Me & My Tamagotchis, XXKayaXX's Tamagotchi Log!


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I thought so. Aaaaaaaaand... she was on her second generation as well, so that's even crappier if you ask me.

Anywayyyyyyyyyyyyy... with Nittobotchi, I'll update when he becomes a child.

IDK how this happened, but when I found my P2 this morning, it was displaying the death screen. It said that "Tonmarutchi was 3 years old when he returned to his home planet on 23/11/2013." even though I don't think I neglected him... really, what we need is a download feature.

So I started him again. 5 minutes, then.

OK, FIVE updates!!! First, we got Katy, who is now a KOROKOTCHI!!! I absolutely LOVE this guy, he's cute. Now she's an adult, it's time to reveal her name origin! I've been holding this back for months now and I can't not "let the cat out of the bag" before long, so here's your answer...

...OK, her name origin is from THIS MEMBER. Well it sure feels good to let go of that, it's been getting stuck in my mind for longer than I can remember. As you can imagine, that is rather discomforting.

Anyway, now on with Oranda. He is now Nonopotchi.

Nittobotchi is now Kaubotchi

Hoshitchi is now Chuchutchi

And Shirobabytchi is now Tonmarutchi.

Katy looks SO cute now. I'm really glad she became Kurokotchi, she couldn't look better as anyone else. Really. She will now wake up at 10 in the morning (Omg, a latemater! lol) and go to sleep at 10:15 in the evening. Her base weight is 20 pounds. If I feed her popcorn, she will become happy, and if I feed her bananas, she will NOT like it. (Heh, a bit like me), so this will be lovely.


And by the way, I wanted to show a project I have been working on in my fanon wiki, and its something to do with the Tamagotchi Friends (not quite sure what it is but I know I made it) and here it is:


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And by the way, I wanted to show a project I have been working on in my fanon wiki, and its something to do with the Tamagotchi Friends (not quite sure what it is but I know I made it) and here it is:

I found out what it's supposed to be. It's a likely character chart to show which adults will be on, but since it's not released yet (you see, I live in the UK) I have no idea, but according to the website that unleashed today, this is what it will be like. I'm sceptical about this, though.

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One more quick update on Katy! The software I use to connect to my camera started working and I've got a picture of her! Here's what she looks like!


I looked at Kaubotchi this morning and...He's dead! My beloved iD L is dead! Oh no! Now I have a new egg and I have Yurapatchi. Jeeze. I shouldn't have done that...

Yurapatchi turned into Nannokitchi! I havn't had this guy before.

OOOOOH NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Tonmarutchi died...AGAIN! I'll toss the record one more time, and if this turns out to be a dud, I'll whisk the batteries out of my P2 and put them in my Angel instead because this has gone long enough. Did you realize how many times I've reached adult stage on my P2? ONLY ONCE. And do you know who it became? Kusatchi. And when did he die? Age 7. Jeeze. I'm worse than hopeless at this. Yuck. On my Angel I've been doing FAR BETTER than this, and rather a lot I have to say. Seriously, I have got to the adult stage like a hundred times and even got THE BEST ADULT! And multiple times. I even got Kodoten, and guess what, ON THE FIRST TIME I RAN IT! OMG! That was only back in May, so how could I forget it?

I think I figured out why this is so different on my P2. You know how each stage is SEVENTY-TWO HOURS *screams loudly* on the P1, P2, and every other vintage model...

...Every model that is, except the Angel. The stage duration on Angel is ONLY THIRTY-SIX HOURS! Much better, Bandai!! Really, whilst that kind of is a little bit much, it's still better than 3 days and tops it hands down.

I think the modern releases, such as the Tama-Go, Tamagotchi iD, Tamagotchi iD L, and Tamaotchi P's, where the duration is only twenty-four hours (or twenty-five on Tama-Go, let me remark) subsequently tops this because the shorter the better! And we can put this simply in that category of "shorter growths, which range between one and two days". My Tamagotchi Kamui featuring Aikatsu! version started with one day for level one and two, then 2 days for level three and four, then 3 days for level five and six. Level seven was the "marriage stage" and began at age 12. You'd be able to mate at age 24 and if you didn't within two days you would proceed to level 8, which goes on indefinitely. If you did mate, you would have your level 7 characters turn into "parent" characters. And to fully top it off, if you were hatching an Aikatsu egg because you used the Aikatsu dating card, then your baby would go straight to adulthood. Because of the absence of all previous stages of growth, I've extended the baby stage to 5 hours rather than the natural two. Also, parents disappeared if you were raising a character from Aikatsu. Whilst the reason for this is unknown, it's actually better this way.

But yeah, I think that's what it all is. Another reason is because I AM CURRENTLY RAISING FIVE TAMAOTCHIS AT ONE TIME AND I AM FINDING IT HARD. As TCA (Tama-Care Admin) I have a large duty and it takes up a lot of spare time. Every time I introduce a new one into my collection, I have more work. I think that's the reason why Kaubotchi quickly died on me.

All my teens have changed..other than Oranda. He's 2 tonight, so he'll be an adult. If I find him tomorrow and he still hasn't changed, I am going to see if I can find out why...

Chuchutchi turned into Marotchi and that is a shame really, because that's two bad adults running, which is NOT something to be proud of. No, it isn't. If this kept happening to you, you'd probably be saying "Jeeze. Why am I getting all these bad adults? I'm glad you asked."

Gozarutchi died on my TMGC+C this morning. It's not going very well...

SO, I SEE YOU DIDN'T CHANGE INTO AN ADULT LAST NIGHT, ORANDA! I think it's because he didn't get to form his band. So I formed it today instead. So behold Oranda and his band, Meli2000! Yay, it's an ALL BOY BAND!

I think Meloditchi, Lovelitchi, Yumemitchi, and Kiraritchi would be good characters to be on Tamagotchi Music Star. Do NOT say that Bandai invented them after 2010, they DID NOT.

Nannokitchi turned into Bokuhoshitchi! What's interesting about this guy is how his face turns gold when he's happy! It's really funny!

I was NOT pleased to see Oranda's adult form, yuck. He turned into a disgusting Tarakotchi. No really, it was horrible. Tarakotchi is awful. Very, very awful. There is nothing to like about this revolting duck-bird thing. I have no idea what it is supposed to be. I'm...very sure he is supposed to resemble something...but what?

Anyway, disgusting. That's for sure. Nokotchi on my TMGC+C turned into Sakuramotchi today, and we'll try not to get a vile strawberry-thing (You know what I mean, I don't want to say the name, it's horrible and I don't want to be looked down on.) One mention of "Ichigotchi" and it won't be long before you're facing the dangers of life. So this is your only warning: Do NOT mention that name! Whatever the time, whatever you do, whatever you say, wherever you are, DON'T SAY IT! I mean it. If you do, YOU COULDN'T BE SORRIER. So don't. Really. For your own good. As long as we get Chamametchi and don't get a I********I (You could just about get away with that).

There we go, nailed. Now let's take by my advice and get her. NO FOOLING ABOUT! I'm warning you. If you own one with youknowwho on it, don't get her.

About Sakuramotchi... Unfortunately I FAILED to get ChaMametchi so now I have that horrible, ugly fruit weirdo I was saying not to get yesterday as a result. Shoot me now. Ugh! Also, my P2 is dead... and at age 3, so no, not yet.

After that bad news, it's time to bring out some good news, Katy is 6!! And do you know what that means??? YES IT'S TIME TO MATE!!! This is only good now, KATY, WAKE UP! I set the time to 1029 and Korokotchi will wait a minute and then hopefully, Nope, she missed. Let's try again. If this turns out to be a dud, we'll try again in 4 hours.

Again it didn't work, so we'll try again in 4 hours. Sure that'll work.

See? Didn't I told you that I was gonna add a new one to my list? I started my V1, Jory. Actually, I started him a while back, but he's a baby at the moment.

Updates coming when he's a child!

@Jory turned into Marutchi.

@Katy, yes it did work. She married to an Androtchi and had a baby girl! What shall I name her? Find out tomorrow!

I have jumpstarted my V6 again. This time I'm hoping for a girl. Please, just do as I say. Wow! First attempt too! Another first. OK, what should we name her...?

I've got it! I'm going to name her KIRSTIE.

OK, that WAS a jumpstart! Probably a new record. And now, we've hatched her and she's ready for raising. She's hungry, but I'll keep close watch on her.

Let's do it--1 hour. CYA then.

Kirstie has just tuned into Hitodetchi! Now, to prevent us from getting a horrible ugly Ichigotchi or a horribler uglier Ringotchi, let's treat her well! See you tomorrow!

Bokuhoshitchi turned into an unfortunate Gozarutchi. The horrible ugly character nobody likes. Ugh. Please don't say you love this guy, he's horrible. So that wasn't good at all.

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