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Active member
Jul 10, 2007
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she finds a person for you to marry r something? and once u marry that rmd tama, you get a baby for the next generation? :eek: :huh: :huh: :huh:

I rilly don no...

Plz help!

she gives your tama a partner so it can have a baby! when she comes if u wanna boy press the middle buttom and if u wanna girl press the first button,,, it allways worket with me!!!

*Topic moved to 'Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners'*

If your tama has not found a partner by connecting with other tamas, the Matchmaker comes to visit. This happens about 3-4 days after your tama evolved into an adult.

She visits 3 times per day, at 10.30am, 3pm and 7pm (by your tamas clock settings).

You will hear the "attention" beep and you will see the Matchmaker appear on screen (she's the Old Timer lady - Otokitchi).

If you want to see her, be ready at the visiting times, because on the V4 she only stays on screen for about 10-15 seconds (she stays longer on the V1-V3 - about 15mins).

Press any button and you will see her bring another adult tama onto your screen. Then you'll see a message:




You use the A (left hand button) to scroll between the Yes and No option and the B (middle button) to select/confirm your answer.

If you say yes, the tamas kiss and a little heart appears (cute!) then the lights go out and you see fireworks on screen.

When the lights go back on your tama will have a new baby to take care of and that will be your next generation tama.

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she finds a person for you to marry r something? and once u marry that rmd tama, you get a baby for the next generation? :) :) :D :p

I rilly don no...

Plz help!
Well if your tamagotchi hasn't found a partner (such as another tamagotchi that you or maybe a friend owns), she will show up at 10:30am, 3:00pm, and 7:00pm to give you a partner. She'll ask if you want them to get married, you can either choose yes or no. If you choose know, she will possibley come back with another partner, or maybe the same partner. Your tamagotchi and the partner will kiss and fireworks will show up, then your tamagotchi will either have a baby boy, or a baby girl.

Basically she finds your tamagotchi a husband/wife to have kids with.


The matchmaker comesto give your Tama a mate! *Note: Husband or wife sounds better :angry: *

When your Tama is ither 6 or 7 years old the matchmaker, or Mrs.Busybody, will come on screen, at either 10:30 am, 3 pm or 7pm, she will have a book, if you click teh middle button (Button B ) when teh book is closed you will 99.99% of the time get a girl, if the book is closed you get a boy. She will (It looks like drag :nazotchi: ) bring another adult onto teh screen, it will then give you teh option to love or not

*Note it loks something like this-




Use the A button to scroll, and teh B button to select yes or no.

If you choose Yes, the Tamas wil kiss and the lights will go out, fireworks will go off and when teh lights turn back on you will have a happy baby with you!

If you select no, she will come back later. If your Tamagotchi turns into an Oldie you will have to mate with another oldie in order to continue your generations because Mrs.usybody doesnt come back. Not even for a visit. :D

Two day later (If you clicked Yes :angry: ) at exactly Midnight your adult tama will wake up, it will stare at its baby for what seems like eternity (Its only around 3-5 minutes) and then rise up the screen, going back to Tamatown. In teh morning yoru Baby will wake up at teh time yoru adult would wake up. It will be crying. You will get to name it and then raise it! When it gets older the whoel process will come again.

Note: Buttons look liek this

o o o

^ ^ ^


Goos luck with your Tamagotchi! :D

TamaTae :D

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[SIZE=14pt]Yeh as soon as you get the next generation of baby you raise it like a normal Tamagotchi and then that gets greeted by the matchmaker (age 7+) and the same cycle goes on again.[/SIZE]


Or you could raise it to be old by rejecting the LOVE sign by clicking no by the time it gets old (16+) it will turn into the matchmaker itself.


Hope that helped


Tamagirl2000 :)

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