Me and my sparkling Tamagotchi


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Nov 18, 2012
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:tarakotchi: Hiiiiiiii,

Sparkalisha, aka Sparkie, with a bunch of Tamas that still live at my parents' place.. only one lives with me: the iDL.

I got it in Akihabara (Tokyo, Japan), and I even though I don't really like the games, I still love the Tama. Because I got it in Japan in May 2012.

I miss Japan..

I'm into photography (I have a NIKON D3100, in case anyone's interested), Japan, rock music (also J-Rock, obviously), reading, laughing, singing, hanging out with my friends, painting my nails and other things.

My favourite Tama is the V4, my favourite characters are Mametchi and Tarakotchi :3

I've had Tamas since they first came out in the late '90s, and have been playing on and off..

If there's anything else you want to know, feel free to ask :)

Thank you thank you thank you! :D

Mametchi is a classic, I suppose.. it's also the most well-known Tamagotchi character I think..

Hi welcome to tama talk! I have always wanted an ID L your lucky! Feel free to pm me if you need help finding something on the website!

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well, I went on holiday to Japan this year and figured I couldn't really leave w/o a new Tama, as they are Japanese XD

I had no idea they had become so BIG, though! (*゚Д゚*)

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