Maria's Journey


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Quick note-

Maria aged! YAY 82! Sooo close to 90! And Percy bought this chest, it turned him into an oldie and brought all his meters down! :eek: That's alll, I'll post tomorrow!

*tamateen* :D

Hi! :lol:

Maria's 83! 7 years until 90! B) She's been playing a lot of games, and she has 93219 pts! Sorry I don't have a lot to post about, but she hasn't been up to much. I hope something interesting will happen soon! Oh yeah, the king gave her a drumstick.

Tyson is at 8717 pts. He bought a skateboard. He is soo fun to play games with, I love Jump and Slot, which I always ALWAYS lose! :mellow: Oh well. At least he's better at it then at heading, the ball falls so fast! It's insanely hard!

Percy 9999 pts. I need to buy something because somethings wrong with the donations to the king...I donated the right amount but it didn't give me a password! :wub: So I'm just going to buy him a lot of stuff. :mimitchi:

Sorry about being so busy, I've had a lot going on this summer and I've been pretty lazy (I'm not going to lie!) I'll post more, but I feel like I'm the only one who cares what I write! Well except for some members who sent me fain mail, like GirlsRule. Thanks for the awesome message, if you're reading this!


*tamateen* :p :)

Hello fellow tama lovers!

Today was awesome! Maria is now 85! Halfway to 90! I'm gonna like pass out when she's 90 I'm serious! She didn't get any mail today except for a star. She's at 95879 pts, almost back to the top! How awesome!

Tyson and Percy are both six! Let me show you how the day went.

ME Hey guys! Today the matchmaker comes!


(we wait for 5 hours.)

ME It is going to be a boy and a girl

TYSON No, two girls!

PERCY You're both wrong. Two boys!

ME Yeah right.

(we wait.)

ME This is so exciting!

(We wait. Lot of that going around today)

TYSON nineteen, eighteen....

PERCY I'm so excited!

PERCY You're crazy. You're about to get married and have a kid and you're excited!

TYSON Sure! Why not?



(wait for a long time)


Ah well, guess she'll be here tomorrow at three! Then you'll see who can win the bet!

Other than all that, Percy and Tyson have had an awesome day! Tyson played a lot of games and he's over 9000 pts! He also did that little animation thing where he gets really close to the screen! He's so cute!

TYSON Hey, I am NOT cute. Stop it you're embarrassing me!

ME oh, sorry!


TYSON I was pretty cute wasn't I?

ME The cutest!

PERCY And me?

ME ......sure!

Percy smiles.

TYSON (under his breath) Pineapple head!

Percy played a lot of games and bought a lot of food. He got a fishing pole and got this huge fish!

PERCY IT WAS FREAKY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ME Yeah...

Well, I'll post when they have kids! Later!

*tamateen* :wacko:

PS I decided to try making my tamaas talk to make it more interesting. Somehow I always mess up the colors...? Anyway, PM me if you think it's a good idea or if it's not! Thanks a ton!


The matchmaker came at three today and Tyson got a boy while Percy got a girl! I feel soooo smart! :blink: :) I'm kind of sad now because they will have to leave soon and I have no name ideas yet ;) But oh well! Oh yeah, about my last log, I just wanted to try writing it a different way for once but I don't really feel like doing that now so I won't...I might do it again sometime when I feel like doing it. ;)

Percy played a lot of bump and sprint today since I didn't feel like thinking lol. He's at 9894 pts! not really much else to say. :( Tyson's at 9105 pts! Really not a lot happened today.

Maria's still 85 but she'll probably age overnight She got some points from the king in the mail, then a robber came :( :( She also got a star. She's played a lot of jump rope today.

Well, until tomorrow!

*tamateen* ;)

Hi people!

I'm off to camp starting tomorrow until Friday. I'm leaving my tamagotchis with my best friend, who may or may not play with them. Anyway, I will probably post on Saturday because on Friday I want to spend time with my family. This is my first time away from home so wish me luck!

So as of now my tamas are on pause so I have tome to pack. See you all Saturday!

*tamateen* ;)

I'm back from camp!

My bff DID play with my tamas! Percy and Tyson are still here because I wanted to be there when they left. They're leaving tonight! ;) I thought of baby nfames! Thanks so much to Tamagotchi~Dutchess for the ideas, I'm not using them but I still really appreciate it and might use them someday! ;)

Maria is now 88! I'm soooo super excited, and I want you all to know that she will probably turn 99 right before or after school starts but I will still be posting in my log as much as possible! It just might not be as much, as I am entering high school as a freshman! I'm not sure about how much free time I'll have! :(

Nothing has happened yet but I'll post later tonight!

-*tamateen* :)

New generation!

Tyson and Percy are gone ;) But I started up their babies named Clair (didn't have room for Claire) and Chris! Chris is now a :huh: and Clair is an ice cream cone head. (I'm so lazy I won't look up the name, sorry!) I'm trying to give them perfect care and see what they evolve into. It's going pretty good so far, I'm excited!

Maria is 89!!! Exactly ten years until she meets her goal, which is the whole point of this log! I am SOO happy! Unfortunately, school starts the 25th! That deserves a ;) :( :( :( Oh well....maybe high school will be better than middle school!

I'll post later!

*tamateen* :(

(still miss of my all time favorite tamas!)


CLAIR EVOLVED INTO THE BLACK STAR BAD CARE THINGY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I literally took PERFECT CARE of her!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do NOT UNDERSTAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (any help on this? Is it a glitch? Please PM me!)

Other than that, Chris also evolved and he looks like an onion, I might look up the name later. They're both one and at a 2 smile relationship. I haven't let them out of my sight, since I want them to be perfect care characters. :p

I'm STILL sad about Clair! :D ;) :p :( :( :( :(

Maria is 90!!!!!!!! I'm SO excited! She was sent a snake today, which upset me. I let her use a ball to cheer her up, but she fell flat on her it did not help much. Can't wait, only 9 more years! YAY!

*tamateen* :(

(sorry for shorter posts, I have a lot to do before school starts but I'll post more once I get into a routine.)


Clair and Chris turned 2 today! Here's why I think they'll evolve into amazing care tamagotchis;

1. Their training bars are full

2. I obsessively check their stats every 3 seconds.

(you can tell I have no social life.) But who cares?

I can't wait for them to turn three! I'm so excited to see their characters!

They are at a three smile relationship. Chris gave Clair a few snakes, but other than that they've been nice to each other! Haha. I'm betting they will have two boys, since that always seems to happen. :huh: (I want 2 girls really badly!)

Maria is still 91, but she'll age tonight I hope! She's doing awesome! I'm still thinking of a way to track her age after she turns 99....any ideas? :p Played a lot of jump rope and got a drumstick from the king!

Can't wait until tomorrow when they age! I'll post then!

*tamateen* :lol:


I am a failure. I left Clair and Chris off pause for hours and they almost died. So much for perfect care.

I'm literally in tears right now. I worked my butt off the past two days so they'd be perfect care characters! Oh well. :D

They're three, about to evolve. now I'm all nervous. Wish them luck! I'll post when they do!

Maria update! Maria's 92! She aged last night, but I couldn't get online. Literally nothing happened with her, since she was just un-paused.

I'll post later!

*tamateen* :(

(sorry for the awful post)


Clair and Chris are 4 and they STILL haven't evolved....? I hope they do soon ;) I'm trying to take good care of them until they... THEY JUST EVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!! Literaly as I was typing this they changed! Chris is a dog like thing....not sure on a name. Clair looks like a girl with pigtails.

They're at a 4 smile relationship. Can't wait for them to marry!

Maria's 93 and has 98169 pts. Not much news other than SIX MORE YEARS!!!!!! B) I really hoped she'd turn 99 before summer ended... oh well.

School starts tomorrow and I am FREAKING OUT!!!! (I'm a freshman) I may not be able to post for a while but I'll try to keep you updated. Wish me luck!

Sorry for the shprt post!

*tamateen* :D

(this is what Chris looks like!)

It's the weekend!

I love weekends. Mostly the lack of school. Although it isn't as bad as I thought it would be. :D

So updates! Maria first! She turned 94 a while ago, but I didn't get to update! She played a lot of jump rope and flag today and donated another 10000 pts to the king. Still didn't get a password after 13000 pts. Weird! Anyone know when I get the third souvenir? PM me if you do! Oh did I mention FIVE YEARS TO HER GOAL!!!! :ph34r: :lol: ^_^ :(

Chris and Clair are five and ready to marry. I'm going to wait for a while though. I just don't want them to leave yet! Chris has 8242 pts and Clair has 7470 pts. I really want them to have girls but I'm guessing they'll be boys. They'll marry tonight or tomorrow morning! Most likely tonight!

I'll post when they marry!

*tamateen* :mametchi:

CLAIR AND CHRIS HAD 2 GIRLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:( :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

It took ten generations but I finally got two girls! I am literaly BURSTING with happiness right now!!!!! NO IDEA on names but WHO CARES RIGHT NOW??? hahahahaha!!!!!! I'm HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!

More great news, MARIA JUST TURNED 95!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm SOOOOOOOO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*tamateen* :p

(sorry so short!)

Hey world!

Clair and Chris are both six. This is their last night with me :( (never gets easier) I'll really miss them! They've been doing awesome! Time to say goodbye!

Maria is 96!!!! THREE YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) ;) :D :( :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

She got a snake in the mail and it made her very upset. I won jump rope pretty quickly though! Love that game!

Sorry for the insanely short post. :( See you tomorrow with the new babies! I decided to name them with the alphabet theme, trying to make it to Z. I got the idea from Tamagotchi~Dutchess's AMAZING log! (if you're reading this I really hope you don't mind!)

Later world and goodbye Chris and Clair!

*tamateen* -_-

I just wanted to let you all know I got pretty sick last night so I didn't get a chance to start up the babies. I probably will today depending how I feel after school. Later!

*tamateen* :unsure:

New babies!!!!

I just started up my new babies, Alana(V2) and Bree(V3)! They just evolved into toddlers, Alana is :eek: and Bree has really big lips. They're good so far, but I don't really like taking care of two babies at once! VERY hard work, and I do not recommend it!

Maria's 97!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have nothing else to say!

Oh yeah, I'm trying to figure out how to track her age, I will tell you when I get it figured out!


*tamateen* :p

MARIA IS FINALLY 98 YEARS OLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I AM SOOOO EXCITED I AM SOOOOO EXCITED I AM SOOOO EXCITED!!!!!! Haha, and this is me in the morning!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS IS SUCH A GOOD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :( :wacko: :angry: :)

In other news, Alana and Bree are still 0. They're adorable though! I usually hate the toddler stage, but this generation I actually like it! Alana has 8982 pts and Bree has 9929 pts! Both girls have 4 training bars and are about 12 lbs! I think they'll age today or tonight!

When I post again Maria will be NINETY NINE!!!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh, if anyone knows how long it takes for an oldie to age, like how many hours and could PM me that information, I'd be SOOO HAPPY!

See you later!

*tamateen* :wacko:


7:47 pm

a day for the history books! (haha not really)

MARIA IS NINETY NINE YEARS OLD TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




IT FEELS LIKE CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now some SMILIES to CELEBRATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:D :lol: :blink: :ph34r: :D :hitodetchi: ;) :D :mametchi: :mimitchi: :angry: :blink: :gozarutchi:

GO MARIA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*tamateen* :p


Just wanted to do a quick thank you to everyone reading my log. I am really happy someone actually cares about Maria's progress besides me! lol Also thanks to mpingo for the mail. It made me so happy!

Although Maria reached her goal, I'm going to try to keep the log going. Maria is on pause for a while right now until my other 2 become adults. I just want to take a break and focus on something else a while B) She'll be back soon.

Update on Alana and Bree:

Both are one! They evolved into an :) (Alana) which I LOVE and have like never gotten! Bree is the same character as one of my other ones...I can't remember which. It has wheels or something, looks awesome. Trying to get good care tamas!

I'll post later!

*tamateen* ;)

School....clubs....honors awesome but so time-consuming...I'll get back to Alana and Bree Saturday! See you then!

-*tamateen* :huh:


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