me in it (Starring Harry, Rose's son on my green Version 4), but also posts from a heap of other participants! If you haven't checked that out yet, then this other thread should keep you busy. I'll update in that more often than in this log as well (Since it's easier to log and care for a single Tama).

Anyway, I think that the group hatch will limit this log's update frequency a little bit, but at least this is still active. Anyway, until next episode, good luck with your own Tama adventures!
