Lost in a World of No Hope: Chapter 2


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Apr 18, 2005
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Many years before the Tamagotchi Race was enslaved by humans to work in plastic shells for all eternity, Tamagotchis roamed a planet, called simply "Tamagotchi Planet". During this time, the enormous land mass was broken down into nine regions: Mimitchi Region, Mametchi Region, Memetchi Region, Kuchipatchi Region, Tarakotchi Region, Maskutchi Region, Gozarutchi Region, Under Adult Region, and Over Adult Region. Everyone lived in peace and harmony: until the Mametchi Region and Memetchi Region had a war. The time that you will be reading about is in the middle of the war, when three young Tamagotchis decided to take a stand.

Last time, in LiaWoNH...


For almost a month now, June and Nathan had traveled from the Mimitchi Temple, their last destination that was in the Mimitchi Region, to the Amulet Keeper's home, in the Kuchipatchi Region. They were told that the Amulet Keeper owned a very rare jewel that they could take to Memetchi Region, to make peace between the world and stop the war. Now the Amulet Keeper wanted June and Nathan to send him a letter: but could they trust him before they even met?

June looked closely at her letter, and shook her head. Patting the curl on her light bulb shaped head, June neatly wrote an ending to her letter. When she was satisfied, she read her letter once more:

Dear Amulet Keeper,


My name is Princess June. Ex-Princess, if you will. I was told by my messenger to write you a letter. Well, I'm letting you know that I am okay, and so is my best friend, Nathan. We will arrive at your mansion later next morning. I expect to see you in fine condition as well. All good for now,



Princess June

Meanwhile, Nathan's letter was almost exactly the same as June's. Most likely because he had copied off her letter. Nathan was occupied with the warm weather near the beach, and he lay in the sun very often, careless and caressed. After he signed his name with a flourish, Nathan stripped off his socks, and gazed at the beautiful, silvery waves, the white foam crashing against the golden and pink sand.

Glancing at his damp letter, he set it in the sun to dry on a rock, and read it over again, carefully looking for errors. An excellent speller, Nathan leaped away instantly, joyful again.

Dear Amulet Keeper,


My name is Prince Nathan. Ex-Prince, if you will. I was told by my messenger to write you a letter. Well, I'm letting you know that I am okay, and so is my best friend, June. We will arrive at your mansion later next morning. I expect to see you in fine condition as well. All good for now,



Prince Nathan

Cherry pranced along to June, tumbling over when Nathan rushed down to the water. "Oh dear!" Cherry gasped, rolling over and over again. June quickly ran over to him, and stopped him from splashing into the ocean.

"Thanks June," Cherry wheezed, breathless. After a minute of catching his breath, June questioned him.

"Cherry, do you need our letters now? I'm finished, and I expect that Nathan is quite done as well." June slipped off her sandals and watched the fluffy cotton candy clouds float along the baby blue sky.

"Yes, I do. I'm planning to give them to the Amulet Keeper ASAP. Please inform Nathan, June, before he gets too obsessed with the sea and decides to marry it." Cherry chuckled to himself, and took June's neat and uncreased note.

"Okay." June skipped down to the Gulf of Kuchipatchi's edge, and tapped Nathan on the shoulder. "Nathan," she said softly, "you need to give your letter to Cherry. He is going to deliver the notes to the Amulet Keeper now, and after that we'll be on our way. We just need to pass through Kuchikuchi Field, and we're there."

Nathan directed his gaze from the gulf up to June's face, and his jaw nearly dropped. June hadn't done anything to make herself pretty, but she was a stunning sight. The soft breeze was tenderly swaying her curl back and forth, and her wide, starry eyes glittered in the sunlight. Her smile was beautiful, her pearly teeth astonishing to any dentist. Nathan would never forget how June looked that afternoon.

"Nathan. Snap out of it! It's time to leave!" June rolled her eyes and grabbed Nathan's arm, dragging him along the beach.

"Ow, ow, OW! JUNE! That hurts!" The sand chafing his jeans, Nathan yanked back from June instantly. "I can walk, thank you very much."

"Yeah, you're welcome," June scoffed. "Where's your letter?"

"On that rock," Nathan mumbled, and picked it up, shaking off excess water. "Here Cherry."

Cherry gratefully accepted Nathan's letter, and trotted away. "I'll meet you in Kuchikuchi Field tonight! Make haste!" he called back, his voice becoming fainter every second.

"Well, that's that," June said. "Pack up the food, clothes, and the note from the Mimitchi Temple, from Sensai Mimi. We're leaving now."

Nathan looked back at the ocean, and stared blankly at their traveling bag. "June, how do you know we won't meet any...creatures? In Kuchikuchi Field?"

June got his message, and patted his back. "Nathan, we're prepared. We're two smart tamagotchis, ready for anything."

Nathan grinned. "You weren't prepared for the Annual Ball last year, back in your region. I remember you secretly e-mailed me about it."

June shoved Nathan to the water, and he landed butt first. He was now soaked and had a mouthful of sea water. "Whatever, Nathan!" she called out, and ran away laughing. Nathan tried to get out of the water, but tripped, and landed again in the water, face first this time! "I'm so GONNA GET YOU, JUNE!" he screamed, crawling out of the water, and instantly dashed after June.


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