Loggy for mwua!


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Well-known member
Dec 22, 2005
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Ok so,

First i got a tama named Kiwi!

and now it's a :p .

It was so very cute but i really DO NOT LIKE STARFISHES.*Annoyed look on face*

Man, y did she have to turn into a :hitodetchi: ......

Oh well, I would rather let it evolve into a Marutchi........

Kiwi looks very sweet when shes' asleep though.

-Kiro. :hitodetchi:

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Now Kiwi has 2 friends! Yay!

Now I'm trying to get her to be a Ringotchi (As u guyz probably know :D )

She now has 2 training bars and she's 0 years old!

I'm soo proud!

I don't have much time to play with her because I really don't want the teacher to throw a tantrum on me ;) .

Oh well......At least after I can play with her.

I always wished I could spend more time with her and finnaly the time has come,



P.S: All comments are allowed here!

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She's not evolving!!!!!

What happend?????

She is 1 year old and all that stuff but she's not evolving..........

:furawatchi: :ichigotchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi:


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It's really taking forever for Kiwi to evolve........

Now I'm really worried......

What if she dosen't evolve into a Ringotchi.............

O well, forget about that :) .

I finnaly saw kiwi taking a bath!!! She's soo sweet! It's really cute trust me.


Finnaly! Kiwi has 3 bars on her training!

But she still hasn't evolved yet.......

I hope she does soon!



Kiwi finnaly evolved!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With thanks to: Musicfreak, and Tama cream soda.


Yippee!!!!!!!! :furawatchi: :rolleyes: :wacko: :angry: :huh: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I guess i'm a little bit too overjoyed but it's really true!!!! My wish came true!!!

Kiwi's very very cute!

She still takes bathes and stuff.....

I used to play jump and get 100s all the time but now it's soo hard,

Kiwi should loose some weight :) !

I already have plans for when Kiwi has a baby,

if it's a boy I shall name him Siu and if it's a girl I will call her Soule.

I can't even wait!

Ur probably wondering what her stats r so here:

Hungry: Almost always full.

Happy: Same.

Training: 5.

Age: 1 year.

Weight: 26 lbs

Species: Ringotchi (YAY!)

Now she only has 1 bar to go before she has the whole thing full!

I can't wait!

Now after about 1 day she'll probably evolve.

Yay!! Tommorrow!!!


Kiwi wardly does anything...........

I wonder when....What will she evolve to? Wonderin.

Oh well soon she'll evolve. :huh:

-Kiro :)

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Now I've been thinking of better names. U guyz can help out! Tell me which ones r better by posting or Pming me. ^_^

Boys: Girls:

Toby Molly

Nol Kia

Coal Spark

Ice Aqua



PPPPIIIIIIIINNNNNNNKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hitodetchi: :mellow: ^_^ :furawatchi:


Kiwi evolved into a :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: !!!!

I hate PINK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NNOOOO!!!!!!!! My life is ruined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I didn't want one!!!!

Why do I deserve this???!!!???!!!???!!!

Nooooo..............................*Quiet sobs*

Kiwi's life is ruined!!!!Noo!!!!!!!!!!!Pink!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now I slowly will get used to it.....

It it sort of cute......

I think I like it!!(Not that it's pink.....)

She likes being clean, She brushes her teeth every once in a while.

I still like Kiwi the way she is. :(


Stats again:


training: Full

Age: 4 years

Weight:37 lbs


Kiwi just had babies!!!!!

Two little girls!!!!!!

They're very very cute.



But knowing Kiwi will soon be gone I'm sort of sad..........

I'm gonna name her baby Aqua.


Aqua poops alot and she always does nothing :mametchi: .

I wonder when Kiwi will leave.......I hope she dosn't.

Now I shall tell you about her life.

Petitchi, Hitodetchi, Ringotchi, Furawatchi

I took very exellent care of Kiwi when she was a Hitodetchi, but when she finnaly evolved into a ringotchi, I didn't take perfect care of her. I was at my friend's house and I didn't even have time to look after her......... :angry: :unsure: I hate myself.


Kiwi left the two twins Maxie and Aqua.

I will also be writing about Maxie on my friend's request.

Aqua is the older twin, she's a Bumpy thingy and Maxie is still a small shiropetitchi.

I miss Kiwi soo much......

Maxie poops alot and Aqua looks very funny........



Maxie evoleved!!!!

Into a :) !!!


Aqua tooks soo ugly......... :rolleyes: :wacko: :angry: :ph34r: :(

I miss Kiwi................


Maxie is lucky........But knowing that Aqua will still evolve, I'm not so worried.

I hope she evolves to a :angry: or an :D .

Aqua and Maxie are sleeping so I got to write again.

Aqua will hopefully evolve tommorrow night.

