Mametchi_Queen's New V5 Log


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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2007
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NY state
I have had many logs on this site. This is the second V5 log I've had, maybe you read my other one. But today, my mother got me and my brother new V5s!!!!!!! ^_^ They are cookie dough framed (that seems to be very popular).

This log is only about MY tamagotchi.

I activated my family at 7:40 pm. Based off of the kind, my family was named Cooki. A boy, girl and then boy were born: Mimifuwatchi, furabatchi and omututchi. I named them Julian, Julia and Julius. I love them

They have so far only lost hungry and happy hearts which I filled instantly pooed and got sick once. They are of course very needy as babies will be. They are sitting beside me now. Ooh! They are talking!

(Bold is Julian, Italics is Julia and Underlined is Julius):

Goo, goo. He he he

Ta. Ta! Tama! Tamagoo...

Waaaah! Waa! No! No! wahhhhh!

Woah! They are now toddlers!

Heh...hello? Um...I guess I'm Julian.

Yeah! Yeah you are! I'm Julia! Julia Cooki!

Mametchi_Queen! I'm hungry!


I love rice. And I'm a Mousetchi!

I'm an Ahirukutchi. I'm the youngest which is really not great.

Hi! Hi! Julia again! I'm a tororotchi and I'm just THRILLED to be a toddler.

Yeah! We can do so much more now!

Bedtime you guys!

Julian, Julia and Julius Cooki will talk to you tomorrow.

P.S. Thank you for visiting my log, come back again soon!!

Ok, so this is day 2 since the first generation of the Cooki family was born. Nothing major has happened to the young ones, they played with darts and blocks today and got 10% more bonded. they are just being little kids...

I'm not a little kid!

I wish I wasn't...

Well I dunno what you guys are talking about. We are only toddlers, but we're not babies! And we can have playdates with the Doughs!

yeah...I guess I like John Dough...

Ooh! Ooh! Yeah! I had a playdate with Mary today! She's fun. She's a Tororotchi just like me!

I wish Mametchi_Queen would let me go to Tama Earth&Expo today. I've been dying to go to the Amusement Park

Great. You get to go to TEE* while we stay here.

SO not fair! SO NOT FAIR! Just cuz he's the older brother. And I have a little brother too? Why? One gets all the fun, while the other just beats up on himself.

Well it's only cuz I do suck...the youngest doesn't get any fun...


Calm down guys, it's not that great...

Just forgotten at the end...

But you see, I'm NEVER gonna have a sister...*sniffle*



Mametchi_Queen has to catch a plane anyway. She won't have time getting ready to take me.

I could take you Julian, but it's nice of you to care for your little brother and sister. I'm proud of you :(

Thank you Julian!

You're welcome Julia - and Julius.

that's pretty much it. Toddlers learning to get along.

* Special recognition to timagotchi for the acronym for Tama Earth&Expo!

Ok, so I think the Cookis are gonna become teenagers 2morrow but they want to be teens today. All day today, they haven't had any major excitement. Just sitting around with me getting fed. Well, they can tell you themselves.

Hey! Hey! Julian here of course!!!

I wanna be a teenager! It's so not fair. Why do I always end up in a bad situation?

Stop complaining! We're not teenagers either.

While my brothers argue, I had a great day....

Yep. Told ya it sucks for me. Julia is having fun while poor little me suffers

Suffer from what?

I had a playdate with both Mary Dough and Georgina Carot. And it was really fun! We played the piano together and I got high marks!

You don't know what its like to be the little one! None of you do!

Cry baby!


Ok, I know you're hungry, that's why you're all so unusually mean...

M_Q, I don't want bread!

Uh oh. Tooth ache. I guess letting my cousins feed you yesterday wasn't the best idea.

good night, and pleaz cum back for more tomorrow evening (US eastern time)!!!!!

hey hey hey, back as i said i would be.

So the Cookis have some very exciting news for you:


yes, they woke me up as they changed this morning. Today, I think the kids had fun. A pretty uneventful day though.

M_Q! Why can't I hang out with Mary today! This is so unfair!

Who's a Mamekatchi? I'm a Mamekatchi!!! and it rules.

M_Q!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!

no it's almost your bedtime Julia.

Julius! Get out here!

Ugh. Coming. Hello people.

My little siblings are being annoying so I'll talk. Julia is a chamametchi, just like Mary who she is still screaming about

And this whole 'bedtime' thing. Aren't I getting a bit OLD for that?

Life sucks and you know it. We all pretend to be happy but inside we're all dark holes.

And Julius is turned Emo, which is really not great cuz Julia is blaming me for ruining his childhood...

(distant) Yeah, you pretty much did!!! M_Q, I'm not a little kid....

Julius is a Korokotchi. So Julius is celebrating this new identity of his, Julia is being all teenage-girl-wants-to-rule-her-life, and I'm just surfing the tv. bye now

bye peeps.

Good evening and welcome back to Mametchi_Queen's V5 log. Or M_Q as the kids have been calling me recently.

Today I was a bit busy doing homework and chores, so the Cookis didn't have that great of a day. They got a bit hungry and only played one game, but I always listened when they wanted to play with each other and got their bondage up to 50%! I still only use the first item when they play so they can be intelligent focused.

Today was real boring.

No kidding. M_Q, I didn't get to hang w/Mary like you said I could

I'm so sorry honey, lets see if Mary's caregiver approves...

really?? Oh-em-gee thank you!

Teenage sisters can really get annoying. I mean, when she was a kid - she was fine. Now Julia is all annoying and girly...


Hey. Black is the supreme color. I hear John over at the Doughs has a black leather jacket. Wonder where he got it.

Julius, stop trying to depress the world.

No kidding Julius. Listen to your brother.

You see what I'm talking about??? Julian's the problem!

Really! No way! I get to finally visit Mary! Thank you so much!!!!!

Just one little visit. It's getting late.

Good Night World.

Hi again. Well, the Cookis surprised me this morning by once again changing -and waking me up. My little babies are all grown up. Even Julius and he's finally coming around...

Huh. Well I guess I'm an adult now. And it's awesome.

Ooh! I was a chamametchi and all cute and stuff. But now I'm all grown up and a VIOLETCHI!!!

Hey. Furikotchi I am. My head is shaped like an Octogon. How creepy is that??

Creepy? Naww. It just means I kick butt!!

One thing is, Julian and Julius are still having a bit of sibling rivalry even though they're adults.

...that's right, you can't ignore it. I'm a Mumutchi and you're just a Furikotchi.

How come that makes you so great??

Guys...settle down...

cuz im compatable with Memetchis. You...well not so much big bro...

I'm glad Julius isn't emo anymore, but I hate to see them fight...

"Jeez! Julian get off you're I'm not taking his side...I'm not taking anyone's sides Julius! You are adults! You need to start acting you are!!"

I love them, but it's gonna be so much easier once they go to their native planet. Except one of them is gonna stay here and raise a family...

c ya'll 2morrow!

Oh M_Q am I really getting married?

My little sister is getting MARRIED??

Uh huh!! Who M_Q?

John Dough.

John Dough? hmmm

My sister is marrying my best friend. wOw.

Come one Julia! It's time!

There she goes. *sniffle*.

She was always a great big sister!


Julian, I have a confession to make.


I want to get married. I'm gonna get married.

What??? Both of you???

I'm sorry, I just feel a need to...I want a wife...

You always hated me. This is revenge?


Julius! The dating show is on!!

I'm sorry...

Great. Now I wait for my little brother to come kick me out of the house. I suppose it'll be fun. Living in TEE. Neither of them will...oh yeah. When my neices and nephews are all grown up then Julia and Julius will go to TEE. So they get to live in TEE, but I never get to be a parent??

I'm so sorry Julian. Maybe you weren't destined to be a parent. Maybe being a bachelor is how you'll enjoy life.

Yeah. Maybe. Well, since I'm about to go...I wanted to say thank you.

Oh...for what?

For being a terrific caregiver and letting us live on earth with you whereas we would have died on Tama-Planet.

Awwww, I love you Julian. And so do your siblings. Here he comes...

So this is it I guess.

Uh huh. Did you find a nice partner?

Yes. I love her.

Good. So I'm off now then. Good luck with your family. Send Julia the same.

I will. Bye Julian.

Bye Julius.

The first generation of the Cooki Family is all grown up. And gone.

well, the next generation of Cookis begins!!!!

As you picked up in my un-narrated posts, Julia went off and married

John Dough (if u remember, that is my brother's identical tama). Julia

is now the mother of 3 little Doughs: Julia, Sam and Mary. My brother

wasnt getting very creative with the names so

Mommy!!! M_Q won't let me talk!!!

Ahh that's little Alexandra. She is a very opinionated young lady...

As I was saying, Julia's two girls are named after their mother and aunt. But Julia is living her own separate life now.

Little Julius married a Watatchi (whom I've decided to call Curly) and they are now Meme-Mama and Papatchis. They are a cheerful family!!!! So Alexandra and Alexander were born, and are now children: Belltchi and ahirukutchi. Ok!!!

Curly is now demanding that I let her little daughter talk. We've had sort of a mother-in-law relationship.

Finally! Mama got M_Q to let me talk. *reads entry so far* Ugh! you already told them my name??? I'm Alexandra Cooki which I think is a wonderful name to have!!

Hey! I wanna talk a bit! I'm Alexander of course. And I like to play cards with my big sister!

Yeah. We just had a game of cards.

Well, I've just been hanging out today...Papa was telling us stories of how he used to fight with his siblings when he was little...

And he told us to never be mean like that. I can't imagine Papa being a little kid fighting with his brother. Can you?


Huh. What they don't know. :) ;)

(just for a reminder, Alexandra is in bold, Xandy is in italics and im in quotes).


I hate bedtime. You always miss so much at night.

"Awwwww Xandy, (san-dee) no you don't. Get into your bed."

I do too! Who knows what happens with you and Mama and Papa after I'm asleep??

"I do. Nothing. your parents talk for a bit and I also go to sleep."

M_Q, are you gonna put us to bed every night? Isn't that Mama or Papa's job??

"Curly and Julius are out just this one night."

Out doing what?

"Spending time together."

But they spend time together all day!

"This is special time for them alone at night called a 'date'."



Will I ever go on a date? M_Q??

"Bedtime for you both!!!!"

Good morning. Alexandra and Xandy haven't played with each other a whole lot today. They are still only 10% bonded. Oh, here they are. Guess what guys? Now, you can speak in color! Alexandra will be red, Xandy blue, and ill speak in purple.

Aww cool. Are my words blue?

I guess they should be. I wish I was pink, but red is OK...

M_Q? Mama said we can have a playdate with the Doughs if you'll let us...

Yeah!!!! I really wanna meet my cousins!!!!!

Ok. In a little bit. First you have to talk to the people.

Oh right. *flips imaginary tama hair* HIIII!!! Thanks for reading about us!

Yeah, we really... um ... appreciate it! (Papa did I use the big word right?

So we're about to go to M_Q's grandmother's house but first a playdate right?


And then I wanna play with my tea set. and go shopping with Mama. Ha... Xandy can't do any of that! Cuz he's little!

Alexandra! Be nice!

Oh yeah? Well I'm so much better than you cuz you're just a weird GIRL!!!!

*teary eyed* hey! girls aren't weird!

No.. But YOU are!!


Uh oh. We gotta go. see you later!!!!!!

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Good morning! Alexandra and Xandy have something to tell you-

We are teenagers O yes we are!

*giggle* Yea! Isn't that great! I think it's so amazing that we are finally teenagers. So I guess you're wondering what kind huh?

I'm a real cool Bakutchi yo.

Yeah, sure. *rolls eyes*. I am an ichigotchi. How cool is that??

Not as cool and being a bakutchi obviously, cuz you know, THEY ROCK!

But I'm GIRL, OBVIOUSLY!!!! Wow, guys are such idiots when they are teenagers

Hey hey, what's going on?

Nothing M_Q. Just of a couple mature teenagers talking to the world.

Uh huh!!!


My sweetie Alexandra??


What's Mom doing here?

Oh Alex, are you being a nice, charming little girl?

Yes Mom.


Hey Dad! Guess what Xandy's doing!!

What!? I cant believe you-

Xandy! You're not bothering your sister are you? Or misbehaving when you''re supposed to be talking to the people who read this log?

Uh oh. Our little teens have been attacked by their parents. If you didn't tell, Mama is in orange, Papa is in gray. See you later!

Ahem. Can they hear us?

No Curly, but they will be reading your words.

Oh! That works!

Hello, I am of course Alex and Xandy's father, also known as Julius, the youngest brother of the first generation of Cooki.

And we're just checking up to say sorry if our children have been - um...

Been being rude, or arguing, or anything of the sort-

We've tried to raise them to be polite and obedient little things...

And M_Q has done and excellent job in our place dear...

Oh Julius, why do you still have such an attachment to your old Nanny?

Excuse me?? Nanny?

Sorry M_Q! Curly, she's NOT a Nanny...

No kidding I'm not! Your husband and children wouldn't be alive right now if I weren't a caregiver for your kind!


She's right.

Fine then! Take HER side! *storms off*

I wonder if her caregiver abused her.

Interesting thought. Well, so much for a cheerful family.

There's your little 'parents only' chapter in this log. BTW, this log has reached 115 views in 11 days!!!!

I cannot believe our parents were here annoying you all. So sorry.

Yeah, I guess they just wanted to help.

Awww, come on Alex, they were talking in OUR log.

Well, this log is really for the Cooki family and they ARE our family...

Ugh. See, now that she's an all grown up Onuputchi, she's decided to finally come through with 'maturity' and 'appreciation' - starting with our parents.

What's wrong with being thankful that we have parents?

Thankful now. But we need to learn, explore, spread our new adult wings...

What does THAT have to do w/Mama and Papa?

What you don't understand is –

Son! Why look at you!! I am so proud! *goes to hug Xandy*

*choking* Yeah Dad. I'm a Mumutchi, just like you were –

*sigh* A Mumutchi. See, in my past childish life, I would have wanted to be a Memetchi so I could marry a Mumutchi and raise a Meme family. But now that I'm grown up, I really don't care...

Yeah Dad. I heard the story about how your brother was a Furikotchi and YOU were a Mumutchi...

And don't you ever forget it! Just cuz you're the younger sibling, doesn't mean you can't come up on top!

Heh. Julius is remembering his youth. But there you have it! Alex is an Onuputchi, and Xandy is a Mumutchi. I'll be posting more soon...

So, the Cooki family is 50% bonded, which is kind of low. But they are already adults and everything, and now we are deciding what to do about the next generation.

Is it gonna be me?? Oh M_Q, am I gonna get married tomorrow?

I don't know...

I'm just gonna let you make up your mind M_Q. No rush.

Right. We still have an earth day or whatever.


Is it Xandy?

I don't know yet. See, one of them is going to marry one of the Doughs, and the other will marry through the dating show.

Yes? Well either my Alex could marry Sam Dough - which she may not want to do - or Xandy can choose between Julia and Mary Dough.

But after that, Curly, one of them will become a member of the Doughs and the other will raise their family here.

I'm joining the conversation!


Well, at least we both get to marry. It's just a matter of whom.


Who do YOU want to marry?

I don't know!!!

stay tuned for the decision of who is marrying my brother's tamagotchi (dough) and who is living where!

And the decision is in!!!!

Finally! What is it M_Q?

Well, myself and my brother discussed it with the Dough's parents, and it has been decided...

I'm here! Which sister is Xandy marrying?

That Alex will go and marry Sam Dough.


So I'm gonna stay and raise the 3rd generation of Cookis? Sweet.

Um...ok. This just like HAPPENED and it's real. I'm marrying my cousin Sam Dough.

Yep. And it's gonna be great. You'll be a Dough! And Sam's a nice know...

Well, I haven't seen him since we were he handsome?

Very good looking honey. A Mumutchi, just like your father was.

My little girl is growing up. She'll be married tomorrow!

Aw dad...*hugs Julius the Meme-Papatchi*

Hey hey hey. She's not an only child!

Of course not son!

that's right. We'll discuss your life options Xandy, after the wedding tomorrow.

Well, it looks like the Cookis as well as the Doughs better get a goodnight's sleep, cuz tomorrow will be a big day.

OOO. Tama. Geg. Geg!

Yep, that's right. We have a new baby Cooki. While Gregory learns to talk, I'll tell you.

First, my brother and I tried to marry Alexandra to Sam Dough, but the little glitch where one goes off, but the other hasn't connected happened. And we lost our dear little Alex. ^_^

So then we made a marriage between Sam's big sister Julia Dough and Alexander Cooki. They got married and stayed at the Cooki House, and had one son: Gregory Cooki.

Because Julia was an Onputchi and Xandy was a Mumutchi, I got a cheerful family again!!! YAY!!! So they fell in love, and Xandy had to say goodbye to Julius and Curly (their parents as you will remember) and changed into a Meme-Papatchi. His wife Julia also became Meme-Mamatchi. Thus, cheerful.

And now we have little Gregory!!!! He is an omutuchi, i guess just cuz he's in a cheerful family, the kids in such a family will always be that character as babies. Sorry for this boring novel.

I am Geg! Ooo are Mame_qeen. Mama! Papa!

That's right Gregory! He's a fast learner!

He's already had his nap. And he's been left with a fortune of 1200...which we will expand I'm sure.

Oh, look at my little baby boy! Oh you are so cute!

M_Q! Look! I'm a father! A son named Gregory! Could you believe your little Xandy would ever end up like this?

I always knew you had promising potential.

So little Greg is eating and eating like a little boy will... I'll tell you tomorrow what kind of a child he is.

thank you for my 150 views!

Good Morning! We wake up with the 3rd generation of Cooki family (im so happy). And so now he'll want to talk to you himself -

Hello humans of the planet Earth. I am Gregory Cooki. I was born yesterday (no kidding) but now I am an Ahirukutchi as a child.

He is very advanced for his age.

What's wrong with that Mametchi_Queen? Anyway, I am a tamagotchi as you all know, my parents are named Alexander and Julia - but I call them Papa and Mama.

Ok, It looks like Greg is going to go through with his whole speech, please bear thru it...

Hey! I'm just telling them about me! This is a LOG after all!

He does like to talk and be thorough.

Yes he does. I'm a strong believer in this is because he has no siblings.


He spends his time thinking opposed to arguing with his brothers and sisters. Trust me. I grew up with two of them.

Right now, I am quite curious to meet my cousins...the Doughs. They too are living on earth..

*whisper* Greg. They already know that/

Oh. And my name is GREGORY! So now, I want to go play golf with Daddy.

Great idea son.

See you later!

Hi!! It's me again! And I'm still a child if you were wondering. My mama told me to tell you people that I'm ten percent bonded.

It's an important part of the log! You can't just say whatever you'd like. Information has to be included Gregory.

Yes Mama, but I'm an only child, and –

Gregory, do not talk back to your mother.

But Papa, it's not like you and Mama ever get involved in the bonding games! So I'm only playing and bonding with myself!

Regardless, bonding matters in your development.

*pouts.* So. Mama also made me go shoe shopping yesterday. That's so GIRLY!

Oh Greg. You needed new shoes! And we might as well have had some fun while we were there.

Uh huh. :angry:

And then you played golf with me right?

Yea! And I got 11 in!

You did very well.

And after that, I went to TEE and I went to the amusement park and played Polish and Sparkle, and I went to the Clothing Store and Doughnuts and even to the Ecology Pavilion!

So was that fun sweetie?

Loads Mama! Hey Mametchi_Queen?

Yes Gregory?

Can I go visit the Doughs? Mama was telling me about her sister's kids...

Alright. Just say goodbye to the Tama Talkers first!

See you later Tama Talkers!

WHOO! Why am I cheering? Huh Huh Huh? I'm a Bakutchi!!!

Yes you are son. Wonderful.

It's great! And of course, that means I'm a teenager! I'm only 20% bonded though, and my mom and M_Q are kind of worried about that...

Are you SURE that having 20% is OK?

I think it's fine...he has plenty of time to collect more percentages.

Yes, I guess he does.

Anyway, M_Q starts school in 2 days, so this is the last major time I get to be with her. She says she'll have to keep me in her book bag, or locker. But by then I'll be all grown up!

Yes you will! You know, I was a bakutchi...and then a Mumutchi! We are a cheerful family, so I'm sure you will be a Mumutchi too.

Cool. Mumutchis are awesome!

Greg, doesn't it get lonesome all by yourself?

Yeah, sort of...why?

Want to go visit Feather and Air Dough?

Yeah! SO, um, 20% bonded, bakutchi, this is day1, um....

You need more exersise!

And yea, I haven't been playing a lot of games...Bye!


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