~mcdougri's V5 pets~The Log~


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Well-known member
Aug 13, 2007
Reaction score
Mars...I think...
Hey everyone, this is my first log so give me some slack if I mess up. Here are my current stats:




Blended Family

Family Name: Maggy

Gen: 2

Gp: 260gp





I will announce whos talking in my next post but everyone says "Hi" to all the viewers who are reading this right now.

Byee ;)

My tamas just finished their training.

From now on Hannah (The Potetchi), will speak in purple

and Brad (The Mukugetchi), will speak in red

And I will speak in normal color (black).

So guys what training item do you want to use today?

I wanna use the....Traingle!

Sure are you okay with that Brad?

Of course!

Okay perfect! Besides I want you guys to become an easygoing family! Have fun kids!

Together: Okay!

[SIZE=14pt]After Training...[/SIZE]

Did it raise bonding percentage guys?

No... ;)

Oh well you've got one more training at 6:00pm so all's well. What do you guys want for supper tonight?

Spaghetti please

Yes mmm... I can almost smell it now..

Well don't get your hopes up yet guys cause supper won't be ready until another hour.

Aww but we're starving!

Well that means you'll eat it all tonight! You guys play some games or use your yo-yo until supper is ready.

Well that is it for now. I might make another post after supper. Byee :eek:

11 views already? Wow! Keep visiting. Anyway back to Brad and Hannah. We went outside to play basketball, but Hannah and Brad couldn't participate because.., well, you know. Anyway I played against my brother and his friend. I lost 16 to 13.

Thats because you stink!

Hey Brad that was rude! I'm going to give you a time out and lock you up in my room.

Haha Brad next time you should think about what you're going to say!

That's right Hannah! So what did you guys think of my superior playing?


Brad no talking you're on a time out mister! So what did you think Hannah?

You were awesome daddy! Even though you lost to a pair of 8 year olds

No Hannah see when you're that age you often become sore losers so I let them win.


Also they played T.V Surfing and got to the 8th round! Now that was some serious playing, right Hannah!

Oh ya! That was so much fun. Oh why don't we talk about the Spaghetti dinner next?

Sure! Okay Brad you can come out of your time out now!

Can I say something about the dinner?

Sure! As long as it's polite though

Umm... Nevermind


Okay it was delicious I swear!

Thats better and what did you think of it Hannah?

Oh ya it was great! We had two helpings. But I'm stuffed so I won't be having a bedtime snack.

Okay well thats it for now. I'll make a post tomorrow and ya. Oh and guys we're going to go to the movie theatre on Friday to see

Journey to the Centre of the Earth! Won't that be exciting?

Together:OMG! Yay we'll have soo much fun!

Way to keep it positive guys.

Byee :eek: Oh also I'm gonna choose which one of them gets married tomorrow. I'll make

a post before I send them off to the Dating Channel. Oh right as I typed this training came along.

I chose the Triangle again. I hope Bonding went up. Yes! To 60%! K Byee~ ;)

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Hey everyone! I just wanted too add one more thing cause Brad, Hannah and I have some big news! We just posted a video on youtube which you must see!

Ya it's awesome!

We're gonna be movie stars!

Okay they look excited and sound excited. I will post the URL for the video here

Please watch it

We're great actors right Brad?

Oh ya Hannah!

Okay guys that's enough for today. Please watch the video!

For a quick sec lets check our stats:



Bond: 60%

Blended Family

Family Name: Maggy

Gen: 2

Gp: 330gp





There we go so.....

~Byee~ :D

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Hey everyone it's me mcdougri. Hannah and Brad are asleep right now but Clara ( The mother tama) and Trevor ( The Father tama) are awake and we have some big news. I've decided that Brad is going to get married tomorrow! Clara will talk in Green while Trevor will talk

in Blue.

So what should we do for the wedding tomorrow guys?

Maybe we should have long silver streamers with big fancy frills everywhere!

Eww no thats what old people use. We should have a big disco ball and neon lights everywhere!

No that'll be too.... discoish. Why not....

Guys please! Okay it'll be within our budget of 2500gp. We will have a pretty white carpet down the aisle,

and an arch at the stand where they'll get married. Wait where should they get married?

How about we choose somewhere from the traveling channel?

Oh ya great idea! How about the...the....the yacht they travel on!

Yes! My baby boy will have the perfect wedding!

Okay it's decided but one last thing.


The time!

Oh I know! 12pm. That time is always romantical

Okay......Sure! It's settled then. Goodnight guys!

Together:Goodnight Ricky! (My name)

Well I can't wait for my Brad's wedding. It'll be soo happy and sad at the same time!

I wonder who Ms. Busybody will choose for him? Hopefully someone hot and spicy!

Hehe :( Byee :(

Well Good Morning everyone (If it is Morning there). I'm gonna talk to Brad and Hannah about whos getting married.

So guys I really need to talk to you.

But we're really tired! Can't this wait?

NO! Okay it's about...the wedding, and getting married.

Together: GASP!

Guys it's nothing to be worried about. Okay so I've chosen one of you guys to get married.

And that person is........... Brad!

Haha you have to move out and live with Mom and Dad for the rest of your life Ahahaha!

Ya well.....I hope Ms. Busybody picks someone ugly for you. She'll look exactly like you.

You know what!!! :(

You guys are hopeless! Just calm down okay. Brad doesn't see his bride and doesn't get married until 12pm!

Oooo that time is so romantical!

Like mother like son! Hehe :(

I'll miss you Brad..*Cries*

Aww there there Hannah. You'll get to see Brad when he gets back to tama planet in the 4th Generation.

Okay..that makes me feel a little better.

Thats great. Now Hannah I need to talk to Brad for a bit so could you leave?



Now Brad are you okay with all of this?

YES! I hope to marry someone very pretty and--

Okay Brad don't say anymore. Guess where you're gonna get married?

Umm... Oh I know. Poolside!

No. You're gonna get married on a yacht!

YEA!!! Whoo hoo!!! So it is Poolside! :p

No, more like Seaside. Hehe B)

*Parents come downstairs to talk with Brad*

Mom: Oh my Bradley! Don't worry I'll be there sweetsums!

Mom you're embarrassing me!

Dad: Have a great wedding son! Only 2 hours!

Yep.. Well I'm gonna see if I can get a tux. See ya!


Sob Sob! My boys growing upp! WHY??!!

Honey don't take it too hard! He'll get to visit us in the 4th Generation.

Okay..I'll just.. help him get ready upstairs.* Sniffle, Sniffle*

*All exits*

Lets do a quick Stat Check!:



Bonds: 60%

Blended Family

Family Name: Maggy

Gen: 2

Gp: 430gp





Also they just did training. They asked for the paper airplane so I gave it to em'.

It didn't raise bonding so it's still 60%.

See ya at 12pm for the wedding! Byee ;)

It was a great wedding! Brad got married to a Violetchi named Heather, and he said goodbye to Clara, Trevor and Hannah. They all cried. After the wedding they had 3 babys. They had 2 Mimifuwatchis and 1 Futabatchi. I named the girl Mimifuwatchi Samantha, the boy Mimifuwatchi Peter, and the boy Futabatchi Anthony.

I played T.V surfing with them and my goal for them is to become a Kupatcha family. They just got sick and Brad and Heather came out with the medicine box.

The babys can't talk yet until they are toddlers but Heather and Brad want to say something.

Hey everyone. I was so emotional at the end of the wedding because I wouldn't get to see my family

until the 4th Gen.

It's okay honey. After the wedding we had babys. They love us but they won't talk until they become toddlers.

See you in an hour!

Stat Check!:




Blended Family

Family Name: Maggy

Gen: 3

GP: 480 gp






Well I'll give you an update when they evolve! Byee~ ;)

Hey viewers! Wow 43! Keep it up. Anyway Samantha, Peter and Anthony evolved! Peter turned into a Mousetchi,

Samantha turned into a Sakuramotchi and Anthony turned into a Mattaritchi.

Samantha will speak in Purple, Peter will speak in Gray and Anthony

will speak in Green.

Hey it's nice to finally get to talk to you guys. Why don't you describe your guys self with only one word?


Ya right Sam!

Shut up worm breath!

Hey guys stop! Peter your turn.


Okay... now your turn Tony (Short for Anthony)


No your not! I would describe you as snobbyish

Guys STTOOOPPP! Finally you guys get a grip! Tony go to your room now!

But he star--

I said NOW!!

Fine. Oh my gosh whats his problem!

Anyway now that he's gone wanna go to the Tama Expo?

Together: Ya!!

Okay we're off! I'll give you an update after the Ex.

Byee~ :furawatchi: Oh one more thing! I don't mind if you guys pm me with fan mail.

I love getting it and i'll post it here if you send it. K thats all! <_<

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Sorry I didn't get back to you guys earlier, I forgot :( . Thats usually me. Anyway, yesterday we got out FIRST fanmail from tamabunny4242.

Thank you tamabunny4242

Ya thanks

Is she fat too?

OMG TONY!!! That was rude! You are going back to your room! Sorry about that tamabunny4242.

Ever since he heard me say the word "fat", hes been constantly repeating it. K heres the fanmail:

Me liketh your loggie. He He i told you i would be filling your PM box.Tamabunny^^

PS Tamas say hello!
Aww thats so kind. Thanks tamabunny!

I hope she comes to visit us!

Guys she can't visit us. She probably lives on the other side of the world.

Well, we live in--

Guys don't say anything, I don't wanna reveal where we live.

YEA Sam!

OMG stop being like that. When we transform into teens today,

I'm gonna scratch your eyeballs out with my pretty long nails.

Hey Sam you wouldn't right?

Umm.. Well...

Sam, I thought you were always nice to your brothers?

Thats only when she isn't turning into an ugly teenager!

Oh no you didn't!*Snaps fingers in a Z Formation*

Well, I got it tape. I'd be happy to show you again! :ichigotchi:

I'm gonna kick your BUTT!!!

*Giant slashing and punching between the two*

You two get up right now!

*Gets up*

Good now both of you are grounded for the first time of your life! Up to your rooms now!

Good going worm breath!

It was your fault fatso

Don't say another word or it's another day of groundation. Thank-you!

The guys got off to a grumpy morning. Anyway I'll tell you about yesterday at the Ex. We played lots of games but we mostly played the

Sparkle Polishing Cups game thing. We played it twice and earned 600gp. But all together we earned about 900gp. Anyway I'll make a post later

today when they transform into teenagers.

~ Byee :chohimetchi:

Why?? WHY!!???

Whats the matter guys?

We were supposed to transform today! But we didn't!

Well, why are you guys wining about it?

Because we wanted too!

Yep....Oh hey! Sorry the kids were fussing and...Nevermind. Apparently we didn't go see Journey to the Centre of the Earth today. :angry:

Yes i'm angry! It's like the best movie ever! Oh well. The kids seem upset cause they really wanted to transform <_< .

Don't roll your eyes at me!

Well you don't know how annoying it is to live through these phases with you guys.

Why don't you love US!!??!??!

I do you guys just don't understand.

Oh we understand perfectly!

Okay... Well since I hate you I guess I'm not gonna take you to the Tama Expo today... :rolleyes:

Together: OH PLEEAASEE!!??

Well, fine why not!

Yay this'll be my first time ever to the Ex.

Well duh! All you've been doing is bothering so you get punished and can't go.

Well maybe if you guys weren't so ugly..

Hey what just came outta your mouth Tony?!

Nothing...All I said was...was....I love you two!*Hugs brother and sister*

No I heard everything mister. Back to your room!

*Mumbles of angrily*

No that we've taken care of him.......TO THE EXPO!!!!!!

Screams together: YYYEEAAA!!!!

Well were off and I'll give you an update later.

~Byee ;)

Hey everyone. I just got back from camp. I stayed over night there for about a week and it was awesome!

I missed my family and tamys soo much and when I came through the door they were..dead... LOL just joking here peeps!

Actually Peter, Tony, Sam, Heather and Brad went on and amazing week adventure vacation on the Travel Channel. They had great fun.

I'm goning to spend a little more time with my Tama's because they miss me soo much so I'll get a post in either tonight or tomorrow morning.

Byee~ :huh: One more thing. I really enjoy fanmail and the Maggy's enjoy it too

soo you can send it at any time and I'll post it here.

......*SOB*.......SNIFFLE...... Heloo everyone.... I'm really depressed right now but I feel like sharing...*SOB*,

Anyway, I was busy watching T.V. and I left my house to hang with my friends and when I came back.......

THE MAGGY'S WERE DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! B) :chohimetchi: :pochitchi: :mametchi: I'll start a new family later,

once I post their deaths in the graveyard thing in TT here. Byee~.... :(

Well Hello everyone!!! I'm back! I haven't been on for a while cause I didn't feel like reseting them yet but now I'm ready.

I think I might join a group hatching to see if I can get them in one. Anyway, I'll post if I find one!

Byee~ :rolleyes:

Hello everyone! I couldn't find a group hatching to honour my tamas so i've decided to do a live hatch right here!

Okay, so, i've picked 4 names (2 boy names, 2 girl names), and they are Patrick, David, Lucy and Meranda.

Now I'm going to press C and A now...... there! The eggs are dancing. Now, we wait..................................

*Jepordy Song Plays*..........................................................................................................................

[SIZE=14pt]After Jepordy Song[/SIZE]

Middle one hatches... it's a boy. Left one hatches, it's a girl. Right one hatches, it's a boy.

The middle one will be David, the left one will be Lucy and the right one will be Patrick.

Once they evolve i'll get them to say something. See ya in an hour!

Byee~ :p

I'm back! And i've made a [SIZE=21pt]HUGE[/SIZE] mistake!!!! I screwed up on the genders! Apparently the middle one is a girl!

She evolved into a Tororotchi named Lucy. The one on the right was a boy and he evolved into a Ahirukutchi named David.

The one on the left was a girl and she evolved into a Sakuramotchi named Meranda. xD! I make sooo many mistakes!

Anyway I wrote some stats about them while in babyhood and this is what I wrote:they got sick 20 min after birth and

it took one dose of medicine to cure them. They pooped 5 times and ate 13 meals and 13 snacks! :rolleyes: !!!! Big eaters!

Their first words were BEEP!!!! xD! And thats about it.

Lucy speaks in blue

David will speak in red

Meranda will speak in purple

Oh and i'll just speak in black!

Well this is our first conversation ever guys!


I'm hungry, whats to eat?

Anything thats a snack. Heres a bowl of ice cream.


Tell me about it!

I want to play with some toys!!!!!

Sure, if you say please...



Tennis here I come!

Well Meranda and Lucy wanna go to bed so i'll make a post tomorrow.

Byee~ ;)

Oh one last thing. I and the guys REALLY enjoy fan mail so if you're a repeat viewer

please send some. I'll post it here! Thanks!!!

Good morning Tamatalk viewers!



Happy pants on fire day!!

What Meranda??? xD

My pants caught on fire today when I was trying to make bacon...

OMG???!!! ARE YOU OKAY???!!!?!??!!

Ya cause remember you told me: whenever your clothes are on fire, stop, drop, and roll

OH.... Good thinking Meranda!! *Hugs Meranda tightly*

Meranda when did this happen??

This morning, at about 7am..

When we got up??


Okay guys I wanna tell u something. Have you ever heard of the Tama/Earth Expo??

Yes! I read about it once



Well we're gonna get going now, so Byee. Oh and I forgot to give you a morning update.

They had 2 poops this morning and only had 1 Hungry heart. ;) :p It's so upsetting so

thats why I'm bringing them to the Ex today to say I'm sorry. I'll try and squeeze in a post

after our visit to the Ex with a stat check since we haven't had one yet.

~Byee :D

We evenually didn't go to Tama/Earth Expo because we had to go somewhere else. Upsetting, isn't it? Anyway we go some

fan mail from a user named Fireball602!

Aw how nice

Ya thanks!!

We evolve today!

Ya good for you. Anyway here is what it said:

Oh by the way i like your v5 log u put in ur siggy!

IT Rocks!

Interesting, I'm gonna cook some more bacon

Oh no you're not! :mimitchi: Not after what happened yesterday!

Fine, Fine, then i'll make some... PANCAKES!

Okay just don't but them in the burner

*Walks off and goes into kitchen*

Okay so you guys will at least say thank-you, right?

Ya thanks now I'm gonna play some tennis

Okay... Lucy?


Say thanks to Fireball602

Uhh... for what?


Oh right, ya... thanks

Okay then :mametchi: Maybe I should do a stat check:




Blended Family

Family Name: Bulb

Gen: 1

Gp: 2130gp




Well thats it for now. I'll get a post in this afternoon.

~Byee :p ~

Hello viewers! I've got some good news!


It's something you already know about

Um... Okay

Anyway when Meranda was making pancakes she didn't burn herself!

Ya, only the stove


Ya seriously go look at the stove!

Fine.... OMG!!!!!! IT"S JUST ASHES!!!!!



Shes in her room if you want to see her

*Goes to Meranda's Room*


Ya so?



Good. That'll teach her

I can't beleive she burnt down the whole stove!

She is paying for a new stove and is never going to use it again!

*Bursts out laughing*

Ya I guess it was kinda funny....Psshh......HAHAHA HA!!!! LOL!!!!!

*Everyone starts laughing*

Whewh sorry..Psshh..... we just laughed our pants off! But seriously shes never going to use the stove again.

Well, I think we might go to the Tama/Earth Expo now so see ya!

~Byee :( PS: Except Meranda of course!! xD

Good-morning viewers! The guys evolved yesterday!

I'm a beautiful Ichigotchi!

I evolved into a Bakutchi!!! I'm a bomb!

Ya well I evolved into Shellitchi which is better than all of you!

Ya right Meranda!! I actually am a character!

So am I!

Guys you're all Tamagotchi characters so don't be calling eachother fake or something!

Whatever. *Walks off and goes in room*

Well, shes angry, I guess.. :D At least she didn't burn down our new stove this morning! :D :D




Bond%: 100%

Blended Family

Family Name: Bulb

Gen: 1

Gp: 2230gp




Yesterday I kept reseting the time back to 11:59am and kept getting a training call at 12:00pm and got them to 100% Bond!

Try it! It might work for you! I'm gonna make a youtube video later and post the URL in my next post and the video will show

you what they do when I press the C button.

~Byee :(

I couldn't find my video camera so I'll have to wait until I find it. Anyway my tamas and I are really bored

Well, we wouldn't be if you just let us play with some toys


:D Whatever

I'll make another post unless I find my video camera and post the video first then post in my log.

