Makiko and Tensaitchi


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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2006
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I have a boy Mametchi right now and a girl Memetchi. They have jobs, and have over 200 points for the needed areas. :D But can i still get the special characters Makiko and Tensaitchi? ;)

P.S. If u like Manga (japanese comic books)reply too plz...especially if u likes Kare Kano!! :angry: Koolness! :blink:

Bye for now! :(

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Yes you can still get the secret characters, just make sure Mametchi has about 350 points in the pencil icon, and make sure he has an additional combined 100 points from the Flower and Star icon, you can have like 53 in the flower icon and you can have like 47 points in the star icon. It’s the same thing for Memetchi except make sure she has about 350 points in the star icon, and make sure she has a combined 100 points in the other icons. Also play some games and some jobs. Those special/secret characters are look oldies to them. Just earn more points Also look at this Tamagotchi Connection Version 4 growth chart

Oh, goody! :D Well...umm...what if u have 51 points for the flower icon and 52 points for the pencil icon, can I still get a Makiko? :blink: Cause umm...thats kinda what happened to my Memetchi. :eek:

Bye for now! :huh:

P.S. Does anybody out there like Manga or Kare Kano?!?! What do u people do in your spare time. :eek: Ugghhh...I just don't understand u all. :eek:

Yeah just make sure they can add up 100. (Think MATH)


50 and 50

25 and 75


45 and 55.

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Yeah but...I need 350 points for the star icon and 100 combined points for the Pencil and Flower...right? well...if there's 52 points for the Pencil, and 51 points for the Flower, ok? :D Aaaaaaannnnnddd...52+51 does not =100! :huh: Sooooo....can I still get a Makiko?!?! :eek:

P.S. Ummm...u eople are starting to scare me. HOW CAN U NOT LIKE MANGA?!?! :blink:

Bye for now! :eek:

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