Long-Lived Oldies Hatch


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Sorry I haven't been updating, but Micky is now 7 years old. I rejected the Matchmaker once today before he fell asleep. More to come...


Clay is 17 years old.


He wrote something today; A letter to a friend? A novel? A song? I'm not sure, but he seemed to enjoy it.

Wow. I've really been neglecting this hatch you guys lately, and I'd like to make a sincere apology.

I'm really sorry, and so is Chalk as I didn't even post on his 20'th birthday! -_-

I promise to post more often in the future.

At the age of sixteen, Chalk joined the oldie club! Today he is a healthy-as-ever 25-day old tama, and I've got him several fun toys using binary's clever decoding system.

I took quite some pictures just today but just realised that photobucket is temporarily down, so they'll have to wait for later.

For now he's happy but slightly dizzy, as he just got buried in a rain of beanbags. (pics of that later)

My Uratama, Furui is a 12-day old UraMemetchi. I'm getting her a special matchmaker coupon to be able to get a bikkuri group character!

I don't really have time to write more now, but I'll be back soon.

Cheers! :D

Hey Jokus, nice to hear from you ^^ And good to know that Chalk is doing well ! I think your tama is the oldest of the hatch. He is 25 and my Mamie is 23 today ^^

and the unfortunately younger who could be except me?

snif...Tamfi is only 4yr adult...

Thorn...still lost...don't wanna talk about it... -_-

Yey! I'm happy everyones oldies are doing so well :D Milo is a youngster compared to Chalk and Mamie but I was so excited to see he had turned 19 today:


And he's still his usual chilled out self:


Yey! I'm happy everyones oldies are doing so well :D Milo is a youngster compared to Chalk and Mamie but I was so excited to see he had turned 19 today:


And he's still his usual chilled out self:


Jace died today ): He was fine this morning, I checked on him before lunch and he was gone D: I've already hatched a new egg, and I think I'm going to try again. The new baby is a girl named Noriko

Everyone's tamas are older than mine! ;_;

Sorry I haven't posted lately, I've been busy with school. :( but I am back! Everyone is older, surprisingly... Even though they have been on pause for two days. Except 'Ahuck', because I keep him on my lanyard all the time.





See you guyz later!

CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Tamfi started growing up too quickly!!!!! I was glad to see him pass two 2yrs today!!! He is 6 and I hope he will run up to 10 after this Monday!!!

Meanwhile my dad told me he is about to buy me a tamagotchi!!!! I mean... I have asked something between Idl and Tama-go but he doesn't say when or what... He just said it's so close!!!! So May and Tamfi will gain one more cute little friend!!!!! I wish Thorn was here for this moment... :(

PS: It seems I have the younger tama... What a shame for me... But who cares I'm so glad for everyone and I hope this lasts for too long!!! Good luck with our tamas!!!!!!!

Sorrry for Jace Tamafamily08... -_-

And concratilations Mimitchi!!! [ I love the blue shell :eek: ]

Congrats mimitchi and Sk1tt135! Better luck next time TAMAFAMiMY08 and I'm glad to hear Tamfi is doing so well. I really hope you find Thorn soon TAMAmaybeth. And as for Milo, he turned 20 years old today.


Here he is building what oldies build with the blocks:


Great pics Jokus ! I so love your tamas !

Here is what hapened like days ago...

I freaked out xD

But she has a new battery now. I'm a bit concerned though because the battery i put in at first was a new one... It's only been like less than 30 days... well. we will see.

Mamie is just fine. She came with me in my bag to visit my bf's grandma ^^ Looks alot like mamie in a way... hahaha just kidding ;)

Have a nice day ppl !

Aww Chalk's adorable! Milo turned 21 today:


I think he might be getting lazy in his old age...


Lorne is 13 years old today! He and I did a little reading today and finished this book. Since he's always with me, he'll be joining my book club this month to discuss the book on Friday. I don't think he'll do much discussing. He's more of an observer... :D


Lorne is 13 years old today! He and I did a little reading today and finished this book. Since he's always with me, he'll be joining my book club this month to discuss the book on Friday. I don't think he'll do much discussing. He's more of an observer... :D

Oh I love that book! Did you and Lorne enjoy it?

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