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Mar 19, 2007
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so i got my adult today, a leaftchi, and im waiting on my brother to get an adult so they can get married. anybody wanna guide me through this? is there a guide somewhere?

No, I don't belive that there is any sort of official guide for marriage, but here are the standards that I know for how to mate 2 tamagotchis:


1) The tamagotchi you are planning to use as a partner must also be an adult and is of the opposite gender.


2) You constantly have to connect the 2 tamagotchis, even after they have 4 hearts under each other's name in the friend list. It will take a while before they mate, but you can use a love potion to slightly speed up the process.


I hope I was able to help! :lol:

*Edit* Forget what I said before about two different characters in 2 different versions being unable to mate! I am now unsure due to info. from Zunky's post and will test this issue on my own! Sorry :)

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Technically the step 2 in the last post of The Tama Talker`s is false..I HAVE mated unkown tamas from seperate units... I know from experience....If i had a cameracorder i`d record it for you guys too see but sadly i don`t have one... *Screams as i fade into the abyss* But I shall someday show the world the mating ritual of the tamagotchiiiii!!!!!

1)make sure they are a male and a female

2)they have to be adults

3)close to the same age

4)connect them a lot!!!!!!!

5)they get married :puroperatchi: :marumimitchi:

so ive been connecting them for about an hour total. They are both V3 and both leaftchi :) both 5 years old and are male and female. ive given them 2 love potions.

What the heck else do i have to do?

do you get the kid in visit mode? or present?

;) I usually put mine on present, but if it doesn't work, try

alternating from present to visit,ect. :chohimetchi: Hope I helped! :mametchi:

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