M!x Spacey Land attraction is pointless?


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Jul 10, 2018
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Spacey Land on the M!x has 4 options to choose, just like the other locations. The third option is the attraction for Spacey Land. As far as I can tell, this consists of watching an animation of your tama going up an elevator in a tower and then speaking to a random tama on one of the towers floors. I can't read Japanese, so I have no clue what they are ever talking about. So far, none of the tamas have given me items, gotchi points, or anything else. Am I correct in assuming that the only thing Spacey Land's "attraction" has to offer is a boring animation of tamas talking to one another? I find it ridiculous that the last location you unlock offers nothing worth while. No new mini game, no new items other than the recycled ones that are in every tama depa in all the town's, no new wallpapers, nothing...Just a boring elevator animation. Does something else happen at the Spacey Land attraction that I'm not aware of? If I was a tamagotchi designer, the final location you unlock would be packed with rewards and fun stuff to do. Spacey Land should have its own arcade with several games, actual new items instead of the same ones every town has, more tamas to meet than just 2...etc.Sorry if this post seems cynical, I'm just let down to be honest. The gene lab in tama town, the fortune teller in flower hills, the cake making place in rainbow hills are all pointless attractions. It would be nice for the town's to have actual attractions, not animations.

-there are two items and a couple clothes options that are unique to spacy land but you are right for the most part the "attraction" is animations and thats how a lot of unlockable locations on other tamas, the Ps has an amusement park that you unlock all you do is chose a ride and you watch your tama go on the ride and thats it. Most of the IDL locations are just animations - the hot springs you pay you sit and yay you. And so on. The animations are something cute to watch. Sometimes you see a musical concert sometimes you see a cute animation - Berry Sweets has the cake animation and it is cute but does nothing and again there are two adults that hang out there. And the locations offer tamas to mix with that is what makes them worth while. If you collect all 32 tama tomos on the Ps all you get is a rocket animation. I am not sure what to tell you but maybe its all in your point of view? You can see it as the last location and thats all I get or its a location easily unlocked while some other locations like Gozaru village that is considerably harder to unlock and not last on the list and comes with 4 adults and a mini game.

That's disappointing to me. I mean, sure I could change my "view" and pretend it's good when in reality it isn't, but I'd rather be honest about it. It just seems lazy to me from a design standpoint. These tamagotchis could easily have more mini games and interactive attractions. But instead, it's just animations. Couldn't people save their hard earned money and just watch little cute gifs on the internet for the same effect? It annoys me that big companies put out watered down products and charge outrageous prices. Color tamas sell for about the same price, if not way more in some cases, as full fledged triple A video game titles with TONS to offer to keep the player coming back. The entire point I'm making is that tamagotchis deserve more attention in the design than they get. They know the majority of the ppl that still buy tamas are in their 20's and 30's (90's kids) yet they keep releasing tamas made for 5 year olds. I guess coming back to tamagotchis after not having one since being a kid wasn't quite what I was expecting. My p1 offered more nostalgia and fun than the M!x. Maybe they'll make an actual good color tamagotchi one day. But it sure doesn't seem like it as of now. Thanks for the info, I appreciate it.

Well, it's a kid's toy after all. Not saying that it being a kid's toy excuses laziness, but a kid probably wouldn't care. Not everything on a tama or toys in general needs to be "useful"- kids roleplay more than adults do. And "pointless" locations like that do promote roleplaying.

A lot of things in sites like Neopets don't necessarily have an use either- like, you don't actually even need to feed your Neopet there, or even play with it, yet it is an option.

And in Japan they're not that expensive, after all. Well, relatively. A M!X is about two Domino's pizzas over there.

A M!X is about two Domino's pizzas over there.
Shall we list the pros and cons of a M!X compared to Domino's pizza, like some guy did with Sonic Boom and rocky road ice cream? :lol: Let's see... a pizza can be shared with friends while a M!X cannot. A M!X can produce offspring while a pizza cannot. A M!X is made for kids while a pizza... is made for all ages? You can log your adventures and the growth of your M!X... I guess you can log your adventures and the growth of mold on your pizza? :wacko:

Tamagotchis can get a bit boring because the main attraction of them is the fun of raising an animal. Part of that fun comes from the bond formed between the owner and their digital pet. If one has a hard time bonding with their tamagotchi, the devices lose allot of their appeal and can seem like pointless games. Thus, sort of in line with Jhud's remark about role playing, having animations for the locations gives the feel that the tamagotchi and the owner are sharing an experience, rather than interactions like playing games or buying things which limits the experience to being the owner's alone. I suppose allot of that is a matter of interpretation but the little things can have a big impact, even if it is all unconscious feelings.

Contrasting Tamagotchis with video games is only partially appropriate as on one hand Bandai should aim for making the process of raising an animal (or alien, they're technically aliens) fun, yet Tamagotchis can be considered a separate genre of games. Just the same as some people go nuts over first-person shooters while other people hate them, or some people just love dress up games but other people find them so boring, some people really enjoy Tamagotchis while other people don't. Maybe you, Indialien Jones, would prefer a virtual pet that is less simulation and more achievement and collection oriented, not to imply there is a problem with that as there is always room for improvement (and I can think of a few points myself).

My p1 offered more nostalgia and fun than the M!x.
I find that certain people prefer certain "generations" of Tamagotchis more than others. Some people really like the colour Tamagotchis while others prefer connections, and still others collect only the vintage models. Each "generation" has it benefits and detractors and while I sort of grew up with the connection models, the vintage models have a soft spot in my heart. Part of this appeal comes from how I have seen others treat the vintage models to the point the characters on them have an iconic status. Another more tangible part come from how the vintage models are designed to have a complete life cycle which makes them seem more real as well as make each "generation" special and unique. The vintage models don't make it seem like a tamagotchi is just another number in a generational chain. Yet there are ways to use the more modern models to get a similar, but different, affect of the originals. They all have their benefits.

Additionally, there are more virtual pets out there than just Tamagotchis and there might be devices that have the best of both worlds. The big problem is one might have to do allot of the figuring out themselves and might find a few duds along the way.

Let me just state again that there is always room for improvement and with enough time and experiments, Bandai will probably come up with an idea that revolutionizes Tamagotchis into something outstanding.

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My pizza remark was about the fact that a medium sized Domino's pizza in Japan (at least if you order from a limited edition menu) can cost 25-26$, so that's about half of a M!X. :p

Well, yes, I think it's a good idea for one to explore which generation of tamas one likes. After all there are so many. My order usually goes colors>connections>vintages, though there are times when I like connections more than colors. And even then, I have an opinion of each individual in the generation. The M!X has probably the most relaxed, simplified and "randomized" gameplay of all of them so it might not be for everyone.

Nah, a real troll would start telling us we should be ashamed of playing "children's games" and scream about Bandai is subconsciously trying to turn them into a child by their Tamagotchis. Although, it is rather ironic Indialien Jones finds the P1 better than the M!X even though the P1 has practically no achievable items, a single game, and just animations. However, that is only a weak comparison if it was even intended to be a comparison, since they could just be stating their opinion of the M!X compared to the P1 of their childhood. Now a real troll would start insisting the M!X should be like the P1 which would completely destroy their argument that the M!X is lazy because it doesn't have enough items and games. Furthermore, allot of people make the mistake of comparing Tamagotchis to video games when actually a Tamagotchi is practically something else. Or if it is considered a simulation, then it should probably be judged on its creativity and how well it simulates and the entertainment value should be compared to the entertainment of the real life task.

Or did you mean Jhud? Jhud's got enough community history to be exempt from anything. Jhud could talk about breaking thousands of Tamagotchis and we'd all be like "Hi, Jhud!" :lol: Okay, maybe not but you'll probably get the idea that Jhud's been around here long enough to be deemed sensible.

I find trolls are only redeemable if they're funny enough, especially because their arguments are usually paper thin (or irrelevant) and only the immature get all riled up about it. Perhaps the same joy could be achieved by having a self-advertised silly conversation.

Just a reminder that posting comments regarding "trolling" or replying to comments regarding "trolling" just take a topic off track :(

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