Losing Weight.


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Jul 15, 2007
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New York
Hi. I really want to lose weight. I'm 13, 5 feet 3 in., and weight 136 pounds. I want to lose weight really bad, but I'm finding it so hard. How do you resist from eating bad food? I excercise enough, it's just what I eat. Any help? Tips and tricks??

I was approximately the same height and weight at the age, maybe even more. If you want to lose weight, proper exercise and a good amount of it should help. Even if you slip and eat some bad food, if you exercise enough, it won't bother you. Try balancing out your diet with healthier food. Maybe you could ask your doctor advice on what you should do?

You should also pay attention to the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. If you're athletic, most of your weight could be coming from your muscles. You may not have that much body fat at all. And you're bone structure also has a factor on your weight. Just because you may think the number is high doesn't mean its because you're fat and you need to lose weight.

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Try drinking ALOT of water while excersing.

I'm trying to lose 15 pounds xD

Make a grocery list for your parents and put a lot of healthy food on it so that you won't always be eating snack after snack after snack (like mee).

And since in summer, if it's not too late you should enroll in a sport or something, or go running when it's nice outside. You said you wanted your stomach to be flat again.....I think you should do crunches.. we had to do them at skating camp last year and they burnnn but they work ;)

And Wii Fit! It's fun and you can track a schedule and set a goal and stuff :D

Well, no matter how much ab work you do on your stomach, it won't be flat unless you burn off all of the fat on your body (do that with cardio exercise). If you think your stomach just isn't toned, then you should do ab workouts. Here's some of the stuff we do for swimming:

90 degree crunches (crunches, but with your legs held up at a 90 degree angle to your stomach)

Flutter kicks (put your hands under your bottom and lift your legs up off the floor. Do small, fast backstroke kicks without letting your feet touch the floor)

bicycles (like, the crunches where you do your legs too. You can probably look up how to do them)

V ups (lie flat on the ground with your arms above you. Lift your feet up off the floor and use your stomach to lift your core off the ground to touch your feet. Don't let your arms or legs touch the ground while you do these. We usually do 5 sets of ten).

Russian Rotators (Sit on your bottom and have your feet lifted off the floor together. Twist from side to side using your core muscles and touch your hands to the ground on each side).

Stay in plank position for a while

leg ups (lift your legs off the ground and lower them slowly and don't touch the ground in between sessions. An easier version of v ups)

And we do a lot of other stuff that I can't think of. But you can probably look up ab workouts on the internet.

Drink only water and low/non fat milk. Don't eat junk food, at all. If you must, let yourself have a serving size of your favorite junk food once a week. Don't eat red meat, try to eat lean meats and fish.

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There are 3500 calories in one pound of stored weight/fat, which means you have to either burn off or decrease your daily intake enough to have cut out 3500 calories. If that makes sense to you.

My advice is to make switches to food that have lower calories, so instead of having a sandwich on normal bread (which would be about 200 calories) you could switch to rye, which has alot less. You should also work out often and not eat too many sweets and snacks.

In regards to getting a flat stomach - crunches are very effective most of the time and can tone up abs really well if you do enough often. But it takes time to build up how well you can do them. I do anywhere from 50 to 200 a day and I have been doing so for a while now, and my stomach is alot more toned than before. You should start with just a few, perhaps 20 or 30 a day, and work your way up to doing more in one go and doing them more often.

I'm not going to recommend the way I lost 22 pounds in under a month because I'm apparently and supposedly borderline anorexic >.< But losing weight slowly and steadily is better than dropping alot of pounds from starving.

Good luck! :)

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My fail advice is to look at snacks as something that will make you fat if you don't only eat them for an occassional treat. Then, just simply replacing a meal for something more healthy shouldn't really be that hard. But, make sure you're eating enough because if you're still hungry you'll probably just start snacking. Because you excercise that'll help you keep off weight and probably become more toned. For the flat stomach, I agree with Maria.

This probably sounds unhelpful because people just say things like this over and over when it comes to things such as dieting and keeping fit. But if you take it really seriously and get it drummed into your head - it works. Good luck. :)

Out of sight, out of mind. The best thing to do would be to eliminate the junk food around the house as best you can. I love me some junk food but when I don't see it or don't have it, I don't eat it. Drink lots and lots of water, less of the sugary and caffeinated drinks. Eat more often (maybe 5 times a day instead of 3) but eat less per meal than you normally do, and chew more often before swallowing. Don't starve yourself and don't miss out on breakfast! Good luck! :)

Hey, I had the same problem, but now I have convinced myself that it's muscle. The most simple thing that I found was doing sit-ups EVERYDAY. Once I warmed up my stomach and back, I was try and do so many in a minute. I got up to 45 sit-up's in a minute. :) Good luck!!

You should also pay attention to the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. If you're athletic, most of your weight could be coming from your muscles. You may not have that much body fat at all. And you're bone structure also has a factor on your weight. Just because you may think the number is high doesn't mean its because you're fat and you need to lose weight.
This is very important here. I'm built bigger than most girls my age. I've got big bones; its in my family. So I naturally weigh more than the average fourteen year old girl. Plus, I'm tall. xP

Other than that, a good tip for exercise is to make it fun! Go jump roping with friends, or dance your head off! It works for me. 8D As for the food? Just be careful. If you really want to lose weight, then eating healthier foods shouldn't be that hard. Just picture your dream body every time you reach for that donut or Big Mac. ;D

Best of luck!

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This is very important here. I'm built bigger than most girls my age. I've got big bones; its in my family. So I naturally weigh more than the average fourteen year old girl. Plus, I'm tall. xP
Other than that, a good tip for exercise is to make it fun! Go jump roping with friends, or dance your head off! It works for me. 8D As for the food? Just be careful. If you really want to lose weight, then eating healthier foods shouldn't be that hard. Just picture your dream body every time you reach for that donut or Big Mac. ;D

Best of luck!
I agree with Krystal. I always dance randomly in my room and I'm always out and about getting exercise.

Well, if you eat or burn 500 calories more than normal everyday for a week, you'll lose a pound that week. When I want to lose weight, I won't drink anything with calories, usually just water, and maybe just think about what you eat or exercise so that you can reach the 500-calories-less goal. You can try doing little things, like skipping the butter or cheese or syrup to cut down.

Thanks guys, you're really helpful. I really try not to concentrate on the number because I know I have muscle. I concentrate on what I see in the mirror. I want to get my stomach flat and my theighs not to touch -.-

Cut out soda altogether.

Soda is terrible for you, and cutting it out can help you lose a lot of fat.

My friend stopped drinking soda [ && she was a very avid drinker ] & she dropped ten pounds the first few weeks. && she didn't even change anything else.

Along with everything everyone else has already said, you should remember that if you eat less than 1200 calories a day your body will go into starvation mode and will hold onto every fat cell it can. So make sure you eat at least 1200 calories a day. Make sure a lot of that is green vegetables. Eat lean meats like fish or chicken, avoid breads and pastas. Watch your portion sizes. The container of food will tell you how large a portion size you should eat and how many calories are in it. The other important part is exercise. To get thin you want to do A LOT of cardio (running, biking, etc.) stuff that gets your heart pumping. The exercise will help you burn calories and will boost your metabolism.

Don't forget about swimming!! It is a great cardio exercise. Start out with 25 laps and work your way up by adding 10 laps per week. Remember you have the resistance of the water on your side. And do freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, breast stroke and dog paddle. As far as foods, lean meat (the size of a deck of cards), fresh veggies and fruits, whole grains, and lots of water. If you really want a soda, drink a diet soda. As far as the swimming goes, I'm up to 500 laps per day, and have been for years. I was on swim team in high school and college. To me, there's nothing better, because there is no impact on your joints.

You aren't that big, but it's great that you want to be healthy and fit = D. I reccomend:

Dancing: I strongly recomend Zumba. It's a form of dancing that can sculpt your body into the body you want... I would know. I'm currently enrolled in Zumba, along with other various dance lessons and it's been keeping me pretty healthy. Even just dancing in your room to your favorite songs until your muscles are screaming works.

Swimming: I have to agree with magicboa on this one, and I can guarentee that if you put your whole effort into swimming, you'll lose weight in no time.

Low-cal snacks: Even when i'm dancing/swimming/etc it's important that you don't starve yourself and that you keep fueling your body. Eat snacks with low calories while you exercise and you'll be able to exercise longer and burn more calories.

SALAD. It helps the metabolism (think that's how you spell it) and yeh helps break stuff down, so eat that after eating crap XD And do the replace thing.

If you want an ice lolly, have iced water. If you want ice cream, yoghurt. And more :ph34r:

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