Love for Tamagotchis Regrowing!


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Active member
Mar 30, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast, USA
Hello! I am new to TamaTalk, but not to Tamagotchis. I'm looking forward to chatting with you guys about our special Tama people :ichigotchi:

I haven't had a Tamagotchi since I was about 10 years old, and I loved it!! I don't know what happened to it, but I'm starting to miss a lot of the electronics I had when I was younger, so I'm getting back into them again. I had no idea that they got as far as having colored screens like on the iD/iD L!! :kuribotchi: I was very excited to discover this and am getting one online right now.

It feels good to get in touch with my inner kid, and I'm looking forward to having fun like I used to with my new Tamagotchi :3 I also just purchaced a TamaTown Tama-go with several character charms so I can play more games :tarakotchi:

Welcome! It's always great to have new members on this wonderful site! Great to see that you've rediscovered your love of Tamagotchis, too! :D

~ EMF :newmametchi:

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