Lovlitchi's Diary


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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2011
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ok so this is like all the other Diaries except this is Lovlitchis you must write in light blue or Light pINK


no naming Lovlitchi unless my permission cuz then we dont have to stick to it

Tama realted

be original

have fun

Jan 1st


Hi I got a new Diary today so I guess I will be writing stuff in here and tomorrow I'm going to my new school my BFF Mametchi is coming to we have been friends forever so U hope everything goes well


From Lovitchi

Jan 2nd

This diary got wet today when I had a water fight with my friend Chamametchi. She seemed upset or stressed about something, although I couldn't figure out what it was. At the end, she whispered to me "I'm glad you're not a Music Star Tama. Our lives are really stressful". Maybe she was just in a bad mood from having to play her instrument too much. Huh.

My new school is AWFUL. There's this really annoying Gozarutchi who sits behind me and pokes me with my pencil during tests. Mametchi is always so stressed; because he's so smart, he is always asked to go help the little Preschool Tamas when he finishes his work early. I don't know, but I think those kids must be really frustrating to look after. Judging by Mamethis's personality, he's gonna get in a bad mood of this carries on.

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March 16 2011

Today i was at Tamax Tv getting ready for a Lovelin concert and i got told something really important.Mametchi had fainted!They had to postpone the Lovelin concert till tomorrow.I was I such a rush that I left with only half on my Lovelin makeup on! I got to his house and was so worried for my friend that I forgot to knock!I burst in and everyone (except mametchi of course!) looked at me! I said I was kinda in a rush to see Mametchi so they let me up to his room where i saw him on his bed shaking and looking embarrased. I said Mametchi? and In a very shaky voice he said yes? then i said what happened? i could tell mametchi didnt want to talk but he had to talk. he told me the whole story and i was shocked. we kept on chating for a little bit then i had to go home because it was getting late. it was raining really bad. i got to the entrance of the tamacafe and i tripped over a huge rock. i landed face first in the mud and rain.my leg was hurtin g really badly.then i passed out. someone mustve seen me as the next thing i knew i was in hospital. i woke up and the first thing i did was look down. i was still wearing my lovelin clothes and they were all covered in dirt.i saw that i had broken my leg and millions of tamagotchis that i never knew were surrounding me.i went back to sleep. i woke up and saw that to stop the screaming fans that they put curtains around me and the only people allowed through were doctors and friends and family. kinda have to end as it is getting so long. bye!

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