Love at first sight


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Mar 24, 2007
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There's this boy i really like and i see him ALL the time in the halls. i dont know ANYTHING ABOUT HIM. all i know is that he likes photography. i dont no what his name is, grade, age, N E THING!! i'ts drivin' me nuts. when i try to approach him, i chicken out. help please? How should i talk to him? Guys, help please?

Facts: 1. I feel like we were meant to be together

2. he likes photography

3. he's not too popular

When you're around him some time, tell him you've heard that he's into photography, and ask if you can see some of his pictures some time. All you have to do is strike up a conversation. :]

Good luck.

First off, I don't mean to be blunt but don't put so much trust into your 'feeling' without rationalizing. You may 'feel' like you're 'meant to be together' but you can get that feeling anytime you see a cute boy. Hormones. ;]

You don't even know what grade he is in, how old he is or even if he has a girlfriend. To love someone you must also be friends with them. You can be friends and not romantically love someone, but you have to have that friendship in a romantic relationship for it to work.

You're just placing way to much pressure on yourself that you can't function around him. Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill and just realize that hey, you'd he seems really cool and you'd like to get to know him instead of telling yourself 'omg I have to make me love and..' etc etc etc. See what I'm saying? :furawatchi:

Just don't freak out about him and just remember that he's only one guy that you'd like to get to know. If you see him drop something and you're near by, you could help him. If suppose he's not in any of your classes so it would be kind of weird if you just went up to him and randomly started talking to him, ya know? You can't rush it talking to him and if it's just a smile walking down the hallway and little by little you talk to him, there ya go.

Good luck and remember to use both feeling and rational thinking with these types of issues. :huh:

First off, I don't mean to be blunt but don't put so much trust into your 'feeling' without rationalizing. You may 'feel' like you're 'meant to be together' but you can get that feeling anytime you see a cute boy. Hormones. ;]
You don't even know what grade he is in, how old he is or even if he has a girlfriend. To love someone you must also be friends with them. You can be friends and not romantically love someone, but you have to have that friendship in a romantic relationship for it to work.

You're just placing way to much pressure on yourself that you can't function around him. Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill and just realize that hey, you'd he seems really cool and you'd like to get to know him instead of telling yourself 'omg I have to make me love and..' etc etc etc. See what I'm saying? :D

Just don't freak out about him and just remember that he's only one guy that you'd like to get to know. If you see him drop something and you're near by, you could help him. If suppose he's not in any of your classes so it would be kind of weird if you just went up to him and randomly started talking to him, ya know? You can't rush it talking to him and if it's just a smile walking down the hallway and little by little you talk to him, there ya go.

Good luck and remember to use both feeling and rational thinking with these types of issues. :D
Took the words right out of my mouth! =3

'Love at first sight' is a nice idea, but it doesn't work like that. This type of 'love' is a love of their appearance. Think about it - you don't even know this guy! It would be a little more reasonable to have such a huge crush on him if you knew his name and quite a bit about his personality/humour/friends, etc.

Don't get your hopes up too much or put pressure on yourself - he's not necessarily your future husband, you may well not be meant for each other. In fact, the odds are against your hopes, considering you two are pretty much complete strangers.

I only have one bit of advice for you - firstly, tone down this obsession with him, it's NOT true love. It's a hormonal attraction.

Secondly, start up a conversation. Rushing off to plan your wedding isn't a good idea at this stage - just start a conversation. Even a smile and a cheery "Hi!" when you guys pass is better than nothing, and after a few friendly hellos, you can start a conversation one time when you see him alone.

Good luck, but don't get your hopes up too much!


I have/had love at first sight. :3

Join a photgraphy class, if you can.

Talk to him too. :3

Tbh, after a while, you may not like him as a crush. That happened to me before witha guy named Steve.

But don't go all for his looks. He could be a hot guy, but could be a jerk on the inside.

But i'm not saying like somebody ugly, no, but look whats in the inside.

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1. You're not really in love. It's just your hormones. Believe me I used to believe I was in love with this guy I liked alot, but I wasn't.

2. Once again, your hormones are making you believe that you and him are meant together.

Just become friends with him. Maybe he'll start liking you. :]

If you're in "Love" with him because of his looks, give it up.

Find a way to get to know him better. For all you know, he may be a criminal or something. Seriously.

' date='January 13, 2009 07:34 pm'] If you're in "Love" with him because of his looks, give it up.
Find a way to get to know him better. For all you know, he may be a criminal or something. Seriously.
I agree. You can't really be in love with someone you barely or don't know. No matter how much you think you are in love, you're not. Now if you and him have been best friends for like 2-3 years maybe, but it seems you don't even know him. :/

Tell him"Hey cutie lets hook up"
FireCracker, this isn't funny.

It's just totally immature. -_-

Anyway, all you really need to do is start a conversation. Get to know him, and you'll see if this is really 'true love'.

FireCracker, this isn't funny.It's just totally immature. :angry:

Anyway, all you really need to do is start a conversation. Get to know him, and you'll see if this is really 'true love'.
I thought it was funny D;

FireCracker, this isn't funny.It's just totally immature.  :angry:

Anyway, all you really need to do is start a conversation. Get to know him, and you'll see if this is really 'true love'.
i love how in some of my posts you always have to get something up your butt about them

go away nudnick

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FireCracker, this isn't funny.It's just totally immature. :)
Hey you can't take a joke? Maybe I think it's funny. And if one person thinks it's funny, then it's funny, even if it's not funny to you :/

OK, you guys arn't really much of a help. I know I'm not "In Love" with him. It was just the name of the topic. I DON'T "love him", I just like him. I'm gonna go start another topic...

OK, you guys arn't really much of a help. I know I'm not "In Love" with him. It was just the name of the topic. I DON'T "love him", I just like him. I'm gonna go start another topic...
NO! No, no, don't start another topic, that's called spam. What we are saying still applies. The basic idea of "You don't know if you really like him till you know him."

NO! No, no, don't start another topic, that's called spam. What we are saying still applies. The basic idea of "You don't know if you really like him till you know him."
No. I wasn't going to do the same topic. I was just going to do a different one. I hate spam (both kinds)

OK, you guys arn't really much of a help. I know I'm not "In Love" with him. It was just the name of the topic. I DON'T "love him", I just like him. I'm gonna go start another topic...
How are we not much help?

*reads your topic title*

Hmm.... "Love at first sight"

That sounds alot like you think you're in love with him. :/

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