Mating? Can someone help?


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Well-known member
Jul 26, 2005
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I'm trying to mate a girl V.1, and a boy V.3. Mine is the V.3 and the V.1 is my neighbor's tama. They have four hearts in thier friendship meters, and we have connected many, many times. I think it may be because my tama just turned into an adult today. But the female turned into an adult two days ago. If anyone knows what's going on, could you kindly fill me in? I would greatly appreciate it.


Tg1092 :furawatchi:

I don't think you can mate, a V# and a V1. I'm not sure but, that's what comment's say. You can either have the tama's mate, or the matchmaker will come. Your cohhose. Just give them time, see if they like eachother, but i've alway's done the mathmaker way, never tried the "other mating" way. lol


Cool! I needed to know that aswel! So thanks, for 1. asking question


2. for answering!



What you do on the v3 u select 'others' when u connect. Usually when u hold down 'b' on the one you want to get a pres, and then before the screen changes u press 'b' quickly on the other one, yeah, it gets a pres the one you held down 'b' on.

Hope I helped,

Experienced tama ownerxoxo♥☻♥☻♥☻

Really? Because Rosta is five now. Thanks for all of your help guys. If you want to see what has been going on with my tama, just go to my log. There's a link in my sig.

Thanks again,


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It's not about the age it's about how long it's been an adult, so a tama that has been an adult at 3 will be able to have a baby at 4 and one that turned into an adult at 5 can have a baby at 6 etc.

Have a look at this. This is a picture of a V2 mating with a V3. It's not quite the same with a V1 and V3 because there's no love potion on V1, but if they have 4 hearts, pics 3-10 will be the same. (Only you may get a Nazotchi come up- it's just that a Mimitchi is on all versions so it comes up as normal)

V3 mating with V2

The love potion actually works with the V.1. I tryed it. First I gave my V.3 the love potion, and then I connected with the V.1. It actually worked. ^_^ I guess when one adult falls in love, the other adult audomaticly falls in love too. ^.^'

I was really surprised. But they didn't mate until today. Oh yeah. My tama and my neighboor's tama mated. They had baby girls. I am so happy! You should read about it in my log.

after they mate, wait exactly one day. then connect them, and if the girl shakes her head, congradulations!!! they have succesfully mated!

idk, but u can mate a V2 with a V3. :pochitchi: B) :furawatchi:



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