Lucid Dreaming


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I taught myself to lucid dream a few years ago.

I used two main methods. First, you start a dream journal. Each morning you jot down your dream from that night. You have to try and not force it, if you wake up too much you will forget your dreams. Just lie in bed and review the dream loosely in you mind. After you have done this for a few weeks you can start the second step.

Secondly; start some kind of ritual to see if you awake. (kindof like inception, although it was a thing LONG before that movie.) Throughout the day, do something to make sure you are awake. A little pinch, a certain way of closing your eyes. If you do it often enough during your waking hours, you will begin doing it in your dreams. And since it will feel different, you will be able to determine if you're dreaming.

It does take alot of practice, but it's really fun once you've learned.
Oh, I'm so going to try this! I sure hope it works. I'm going to see if i can skip the first step though, because i am impatient.

I am a tad confused, at the start I was trying like heck to have a lucid dream. But I never did so it slipped out my mind and I never thought about it. Then I had a lucid dream, no trying at all. I still can't believe I had one, I was so happy when I woke up I ran to the computer and posted it in an online dream journal, but I am so surprised I still don't know if I was dreaming about lucid dreams but probably not.

If anyone wants me to post tips on lucid dreaming or information (Don't ask me about how to have one, I still have no idea) I will be happy to either use my knowledge or search!

Lucid dreams don't really impress me that much anymore :/I tried and I had one, but Kale wouldn't let me kiss/go out with him... Stupid dream.

But dreams in general impress me! I mean, it's your brain making it up! It's so cool, unlike my stupid lucid dream, KALE LIKED ME!!!!!

I have some amount of lucidity in my dreams.

It's sort of like when I'm watching a really good movie, I get deeply immersed in in it to the point that I "forget" it's just a film, and not real. Even with that, there's still part of me that knows I'm just engaged in a piece of fiction since I'll still criticise stupidity.

My dreams are like me just watching a movie, except I feel exactly what my dream-character is feeling, think exactly what they're thinking, etc. all the while real-me has it's own feelings and thoughts while being vaguely aware that this isn't real.


If that makes sense. >.<


As for control, only one dream I was able to "kill" dream-me's conscious and put real-me's concious inside dream-me's body and then I was able to manipulate a body but not my surroundings unless I got my dream-body to move my dream-surroundings by picking stuff up.

I remember it started with dream-me walking down a hall, and then real-me forced itself into the dream body. I continued down the hall, and at the end of it, to the left was the kitchen, and to the right was a living room, and straight ahead was a microwave. (Layout of my house minus the microwave. Shelves behind a glass doors is there.) It was very brown.

It ended with me falling of a picnic table and tearing a huge slice up the outside of my left shin then I woke up irl with a start. And this part was very blue.

There was also something with monsters.

That's all I can remember. :|

I can lucid dream, but not at will- I have to wait. Last night I tried Band Geek's method- I fell asleep -_- ...

Band Geek's thing is an OBE, out of body experience.

It's the same thing you do every night but your mind has a dream to stall it.

Your spirit roams freely, nut the freaky thing?

It's the same thing you do when you die.


Yes! My second one!

But I could kind of control it. Like when i flied, I jumped and hovered, when I tried to kiss Kale, the best I got was a hug. :3

A couple of years ago, I lucidly dreamed.

...except I spent the whole dream deciding on which soup I wanted to drink at a buffet. <_<

That seems so neat, I've sort of done that before. Whenever I used to have bad dreams, I remember thinking in my sleep "it's only a dream" and then my dream changed scenarios. But I've never actually been able to control my dreams or lucid dream really.

I'm going to practice that!

edit- I read a post further up, it talked about keeping a journal of your dreams. I used to do that (stopped about 6 months ago, I lost my journal:p) but mainly because I always seemed to forget my dreams and as I got older I wanted to look back into my book and say "Oh haha i remember that dream!" and it was back then that I used to be able to realize I was dreaming in a dream. But I haven't ever been able to control my dreams.

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I had my third lucid dream last night.

I just suddenly realized I was dreaming out of nowhere, which I always do.

Does that mean im a natural? Because I think so, I never use reality checks - but next time I go lucid, I'll do one for fun.

But guess what? Unlike all my other lucid dreams. I controlled it.

I flew, I kept saying to myself, "I can fly, I believe I can fly," before lifting of the ground, but unfortunately, I forgot to break through the roof and fly in the sky XD. But, yay! I controlled my lucid dream for once!

That sounds so cool i wanna do it!!!

Idk if this has any thing to do with it tho, but sometimes, i have a really brief dream where i am standing up and walking, but when i wake up i feel like im falling. its weird. :huh: :mellow:

I think I have before, once or twice. But both these dreams, I realize that it's a dream, but I can't control anything thats going on, because by then I'll all of a sudden be falling and wake up :(

I have, but only twice. Both times, when I was waking up, there was a very odd sensation of being half awake and half asleep, and I couldn't move my "real" limbs. It was kind of scary, but cool at the same time...

I have lucid dreams semi-regularly. More so when I was younger though. I think these days I'm so exhausted I sleep a whole lot deeper.

I definitely have them more when I'm on the verge of waking up, such as when the sun starts filtering through my windows or I don't feel like sleeping but force myself to.

I had a 4th lucid dream.

I forgot it though.


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