Making TamaTalk more active


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

Well-known member
Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
When I first joined TamaTalk, it was a lot more active than it is today. The activity is decreasing more and more! :(

Even a forum I'm on that usually has 3 active members on at a time is a lot more active than TamaTalk and it's saddening. I know there aren't a lot of members that log on these days but would could be nicer than a small but friendly close-knitted community?

If TamaTalk ever dies, I'd be sad forever and ever. This is the place I met all my friends, and my boyfriend, and it's the place where I gradually grew a brain in my head.

It's a wonderful site, the best Tamagotchi forum of them all. It costs a lot of money to run and hardly anyone is donating lately, as far as I've seen.

So what can we do to prevent TamaTalk from fading into oblivion?

  • Post! There are plenty of topics that need your contributions so go on over to What's On Your Mind or a similar section and try posting in the topics there. Fun Stuff isn't the only section on the entire site ;)
  • Make topics! On other forums I'm on, people make topics about the slightest thing. So if you're wondering - What could be inside Mimitchi's hat? Which Tamagotchi girl wears the cutest dress? What would it be like if Tamagotchis were real? What if Kuchipatchi was yellow, Mametchi was orange, and Memetchi was green? There are endless ideas for topics you could make! Every topic encourages more activity on TamaTalk so try making a topic about whatever's on your mind, no matter how unimportant it seems!
  • Donate! You can donate just $5 - $10 to TamaTalk and you can gain Angelgotchi membership with great benefits, including a massive inbox size! $5 - $10 might seem expensive to some people but try saving money just for TamaTalk and it will help a lot. Isn't it worth it saving this fantastic site?
  • Invite people! Know a Tamagotchi-fan who's not on TamaTalk? Let them know about this cool site and all it has to offer and they'll surely want to join! Know a member off-site who hasn't been on TamaTalk lately? Send them an email or message reminding them they better check out TamaTalk once in a while!
  • Suggestions! Know what might encourage more activity on TamaTalk? Let Admin know by making a topic in the suggestions forum.

TamaTalk members, please get back into gear and help make TamaTalk exciting just like it used to be! :D

back in the day we were all kids, and most of us are moms and dads now and grown up. Tamatalk isn't really an adult style community most of us don't wish to associate with children or deal with all the off topic stuff.. Forums aren't much of a thing anymore due to tumblr and facebook.

I mostly agree with ciara683: I think about half of the members are over 17-18, and many of the TamaTalk Posts and Off-Topics aren't really for "older" people. So basically this part of the fandom would prefer a sort of "more mature place" where they can write and read more "mature" stuff. Then another thing I noticed is that the majority of the posts are NOT Tamagotchi related. So basically if one has joined this forum to "stay tuned" with tamagotchi stuff/news/opinions/help/technology ecc., here won't find much. Even tBay has closed :( I would have really appreciated to maybe get in touch with some Tama-fan that wanted to sell some of his old collection, but I didn't have the chance. So... well, there simply is very few that people like me could be looking for on this Forum.

Of course this is just my opinion. The only think I don't agree with ciara683 is that Facebook or Tumblr can replace forums :) I don't like mixing my real life/friends/university on FB with my fandoms ;) Also, FB/Tumblr aren't really made to give space to big conversation with many many members without causing a sort of long scroll of random comments that tend to get lost in space and time XD

EDIT: I'm sorry if something can be hard to understand: I'm not good at expressing (quite complex) thoughts in English!

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Well, here's another thought I don't really share: Tamagotchi isn't aimed just at children. Bandai let it become this way, but is fairly enjoyable even to an "older audience" (as you can see in that Topic about ppl older than 16 actually using it). Maybe the last generation ones are really "selective" on their audience (they have many features that almost just very young girls could enjoy that much, no offense intended), but I ensure you the vintage ones are actually hard and maybe frustrating to take care of for a child! I remember them constantly dying when I was young: the only ones capable to take proper care of them were at last the kid's parents XD (I hope this is not off-topic)

Ehh, I have the vintage Tamagotchis and they're easy.

Anyway I don't see how TamaTalk having kid members is a reason for older members to not post. Fussy :/

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It's not the fact in itself that there are kids members, I'm sorry if you thought that!The point is another one, something that maybe it will be clearer to you when you're older. I can try to explain it if you want, but I don't want to start an argument. "Fussy" isn't the greatest starting point to me to take the time to explain something. I don't mean to be rude at all, so, since my English is very poor, maybe it would have been better if I didn't post at all.

I'm sorry if anyone has felt offended by my posts.

Ehh, I have the vintage Tamagotchis and they're easy.

Anyway I don't see how TamaTalk having kid members is a reason for older members to not post. Fussy :/
... uh... cut painaputchi a bit of slack, eh? ;)

I can see you are really enthusiastic about injecting some new life into TamaTalk and I'm sure no one doubts your dedication and love of tamagotchis for one minute, but you have to remember that not everyone feels as strongly about it as you.

It's unreasonable to expect them to feel and act the same way as you and it's really not fair to criticise someone who is just trying to explain an alternative view point.

You yourself don't post in all the forum areas (and you make a real effort to avoid topics which you personally find inappropriate or uninteresting), so how about it? Maybe give more consideration and allow that there are other points of view?

It's a perfectly valid point for painaputchi to suggest that older versions can be much more needy and are maybe not favored by younger fans (even if you are an exception).

Furthermore, dismissing other members as being "fussy" because you don't understand why they might not want to post in topics and discussions that aren't relevant or interesting for them is a pretty good example of the kind of posting behaviour that some members just don't want to get involved with.

Personally, I also think it's kind of misleading to tell members that they can "save this fantastic site" by donating...

Of course donations are welcome, but no one has posted a warning about the site closing because it's too expensive to run ;)

On a more up beat note, the Summer vacation months (mainly USA) usually sees an increase in site traffic as many members can turn their attention away from studies and exams and enjoy their long, seasonal break from schools and colleges. Added to this will be the launch of the new Tamagotchi Friends in north America, so it's quite possible we'll all see an increase in site traffic and renewed interest in tamagotchis :)

I agree that I could be a little more active on here, although I would say for me it's more about following up on stuff rather than always looking for new boards to post on (like I mean, i'll contribute to a board, then forget to check if there are updates etc.)

Quick Sidenote: While I respect everyone's opinion on age differences, I think that it can be a touchy subject for all of us. I know that sometimes I get upset when I mention tamagotchis to somebody and they say "Oh, the children's toy? I had one when I was 5" etc. but I can also see how younger members might feel upset when other comments are made about their age. In general, I think it's easier to just focus on the positive things that we have in common rather than pinpointing the differences. Thanks!

tamagotchis in the US kind of disappeared and lost attention after the music star (or arent as promoted). most people arent aware there are color tamagotchis and that the tama-go exists, so to most people tamagotchis are just a childhood memory. the older members came here as kids, i assume, and kids nowadays may not know about tamagotchis. i think a good way to bring people back is to bring attention to tamagotchis again, which is where the new release can be a good thing.

but then again, i see news sites and blogs commenting that tamagotchis are 'coming back'. ha! they never went away...

To me, it seems pretty active. I see new bolded topics every day. But I get what you mean.

Here's a suggestion for the TamaCHAT! section or through another method on TamaTalk, we could organise sort of chats focused on certain things that we're interested in. Sort of like group hatches but just to get together and share experiences etc for certain versions or aspects of the toy.

Age wise, it can just be difficult because of the different times we grew up in and the language we use. I've noticed I can find it hard to understand the younger generation despite not being all that much older myself just because I don't 'get' what they're talking about or their jokes. I'm sure it can be the same the other way round, maybe just a bit extra patience when trying to understand each other could go a long way :)

Yep, the feeling is mutual B) I've talked to my kid friends about how adults call kids "immature" and yet they're interested in inappropriate jokes and swearing :rolleyes: Heh

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