Meet Jenna!


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Well-known member
Jul 2, 2005
Reaction score

this is about my V4.5 ( the purple lava lamp design!) I got it a few days ago... acually 2. lol ok anyway her name is Jenna and her stats are:

Hungry: ()()()()

Happy: ()()()()

Training:4 out of ... 9?

skill points: (happy face)-33

(Star)- 72

(flower) 80

1 yr old

1 LB (lol my sis plays a lot of games with her!)

She was a kuribotchi as a toddler and now she is a Ura Young Violetchi.. are those good? sorry im a newbie! lol ohh she woke up and a fortune cookie star thing came lets see... 2 hearts money... 1 heart hearts... and 2 for healthy-ness. i took her to school (she has ms. flower!) and she got the poop.. i took her to school again and.... drumrolll..... the poop..oh well better luck next time

well g2g probably ill update tomorrow

(you have to see the transformers movie! it rocks... even though its my dad whos the big fan!)

Please PM me

well CUL8TR!

Kk :D


anyway I had some extra time so i decided to post... lets see her stats are still all up exept for her training.. which is 5/9. I went to tamatown and got the wedding dress.. which is on the poster at forever tamagotchi (lol) she is now and has 22,060 pts.

i just got mail.. it is...a heart! aww. Ijust found out that if you press the C button you can see a little animation which is super cute! I really want my tama to get a job in the fashion jobs stuff soo wish me luck! I'll update soon!

Please PM me


Kk :)

im really bored and jenna is like 2 lb now... super skinny!!! Oh NO Shes anorexic! lol jk so yeah a bit off topic but anyone see the transformers movie its cool and Shia LeBeof is really cute in it! lol

Anywayback on topic i went to tamatown and she got 3,00 points thats pretty much it ill update soon

please pm me! i like pms! lol

CU Kk :)

Hi I'm back!!

ok not much going on.. lets see her stats! :



Training:7 out of 9

[SIZE=14pt]☺[/SIZE]: 89

Star:: 95

fist thing: 80

age 2

12 lbs

19330 pts.

she just got mail... its from the king... a shovel! and her fortune is.. pts: 2 stars. Heart:1 stars. Fitness:2 stars.. not bad!

hey anyone no when she is gonna change into an adult? if you do Please PM me!

well update later but I have a party to go to so it might be later tonight..

until then... Please comment or PM me It feels like im not talking to anyone! I feel lonely now...

BTW... anyone have a club penguin if you do my penguins name is Kutekk453 and I'm usually at beanie at australia

ok.. tata for now

Kk ^_^

ok i know I said I would update later but I have like five minutes so I guess I'll update... Jenna needed a dicipline soo now she has 8/9 for training i went to tamatown and got her the lion animal at the toystore.. she is at school and she got the poop.... oh well she went to school again and she got the ..... drumrolll pls... poop.. ok one last time she got the...STAR! YES!! now I have 99 star points! BTW i was accually doing that while I was typing... lol ok so im outta time so bye.. lol i sounded like a game show for a second!


Kk ^_^ :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

smilie overboard!

Hey sorry I havent updated but I was busy!

Sooo Jenna is now an adult(Ura Memechi!!!) and has gratuaded from school! cool!



happy: ()()()()

training full

Happy face 130

Star 145

Fist?? 103

3 yrs

25 lbs (big difference from last time!)

lots of points!

she got a job inteview but failed

and nothing has happened lately so heres her "ife cycle" Baby-Kuribotchi-Ura Violetchi-Ura Memetchi.... nice life huh...

I hope she gets a job soon!!


Kk :mellow:

Hey! Guess What!!!!

Jenna got a job this morning! she works at the music studio!cool! anyway here is her stats:




(happy face):137

(Star): 145

(Fist thing) 103

age 4

32 lb (i'll play games with her later)

28840 pts.

oohh a fortune! Money *** heart ** Human**

not bad.. so this is her life soo far:

baby girl-kuribotchi-ura violetchi-ura memetchi

so we went to tamatown and got her graduation gown and cap (@ school) and got her photo I.D. (the office)

well nothing happened.. AGAIN so when something happens I'll update ASAP... trust me there's a computer in every room in my house!



Kk :furawatchi:

Thanks... I try! lol jk and I see u changed ur siggy!

NE way Jenna is ok, shes 5 now.. they grow so fast!! *sniff sniff*... could'nt get a chance to play with her so now she's 38 lbs..nothing much has changed... We r still waiting for the matchmaker.... I hope it's a girl so I could name her Jinxy or if it's a boy I'll name him Mater (from Cars [me and my sis have an inside joke including him] :( ) so she went to work, got her pay, and does anyone know when the matchmaker comes and waht age.... thankies! :)

Well I dunno if I could update over teh weekend cuz Im going to LA and I'll try if not I'll update on Monday...


Kk :(

ok so I got the chance to update so here it is..

THE MATCHMAKER CAME!!!!!!!!! It's a boy!

she's 7 years old... 47 lbs.. gasp! 42000 pts and lots of skill points! :p ;)

sooo about the Mater name.. im thinking about changing it... maybe? I dunno but g2g cul8r bye!


Kk :lol:

Hey sorry I havent updated yet! so here:

Jenna left and left me with her son.. Which I named Danny (from Grease[Danny and Sandy!]) so it's just me and danny now...

let's start with his stats:




happy face 33

star 52

fist 28


29 lbs :lol:

and he is a kuchitamatchi now...well g2g update l8tr 2nite! (hopefully!)

most likely tomorrow!

Kk ;)
