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Who knows what kool stuff their talkin about :D :D

someone there :( :lol:

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The fact that the username of Tam's Version 3 Tamagotchi is needed has been repeated for at least 5 times here now! Although I really appreciate your help, please don't repeat things that have been already posted on this topic as it is very annoying for someone who is reading this topic. Also, if you say "It IS fake, they don't work on my tamagotchi!" or something along the lines, please read this topic from page 1 again. Starlight_Kitty, the username of your tamagotchi has to be the same as Tam's, which in this case is LGOL, in order for the passwords from Tamatown.com to work. If your username is different, the passwords won't work ,as Danielle804156 said, because Bandai made the usernames to keep one's tamagotchi's privacy to itself and also, it adds fun/excitement (hehe) to the little handheld game.

Sorry if this is annoying, but I'm just trying to help Tamatalk.

I agree. please stop arguing over codes! :lol:

well i have all the stuff excwept for the cell phone, bike, and some arcade stuff i forgot

Although you said no fakes, it is a fake. I tried the suitcase 3 times and all it did was say ERROR. Sorry if it sounds a little harsh, but they only work for you. Where did you get the password for the suitcase anyway?
I know why it didnt work.......he didn't use your username!!!


im crazy :D im cool :D and i rule :D

My username is not LGOL, it's ***** (its a biiiiiiiig important secret so i can't tell u!) anyway, could a guide please delete this topic now. there is nothing interesting on it, its just a bunch of passwords that dont work and tams username!


1.BALOON = 34819 84874

2.SKATE BOARD = 27497 36870

3.BACEBALL CAP = 85737 08202

4.TEDDY BEAR = 33993 29119

5.RARE SHOES = 40291 53939

6.SUITCASE = 29545 41894

7.RARE C.D = 82243 64328

8.MICROPHONE = 25667 45696

9.BANDI RIBBON = 64675 60801

NOTE: The following codes u do not get 4 free. (sorri!)

10.SHOES = 58185 31331

11.CAP = 90441 18091

12.SHIRT = 90441 78459

13.MAKE UP = 54371 79291

that's a shame most people like who de-bugged thier tama or who can't get ur usrnme

well looks like you worked hard...........

:unsure: heyy im like not really been here long so what do you do? :unsure: ??
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:unsure: how do you get a picture on ur thing when you send the message some ppl have pictures but i dont know how to get the pictures onto that like one poerson has save the earth its the only planet with cohocolate so how do you get a ppic on plzz tell me jsut email me dont send on there email me
hello psmeone please go onlin ei need to get some information iam new here so please someone go online beccaseu i dont know what to doand there is something that i need to do so please someone go online becaues i am really getting mad and i need help so pleasee og online someone i know htat onece you go online you weil probably read this but go online please

Thanks!They really worked!PM ME! :kusatchi: :marumimitchi: :chohimetchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :furawatchi: :gozarutchi: :hitodetchi: :pochitchi: :nazotchi: :mimitchi: :kusatchi: :nyatchi: :wacko:

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