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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
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Posted on Jan 20 2006, 06:03 PM

:( :( I like this one but i don't know what it is called, does anyone know what it is called, is it a mimitchi?? :( I also really like this one :D


Haha! When I look back at my posts, its so funny! I can't believe I posted it!

In one topic, about twins, I quoted Tamamums post, and I was something like "Yes, I agree with tamamum, (Sorry I quoted!)"


I was scared, I though I was going to get banned if I quoted a guide. xD! I think it was my third post. I wasn't really a "What??" Kind of member, I tried to be helpful all the time.


I remember I went throught my "Guide Phase" Where I would only post in Help for new tmaagtochi pet owners, and have proper grammar, in hopes of being a guide.

I thought if you had like, 1 nice post, you were going to be a guide!

After I wasn't a guide, I got sad. :( I think I might have PMed Admin asking him why I wasnt a guide yet! LOL!


That was when I had like 100 posts. :D


NOW: I've realized one post doesn't make you a guide. I think I've smartened up.


Heehee, MY ACCOMPLISHMENTS: I am NOT scared to quote Tamamum! (Or any of the guides for that matter!) And I now, (though I would like to be a guide) Will just be myself, and will NOT PM admin or the guides begging to be one. :p


How have you changed from your first posts?

Oh gosh! :( I've changed ALOT more then you can imagine!

I used to always kinda be clueless. especially on my old account desmond_mycat! :D Here is one of my famous topics: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=32113&hl=

Haha! I used to think nobody liked me, and I had tons of immature questions. "Why is the couch talking on TamaTown?" I also used to stick up for tamagotchis by saying, "It's not your tamas fault it turned into a bad character! It's yours!" I also went through a guide faze back in....hm.....I think it was early August. Why did I get into the faze? Well, I got multiple PMs saying, "DO YOU THINK I SHOULD BE A GUIDE!?" and finally I thought, "Why not try to be one myself?" I don't really care that much anymore, and over the past time I've been on TT I've matured in many ways.

Thats me when I was a noobie! Ah, the good noobie days! :D


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Oh gosh! :( I've changed ALOT more then you can imagine!
I used to always kinda be clueless. especially on my old account mycat_desmond! :D Here is one of my famous topics: https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/index.php?showtopic=32113&hl=

Hahaa! I used to think nobody liked me, and I had tons of immature questions. "Why is the couch talking on TamaTown?" I also used to stick up for tamagotchis by saying, "It;s not your tamas fault it turned into a bad character! It's yours!" I also went through a guide faze aback in....hm.....I think it was early August. Why did I get into the faze? Well, I got multiple PMs saying, "DO YOU THINK I SHOULD BE A GUIDE!?" and finally I thought, "Why not try to be one myself?" I don't really care that much anymore, and over the past time I've been on TT I've matured in many ways.

Thats me when I was a noobie! Ah, the good noobie days! :D

Ha ha! That is such a funny topic. SEE!??!!?? I used to think no one answered my topics either. :( I guess they just have to be interesting. :(

For some reason the question "Why is the couch talking on tamatown??" Makes me rotflol! Heehee!

This is a great example of my average post!!! :D I used to use text talk- I just followed the example of other members, but I now realise how lazy it looked! :(

I've changed alot from the 24th July- the day after my 11th Birthday! :D

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I used to be a n00b. On my old account Tamatalks, I always used to make dumb posts... like once i made a topic saying DON'T BUY TAMAGOTCHIS FROM EBAY! EBAY IS EVIL!!!!

But I was only 7.

My first post was about a fake tama too. I gave that tama away a long time ago because it was fake! Ha! I've changed, but I do use TeXt talk when I'm in a hurry.

I changed alot... it's actually quite amusing to look at my old posts. Now I have no right to be skeptical at new people. :(

I found a guides old topic before they became a guide but I wont post it.


I think The newbies now were just like we were. Its funny to look back,..........

Oh yes, I've changed.. I posted to many Off-topic posts when I was 8. I got every topic I posted in closed for some reason... Was it me? Oh, and now I type with capitals.


Well i'm still the jerk i was from before but now i don't explicitly try to be to mebers i don't like and now i learned not to fear the guides and to state my opinion loud & clear and a made a freind which is rachelgotchi.

I was like very unkind... I wonder why *Thinks*

hahahaha it was soo strange though. My sister use to have this account and when I took this account over because I was new everyone thought I was weird.


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