Mating malfunction


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Jun 12, 2011
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So I have a v4.5 uramametchi (male) and a v3 Pyonkotchi (female) (looks like a cat) they were both at age five this morning and decided to connect them.

I have been connecting them for a long time and they have had 4 hearts since yesterday.

So you know how sometimes if they are not placed correctly or something one will say fail and the other one will just randomly go sow where... Well that happened, and guess wat...

My v3 said fail and my v4.5 put the" away "sign and after 1 second I saw fireworks and then my uramametchi with a white baby... But my v3 didn't have anything!!!!!!

So WHAT did my mametchi just mate with mid air or something????? Is there any way to make the baby go away and just try again??

And idk if age five is too young for a v3 but then I just gave up and looked for the times that a match maker would come but none of them worked????


-the mating malfunction

-if possible how to try again (make baby go away)

-(if no other option) matchmaker on v3

This happened to me when I was trying to mate two V4s. Sometimes when I connect them, there's a glitch where the connection only goes through for one of them, and the other one fails. There's no way to reverse it now that yours already had the baby. If that happens again, you can reset the tama that the connection goes through on right away before it is able to have the baby.

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Lol thats sorta funny, but I feel sad for you. I get the connection fails alot too, its funny to see them go no where. I agree with you, I think it was a mating malfunction and the best thing to do is probably wait for the matchmaker! The tama has to be at least 6 and tamadot12 already said the time :p Best of luck!

a connection fail happends alot outside or in sunlight in sunlight

because, Ultra-violet rays interfeer with Infra-red

just so you know

heyy that happened to my v3 and my v4 too! and my v4 got the baby D:

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