Mario Kart Wii ?


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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2005
Reaction score
I've had it for a while now but I've only just started playing online, and i have no friends :eek: if you have mario kart would you care to share you friend code with me ? mines in my siggy :lol:

I'm pretty sure there's already a topic about this....

Sadly, my internet connection doesn't work, so i can't go online. ):

Oh, everytime i think of this game i think of my friend's epic fail......

she was right before the finish line and somehow she flew into the air and off into some random puddle. xD We all died of laughter after that....

my famliy and i got a wii 4 xmas and we got mario kart wii but i dont think its conected to the internet :(

how meny chacreters hav u unlocked??? 3 4 me ;)

My sister won't let me on the wii, but I will get it up later.

:( I got the three star rank yesterday but then I didn't want it so I deleted it and later I wanted it so i went to and dowloaded a save.
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