Make up a Never-Ending Fake Tamagotchi Cheat


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then you connect it with your V5 and then they both explode.then you pick up all the pieces and glue them together to make a V10.5 ......

...and restart it so that your tamagotchi is the Tamagotchi King. Play Bump 100 times on your new v10.5, and...

then on your 100th game you will see mayosaucetchi which when your tama touches it the king would become the mayo king which will...

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then on your 100th game you will see mayosaucetchi which when your tama touches it the king would become the mayo king which will...
make him have a nervous breakdown because you haven't got mayo in your meal inventory but you try the shopping channel for mayo but the fat blobby guy kicks you out because you shoplifted last week so...

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Reset, and the shopkeeper forgets you shoplifted and lets you in you get the mayo and then you eat it and find out you are allgeric to mayo...

The tama beeps. And Pinkitchi appears on the screen. Repotchi gives you 700000000000000 GP.

Your Makiko gives birth to Yoshitchi. Now, bring Yoshitchi to Shroob Castle and defeat Princess Shroob and Princess Elder Shroob. Then, Princess Elder Shroob will...

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