Maria's Journey


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The matchmaker came today around 10:30! First it came for Bae, and he got a girl baby! Then, like exactly 1 minute after that, Ali got a boy baby! YAY! i'm gonna have them marry! Still thinking about names, but I have a few ideas. :) So they're both seven now. And they're leaving in two days! :( :( :( :( I'll miss them!

Maria is still 65, but I'm sure she'll age soon! She's almost 70! That's almost my grandparent's age! WOW! I really think she's going to make it to 99! I can't wait until that's gonna rock! She got robbed earlier, but then she got a pencil from the king and a heart! she's at 91999 points. So far, she donated 60,000 to the king. I think he gives you something when you get to 12, least i hope so!

Still hoping to visit tamatown soon, I'm just not sure when! I'll update when I do, and hopefully i'll post tomorrow!



(I like this tama!)

Hey people of Earth!

Okay, I know it's been a long time, but you know, end of the year tests KILL most people. Thank goodness that's over! YAY! :lol: Anyway, my tamas hve been on pause a lot lately, but I'm now trying to leave them on! I'm just really scared to let them sleep, I wake up around ten or eleven now! So, pause during night! Sorry! :lol:

Maria is..67!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She hasn't aged in hm, lets see....oh yeah. FOREVER!!!!!! Grrr! She got a snake in the mail, but that's really all that's happened...oh she got some beef from the king She enjoys beef. :p Can't wait until she's 70!

Bae and Ali left. Now I am taking care of Izzy and Vic! Both are still 0. Vic is :p and Izzy is like a circle with lips.....hmmm....

They will marry! Until Maria actually AGES!

*tamateen* ;)


And happy birthday to my tamas! Izzy and Vic are now one! Vic has that huge smile and Izzy looks like a younger mametchi. (like the only name I know!) They're only at a one smile relationship, but I'll connect them very soon and get their relationship going!

Maria is finally 68! She's doing well, weight is 30 lbs and she has 96799 points. The wait for 70 is KILLING ME! I wish I could let my tamas sleep at night but I don't want them to die if I don't wake up soon enough! :( :( :( :( I'd feel soooooo guilty!

RANDOM THOUGHTS (i am super bored)

I think I'll go to tamatown soon and visit my V3s that have left.....

If Maria is 99 I'm not sure what to do with this log.....maybe I'll just keep this as a regular log. I could never reset her. Oh well, I'll think about it when she's getting close (like eighty ish) I hope she doesn't die!

I wonder how many generations I can get before my V2 and V3 die...

If there's anyone reading who is trying to get their old tamas to 99 (or older) or are thinking about it, good luck! If you think it would be too boring, let me say that I don't think it's boring at all! Having a tama for a long time really makes it feel more like a pet then a toy or game.

*tamateen* :blink:


Maria had a um...interesting experience yesterday. She bought a chest but when it was opened, it turned Maria into a BABY!!!! I was FREAKING OUT! Nothing like that has happened to me before! Maria wasn't too happy about her quick transformation, I had to play with her to get her happy again. Poor Maria :D

After that unfortunate incident, Maria donated to the king and when we visited Tamatown he gave her a sword! That's better than the pole like thing he gave last time! Maybe I'll get a crown or something after a while!

I am worried, though. It's been three days and Maria hasn't aged! I'm kinda scared, but she probably will soon. If not by tomorrow....I don't know what will happen!

Vic and Izzy are still one, and their relationship is now to two smiles. :D ;) They both have a lot of points, and Izzy got a fishing pole I'm not sure I want to use.....

*tamateen* :lol:

(I'll post if Maria turns 69!)


Thank goodness, Maria aged again. I was starting to hyperventilate there. Oh gosh, one more year and she's seventy!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!! I can't shake this feeling something's going to kill her when she's like 98....I'm so paranoid. *slaps self on head*

So Maria got a lot of mean mail today, but she also got points from the king!!! She's at 96,299! Not much else happened with her.

Vic and Izzy are still 2 smiles. I want Izzy to give Vic this cheesecake she got today from a chest, but I don;t know how! :angry: :angry:

Both their training bars are full, and I'm trying to give them really good care so they'll be good characters! They're still 2, so two years to go! :blink:

Until next time!

*tamateen* :)

Oh yeah, I am headed out of town for two days starting tomorrow so I'll probably post on Thursday...and I'm not going to be able to bring my tamas :( so they won't age or be off pause for a while! Sorry!

Well, it is not Thursday!

Sorry about that.....some things came up... I don't need to discuss on here. MARIA IS 70!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hitodetchi: :ichigotchi: :kuribotchi: :mametchi: :mimitchi: :lol:

This day is amazing! I almost passed out when I saw she had aged! YAY! My friend is taking care of her at the moment so I can write this...she made fun of how Maria looked while fishing. Poor Maria. But still! SEVENTY! Only twenty nine more years to 99!

Vic and Izzy are at three smiles! Vic is three and Izzy is two! I hope that it will even out and they'll be the same age again..... other than that they'er both good. Going to evolve soon! I'm trying for really good characters!

Just for the record, when Maria turns ninety nine, I am NOT going to reset her. I could never do that! I should keep track of her age...if I could find out how to...anyone out there know how long before they age? Like how many hours? Please message me if you do!

*tamateen* :D

(I use way too many exclamation points....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Hey peoples!

Wow, I've reached four hundred views! That is so awesome! ;) :D :D :D Thanks so much to everyone who reads my log and supports Maria on her quest!

Today her quest leads to.....71 YEARS OLD!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait until she's eighty! Sooo excited! She ot a heart in the mail today...awwwww :( But really, not much else has been happening because I didn't have a lot of time with tamas today and she's asleep now. :(

Good news VIC CHANGED! Bad news IZZY DIDN'T! I don't get it at all! :( :( :( Ah well, she'll change tomorrow. So, guess what character Vic is? He is one of my favorites, a :) YAY!!!!! I can't wait to see Izzy's character! I hope it's someone good!

Vic and Izzy are at 3 smiles still. I don't want them to marry too early, because they'll leave soon! Plus, I have a low budget, and batteries are expensive-ish.(they die faster if you connect) The one thing I hate about tamas, and actually one of the reasons I stopped playing with them a while ago. :( That's why I always like only connect as much as I need to, turn it to clock while they're asleep, etc

I guess tamas to me will always be worth the expensive batteries, though!

*tamateen* :lol: ;)


Well, I am running late, but I wanted to update and say Izzy is a penguin like thing, like Artie was. I know this is like the shortest post ever, but my tamas haven't been off pause or anything all day! Oh, but the couple are at four smiles now! Bye!

*tamateen* :p

AHHHH!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

Izzy and Vic HATE ME! I've had them off pause all day, ALL DAY yesterday, and what do I get for it? NOTHING! They are STILL FOUR YEARS OLD!!!!!! I don't understand! As you can tell, this upsets me very much, but lets move on.

Vic has been doing awesome, he has been playing a lot of games, especially jump, but he did win a point in slot! I don't get the point of that game, but okay. It's kinda fun. I'm bad at it, though. He always lands on an angry face. Anyway, with his amazing tama cash he got some...SUNGLASSES! Yay! Now he's at 9436 pts.

Izzy has also been playing a lot of games, but not as many as Vic. Vic tends to get upset easier. Anyway, she is at 9854 pts! She got a boom box! Well, she got a lamp for 700 pts, then it turned into a genie and gave her a boom box. Do you need a CD for the boom box? I'm not sure....but I hear on Christmas it plays carols!

The two are still at four smiles, but nothing past that because they are FOUR! Grrrr

Last but not least, Maria. She does NOT hate me, so she aged and now she's 72. I'm so happy about that! She got a lot of mail, mostly stars, but she also got a snake. :D Ah well, the king gave her some cash to make it okay, lol. I don't remember how much, but it was in the thousands.

*tamateen* :D


Thanks so much to Flowersushi for mentioning Maria in her log! Good luck with Lydia!

Quick update!

They aged! Both of them are finally five, and they're in love! They're gonna marry soon, can't wait! I love the cute little tama babies! :pochitchi: What's my guess? Hmm...I'm going to say GIRLS! Lets see if I'm right!

*tamateen* :(

(ahhh, young love)

I'll update as soon as they marry!

I was wrong :D

They're boys! Sooo cute, even if they're not girls!!! So as you can tell, Izzy and Vic married this morning, but my mom was on the computer so I couldn't post until now! I thought of names, too! Exciting! :chohimetchi: Other than that.. Izzy bought a plant today but it gave her a snake. :puroperatchi: so she bought a remote control car thing and now she's at 8499 pts. Vic bought something...I don't remember what but he's at 9640 pts. Vic's baby got sick today, but other than that all four are pretty good. Only two days until I get to start up the new babies! I can't wait!

Maria is still 72. She'll age soon I hope! She used a fishing pole and caught a fish and a whale! The whale freaked her out, but it didn't lower her happiness level luckily. She got a snake in the mail, but she's in a good mood now.

So I get up really early tomorrow and I get to unpause my tamagotchis and let them sleep! Maybe Maria will age during the night! I hope so!

I was thinking today and I realized something. These are my V2 and V3 tamas starting at version 1

Joell and Sammy

Ani and Padme

Han and Luke

Harry and Ron

Artie and Hope

Ali and Bae

Izzy and Vic

I only had two girls at a time in generation 1! I hope I get twin girls again soon! Well, I'll update later! Peace!

*tamateen* :)

EDIT : just fixed some grammar stuff

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Hey hey hey!

Today's the day! After this, Vic and Izzy leave forever! :D Ah well, I'm really super excited! I'm going to have to start the babies on the road, I'm going on vacation tomorrow for a week. Which means I'll have to cut the log short for a while. But don't worry! I'll give an update as soon as I get back! I probably would have paused them a LOT of the time though! :D Since I'm going on vacation I should tell you the babies are named Percy (V3) and Tyson (v2) (How awesome is The Lightning Thief Series? :eek: )

Maria DID age overnight! Happy 73 birthday Maria! WOOHOO!!!!!! I can't believe how close we're getting, she'll be 99 by summer's end! I hope she doesn't die after that,.... :D She got another snake in the mail, but I cheered her up. She donated another 10000 pts to the king, so now she's at 89999 and donated 90000! At 120000 she gets the last gift from the king!

Not much else to report, but I'll see you all after vacation! Bye, and talk to you next week! (I have to go pack! lol)

*tamateen* :eek:

I'm BACK!!! :lol:

I know you all missed me terribly...haha not really :p

First, Percy and Tyson. They re both one year old! Tyson has a flame head and Percy has big's odd, kind of like a beak haha. What's sad is Percy has 3 training bars and Tyson has like 7! Ahh! Percy bought a ticket so now hes at 6724 points. It was lower, but I played with him a lot on the road (long drive)

I know it's sad, but Maria is 74. Hey! I barely had time to breathe this week, much less take care of her! Oh well, she'll be back on schedule soon enough. Not much news with her. I was freaking out all weekend because her makeshift back came off (I lost the real one years ago so I taped a piece of cardboard to her so I wouldn't hit reset by mistake) and I thought i was going to reset her or something! I didn't let her out of my sight!

That's it for now, sorry now a lot happened this week! Until tomorrow!

*tamateen* :D


Today Tyson and Percy are two! Tyson has a full training bar and Percy has about half. I found that sad :( but hopefully it will fill up before long! I can't wait, two years until they're adults! If I get the penguin again I will SCREAM!

Lets see...Tyson is at 9209 points. He got up to ten hits on heading, a new record! For some reason, I find that game impossibly hard on V2...also he bought a pair of wings!

Percy is doing good, he's at 9836 pts. He bought a ticket he hasn't used yet! He's really good at bump, but only the first round. He usually gets 80 points a game. I'm going on tamatown with him soon!

Maria is 76 today! In 4 years she will be eighty...whoa scary! I put a piece of cardboard on her back so I don't reset her! She got a chest from the king thta gave her a guitar. Then she bought a chest for 300 and got drums! Very musical...then she got to 99999 pts so she donated to the king, making her total 100000! He gives her a lot of stuff now, he kept giving her 1000 pts the other day! Anyway, now she's at 90399. After she donates another 20000 she's done with the donations! I'm also going on tamatown with her, she gets points really easily on it!

Until tomorrow (or later today)

*tamateen* :(

Hi peoples!

Maria is 77!!! Sooo excited for when she's eighty! AHH! She played a lot of games today, she's at 93,799 pts! Nothing much happened with her. I've had a busy-ish day.

Tyson and Percy are three. Both have full training bars. They'll be adults in one year. I hope they're good characters!

Well, sorry for the quick update, but I''ll post more tomorrow!

*tamateen* :huh: (the mood I'm in)

Awww! :eek:

Tyson's battery died today. I like for my V2 and V3 to be the same age so they can marry, so I have Percy on pause. That means I'm back to just Maria, at least until I get some batteries. Well, before that happened, I had just checked on them both and they had all their hearts full. Both of them are almost at 9999 pts again! :D

Maria hasn't aged yet, but I'm sure she will soon. 22 more years to go and 2 years until she's eighty! I figured something out! I can count Maria's age based on my other 2 tamas! So if they age, I'll say she aged too! WARNING! This will NOT be exactly accurate, it will just be an estimate. But that means I'll keep up the log, right up until the day Maria dies! (since the log is called Maria's journey. If she dies I'll have another oldies tama and call it their Journey, lol.)

Other than age, Maria got a snake in the mail, then a heart, then another snake. Those tings just annoy me! She's at 94599 pts! I'm trying to raise her skill levels, I think they raise if you play different games. I'm bored, so I'll post some stats. (If I'm bored my posts go really long. You can tell, right? lol)

Hungry 4 hts

Happy 4 hts

Training 3 bars (this still haunts me.)

Pencils 999 Diamonds 358 Flowers 327

Age 77

Weight 32 lbs

(I'll stop there, you know everything else)

See you later!

*tamateen* ^_^

Buenas Dias!

Yeah, my V3 battery is dead too. :eek: Ah well, they lasted three months! That's pretty good! :) I'll get new ones ASAP but I still have Maria!

78?????? SERIOUSLY!!! I remember posting when she was 40!!!!!! This is SWEET!! Okay, two years to eighty! YAY can't wait! She's had an okay day, played a lot of jump rope and has 98199 pts! Almost there!

Maria's diamonds and flowers went up! She has 360 diamonds and 345 flowers! I'm not sure what causes this...I'm guessing just the different games? Dunno...maybe one day I will though!

Thanks to all of you reading this, I really appreciate your support! If you have any suggestions or anything feel free to PM me!

*tamateen* :ph34r:

(I still miss of my favorites of all time!)


Guess what just happened! Maria just turned 79!!!!!!!!!!!! AAHHHHHH!!!!! One year until I can say she's 80! I can't wait! Also twenty years to 99! Sooo awesome! :angry:

Remember how I keep saying I'm going to take Maria on tamatown but I never really do? Well today I was dying of boredom so I did! She got a lot of money on there! See I accidentally bought something that was really expensive after another donation to the king, so I had to get some points back. Now I'm at 82899 pts, with 11000 pts given to the king.

Today Maria got a lot of mail, mostly snakes, one star, and some points and more makeup from the king. I can NOT use it without a mirror, so it REALLY BOTHERS ME!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry: :angry:

I'll post as soon as I can! Later!

*tamateen* :angry:

PS I am thinking about maybe buying an Angel someday! If anyone is reading this who has an angel, please message me and tell me if they're really worth the price! Thanks a ton!

Hi tama fans of the planet Earth!

Still no batteries :lol: Sorry, but I am super busy with some stuff (can't go into specifics, I'm one of those people terrified of being tracked down by internet stalkers. ) But I'll try to get some ASAP!

Maria didn't age but I am SURE she will tonight! If she doesn't my amazing mind skills have been beaten again. :D That actually happens a lot. Grr. But I have a good feeling! So I will post when she does.

Today Maria got a snake in the mail (getting old) and a heart. Then she got 600 pts from the king which puts her at 85649 pts! Trying to get as many as possible! Maybe I'll go on Tamatown later. They like give points away! Plus I am trying to get all the souvenirs but two (You get one from your parent and grandparent and Maria's first generation.)

In other news.....

-I love the game flag now! I've won a couple of times!

-I am going to camp in August so if I vanish for a while don't panic. But I will post before I leave, so don't worry!

*tamateen* :furawatchi:

(mimitchi rocks!!!!)

EDIT My mom is getting me batteries now! YAY!

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I ALMOST KILLED MY TAMAGOTCHIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOLY COW THEY ALMOST DIED!!!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :( :( :( :(

See, I put batteries in my tamas today. Then I went out and forgot to pause them! When I finally got back, Maria was in really bad shape, almost all her hearts down! And so were Tyson and Percy! If the time wasn't messed up they would've died, but they fell asleep instead :kuribotchi: Nice save!

After that terrifying experience (I ran to my room sure they'd be dead) THEY CHANGED! Into AWESOME CHARECTORS! Well, Percy looks like a pineapple, but Tyson is a charector I have NEVER SEEN BEFORE! :D :D He is sooo cute, he is called a kabulchi ( I looked it up) He looks like he has a plant on his head! :D

Not much else, so I will give an update on Maria. She's still 81, and today she got robbed so she's at 88819 pts! I'm going to go on tamatown soon and get her points back!

More later, and learn from my mistake, PAUSE YOUR TAMAS IF YOU GO OUT! (this hasn't been a good day for me..)


*tamateen* :eek:

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