Mean Words in tips and trcks forum


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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006
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Why do we have to be mean to others on this website? i have folund 6 posts on tips and tricks sayiong tat the person who posted the topic was either having mental problems, or the info was useless or no one liked their info. this is a very very very mean way of using a forum, there are rules that state that you should not be mean to other players by saying something mean about their topic! its completly rude! being mean on this website could get your karma wau way down and possibly getting reported!

so stop being rude if you have posted something mean than you pay the price!

not saying everyone is mean tho im just saying that if you wanmt to say mean things, think before you act!

it's an open forum. people can act/talk however they want.

if it's wrong and offensive, then leave it to the guides to ban them.

it's an open forum. people can act/talk however they want.if it's wrong and offensive, then leave it to the guides to ban them.
Uh... just so that no one misunderstands and thinks they can do whatever they like on TamaTalk....

this is a moderated forum... we ask ppl not to act however they want... we ask them to follow a set of rules on reasonable behaviour... and avoid wrong or offensive behaviour

Guides don't like lowering karma or banning ppl - we prefer that members behave politely in the first place :unsure:

There's a link in my signature for anyone who wants to refresh their memory about rules :(

So not true.
+You can't swear on TT

+No SPAMing

+Be nice!
totally right!

And,swearing isnt good at ALL because there may be littler children on this site.Im willing to be as friendly as I can :(

Lower their karma Tamamum? I thought only Admin could do that!!! Ah well... Shadows112 I agree with you

Uh... just so that no one misunderstands and thinks they can do whatever they like on TamaTalk....
this is a moderated forum... we ask ppl not to act however they want... we ask them to follow a set of rules on reasonable behaviour... and avoid wrong or offensive behaviour

Guides don't like lowering karma or banning ppl - we prefer that members behave politely in the first place :D

There's a link in my signature for anyone who wants to refresh their memory about rules ;)
Yes, that's right TamaMum. ;)

-sk8er girl-

Why do we have to be mean to others on this website? i have folund 6 posts on tips and tricks sayiong tat the person who posted the topic was either having mental problems, or the info was useless or no one liked their info. this is a very very very mean way of using a forum, there are rules that state that you should not be mean to other players by saying something mean about their topic! its completly rude! being mean on this website could get your karma wau way down and possibly getting reported!
so stop being rude if you have posted something mean than you pay the price!

not saying everyone is mean tho im just saying that if you wanmt to say mean things, think before you act!
That is very rude. I agree. People should be nicer

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