~mcdougri's V5 pets~The Log~


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Hi people!


I'm, too sexy for myself! :p

Whatever I evolved into a mature Memetchi :D

I don't wanna be mature I actually wanna have fun!

I'm too sexy for myself!

Stop that! :mellow:

Whatev gonna get going Byee

You guys seem pretty excited about your little growth

Yes, we do


Anyway it's time to talk about marriage

Together: :huh:

Anyway I've decided since Lucy is a Memetchi, I'm gonna get her to marry and become the Meme Family


Phew! Thank gosh I didn't wanna get married

Then why do you have those posters of a really pretty Mametchi on your wall? <_< :D

Uhh... :eek: Gotta go!

Hehe! Anyway I'm gonna tell you what they evolved into. Lucy evolved into a Memetchi, David evolved into a Sukatchi

and Meranda evolved into a "sexy :( " Chantotchi. I found my video camera but the screen isn't working so it'll

be awhile until I can fix it. So,

~Byee :p

Hey everyone! I forgot but yesterday we got some fanmail!!

From who?


What a pie obsesser!

Guys! Anyway heres what it says:

hi love yer log how r they  i <3 tamas
Whatever, cause I'm, to sexy for my-


Whatever, thanks, pie person...



Wow ;) They're happy. Anyway thanks pieisgood327.

Also we bought a new item this morning. It was 1500gp. We bought a basketball!

I was to busy singing to myself to notice

Ya I got to use it first!

I waited my turn

How polite! xD :gozarutchi:

Lemme see if my camcorder is working. OMG :ichigotchi: Why won't the screen show up!!!

Stop spazzing, just chill

Oh...I'll chill alright!!!!!

I'm gonna play with my basketball

Nope cause we're going to the Tama/Earth Expo this time and I promise we'll go now.

I'll give you an update and stat check later when we come back

~Byee :gozarutchi:

Well were back..already! We played 4 games and went through 2 traffic jams ;) .

Anyway we played The Juice Making Game, The Cruise Ship Game and we played The Polishing Cups Game twice.

Fun fun fun

I enjoyed the cruise because I'm t-



I liked the cruise too!

I'm gonna e-mail Tech Support for my Camcorder. I wish I knew why it wouldn't work :ichigotchi:





Blended Family

Family Name: BULB

Gen: 1

Gp: 1610gp




~Byee :gozarutchi: P.S We earned about 800gp at the Ex

Hey viewers! Just got back from lunch!! YUM!! Anyway I'm soo excited today because..Lucy's getting married!!!

I'm planning for her husbands name to be Kyle.

OOO Thats sounds HOT!

Eww thats gross! I'm glad I'm not getting married

I'm done singing that song now

Amazing :(

I can't wait! I want my wedding to be live right here!

Sure no problem!

I'll miss bugging you sis! :(

Hope to see you in 3rd Generation ;) :(

Byee guys! :) :( *Hugs brother and Sister*



I have to, so :mellow: , goodbye... -_-

OMG thats was so horribly sad to witness.... Lets see if the Ms. Busybody will accept her now.

NOPE! :angry: It'll be 48 hours since they evolved at about 7:05pm today. See ya then!

~Byee ;)

Hey viewers! Unfortunatly Lucy didn't get married yesterday because I had to go to a birthday party but I'm gonna start the

ceremony now. I'll give the guys a few more words to speak to eachother before they have to leave.

*Cry**Sob* Goodbye guys.... :(

We'll miss you Lucy WAHHH!!!!!

Lucy give me a hug!

Thanks guys! I'll see you in the 3rd Generation when I have to leave

Together:Bye Lucy.. :(

Poor guys I hope they'll be alright. Anyway time for the live wedding right here! If you don't already know, I wanted

the 2nd Gen's Family to be the Meme Family and I have 100% bond so lets do this! Hopefully Ms. Busybody chooses the

Tama to make the Family. Here we go. I'm going to the Dating Channel... There I selected Lucy but Ms. Busybody offered

a Clock looking guy so I didn't accept. I'll probably have to wait until tomorrow until I can marry :( Oh well! Actually Nevermind!

She got back on but Ms. Busybody offered some guy in pyjamas it looked like :( !! Lets try again. OMG she offered a Sakutchi,

the same character as David!!!


Okay I'll try again until I get the character I want. Wait.. Ms. Busybody is... sleeping? :( :ph34r: GET UP I WANNA GET MARRIED!!!

Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow... :D :(

~Byee ;) P.S At least they get another day with Lucy.. :(

Good Afternoon viewers! The guys have already said their "goodbyes", so it's time to get married! Anyway here I go.

She got offered a guy with a circular head and a leaf on it so I didn't accept. Lets try again! OMG she got offered the same guy!!!!

Last one..cross your fingers people.... well, Ms. Busybody offered a Kupatchi so I said yes.. the eggs are bobbing up and down on the screen now,

all 3 of them. 1st is Fubatchi, 2nd is Fubatchi and 3rd is Omutchi. I'll make a post later..

~Byee :)

Hey viewers!! I know I haven't made a post in a while, and I think I might end my log... and start a new one! I was sort of getting bored of V5, so I thought of making a V4.5 log. Please PM me if you think I should continue writing in here or start anew. This is very important to me so please if you are reading this right now I ask you to PM me. Thanks a billion!

~Byeez :(

Heey everyone! I know my last post hasn't been until August, but I'm planning on starting my V5 up again! Isn't that great!!! Anyway I'll stay in touch with all you guys soon. Byeez and Happy Holidays.

Well, I've decided to start up again.. BUT, I'm starting up a V4! So here goes... well, I have to wait........ omg it's hatching..! It's a GIRL! I've named it Sally.

WELCOME SALLY! Anyway <_< lemme feed her. Shes currently 11lbs. I'll post more soon. Happy Holidays!
