Lolli's Great Adventure


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May 13, 2006
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Sunderland England
:unsure: Pop fed her baby Lolli a bottle of milk before putting her to sleep. It was the last time Lolli would see her. In the morning, Pop would be back in tamagotchi land.
when baby Lolli woke up she sat up in her bed. she streched her arms out wide and she rolled up the shades to see the morning sun.

"Pop!! O Pop! come here please."

there was no reply... all she wanted was her breakfast but there was no reply...

"Pop? POP???" She crawled into Pop's room and saw no one. "POP!!! Wahhh!!" Lolli cried. She wanted to run away, so she crawed out the door to her friend Jamie's house.

Lolli plopped down on the floor and started to cry. "What wrong?" Jamie asked. "Poppy leave me! Ferever!" Lolli sobbed. "Mommy and Daddy leave me too. Me sad. They leave earlier today." Jamie said.......

Lolli plopped down on the floor and started to cry. "What wrong?" Jamie asked. "Poppy leave me! Ferever!" Lolli sobbed. "Mommy and Daddy leave me too. Me sad. They leave earlier today." Jamie said.......
Then they started to get ready to go they packed their dipers with bottles of milk and all they would need but when they were on they train a nija jumped in :D and the driver jumped out the window and broke lots of bones...

They got KIDDNAPPED by the ninja's friend, a Maskutchi. They were taken to his house were they were tied up in ropes and trying to escape....

But no luck!! Jamie broke free and Lolli told her to sneak around and find out what Masktchi and Ninja were planning to do to them.

So Jamie snuck around the house and listened to Ninja and Masktchi the whole time...

and this is wat jamie heard: wat shall we do with them i know make them as slaves or....

Er, what are you saying?!

Anyway, Jamie was lucky because when she went back downstairs after hearing the Ninja and Masktchi talk, she saw Lolli had evolved!! She had broken free because she was bigger now. Then, Jamie evolved. Lolli was a Tamatchi, Jamie was a Mohitamatchi!!

so they ran (or squirmed in mohitamatchis case) back to Jamies but there were more ninjas there so the ran to lollis house but there were :D in lollis house then a masktchi grabbed lolli and said .........

"Do you want candy? Come to my house and you can get candy!" Lolli agreed, and Jamie tried to stop her but couldn't!

Then Jamie called, "Lolli! He's lying! And that is poisonous candy that he's giving you!"

"Shut your mouth, you little brat!" shouted a :huh: . Jamie shut her mouth and ran out the door. She squirmed up a tree and hid in the treefort, hidden by a bunch of leaves.

Lolli was running for the treefort too, when she got stuck in a maze. For the last part, it went 100 ways. She chose the 50th one, and got in the tree. Jamie cried, "Lolli! You finally got here!"

Lolli said, "Well, the people won't find us here!"

Jamie suddenly hissed, "Shh!!"


The :chohimetchi: talked to the :chohimetchi: about them running into the 100 streets, they then looked in streets 47,58,3,5 and 2 but not 50. :chohimetchi: :kusatchi: :chohimetchi: :mellow:

All of the sudden, a :mellow: jumped down into the treefort, darts ready to throw!

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when they were looking in the maze, lolli and her friend ran out ;) they just ceped running, and running, and running, and running, untill they reached a cliff. they looked down. :furawatchi: to see with there fery own eyes was a river full of sharks!!!!! :furawatchi: ;) ;) ;)

(every running i mean scerming) ;) :furawatchi: :p

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