Long distance relationship. what should i do?


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Well-known member
Jan 30, 2007
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there is this guy and we like eachother but he moved to texas and im in utah and i really really want this to keep going but ive heard it isn't good to so what should i do?????

plz help

Well...there's this website called Skype that you can use...You can call people up for free as long as they have a Skype account too. While you're talking, you can see each other if you've got a web cam. Hope I helped! ^^ (the link is www.skype.com btw)

If you feel it's going to work out and you want to go through with, I say go for it. If you ever feel like it's too much trouble you probably need to realize it might not work. Though, if you really like this guy, it's more likey it will work out.

I agree with majority of posts in here. It's all up to you really and if you can make it work, with as little stress as possible, then I say go for it. It does require a lot more effort though, just keep that in mind.

My first relationship was long distance, but our homes were only a few hours difference and compared to different states, it might be too much for you.

Just weigh out the pros and cons about this on a piece of paper. It can really help you figure out what you REALLY want. Good luck!

I've been through this stuff. It's not as bad as it sounds. Talk on the phone a lot, send letters with pics of each other and try to spend time with each other during the holidays. I find that the longer I'm apart, the more romantic is seems.

I dont mean to be rude, but, by reading your post I came to the conclusion you are no older than 12? Am I correct?

If I am, I know you like this boy, but you are young, do you think your relationship is going to last? Are you in love? Or do you just "really like" this boy? I know you like/love him, but I don't think its worth it. Sorry.

But, if you want to keep up the relationship, its up to you. =]

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If you think it will work, then you could at least try if you both really wanted to. My Mums friends Son had a long distance relationship with a woman he met on holiday, they got married last year and live together etc etc. So there is no guarantee it will or won't work as it's the same in all relationships. But right now they seem very happy so it's obviously turned out good for them. :angry:

Well, the only possible way you can communicate is by phone, e-mail, instant messenger, or by mail. Otherwise, you have no way whatsoever to communicate :)

the key to keeping any relationship alive (especially long distance ones) is communication. the phone, instant messaging, webcams, and maybe visiting each other every once in a while keeps that "spark" alive :mellow:

thnxz guys this really helped! we are in love. and i do that stuff (emailing IM calling) but it just doesn't seem that we talk often enough.


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