Mental disablity?!? --Please Help--


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Dec 16, 2007
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Hey guys, yet again I need help.


I own two tama V4s.

Both in their 3rd stage [not counting the little starter blob]

Neither of them are universals.

The boy looks like this :p but bigger and a little diffrent.

The looks like this :)

Ok, correction, I was told by a fellow Tamatalkian that I have a Furawatchi and Mimitchi.

But, they were both born at the same time.

And neither of them get more attention than the other.

They both go to school at the same time, I make them.

Yet one of them seems to be waaaay smarter than the other.

The boy has:

42 pencil points

26 star points

18 flower points.

While the poor only has:

17 pencil points

10 star points

34 flower points

What wrong here?!

The boy has many more in more subjects.

I make them both play a variety of games, not just the same one.

And they both have diffrent teachers.

Yet, the boy still has more overall points.

Does my tama have some sort of mental learning disablity?

Or am I doing something wrong here?

Please help, Im starting to get worried. :p

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Nope, there is no learning disability. :) The points you get from games are always random, so maybe the case is that sometimes the boy gets more points than the girl. Nothing to worry about. :p

If you want to get them up to around the same points, play more games with the girl. However, if you want them to play the same amount of games, you can just leave it. :p


Lol there is noooo learning disability!!


Play more games on the girl. It may just be the settings on the system or something, so don't worry!


Best Wishes,


[[Merry Christmas!!]]




Huh? A boy Mimitchi...?? maybe ur mistaken. Maybe its a Mametchi. Are you sure its a boy??? ;) who looks like this? weird. u have a violetchi/furawatchi on your other v4. well theres not really a problem here. u just have to feed them both certain foods to gain skill points and play certain games to give certain skill points. and again HUH??? please go to page 2 and look for my topic . plz help me on Oh...My...GOD!!

No no noooo. lol their are no learning disabilities on tamas. Al it is is just that you're probably feeding the boy :huh: better learning foods than the girl. All you have to do to fix that is search around the interet and find out what foods make tamas on he v4 smarter. Hope I was of service :huh: :D

i know you gotta do this... more games with the gurl

2.feed the gurl this:melon

3.try to connect

hope i helped

btw i had the same problem its no problem just a tamagotchi trick.

check the age

hope i helped

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