messy buns


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Well-known member
Aug 26, 2006
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do you like messy buns? i do i wear them all the time. i'm wearing one now

It's when you put your hair in a bun but it's not perfect it's just, messy. And no i dont like wearing my hair up it's usually down.

you also don't care about the bumps. it's hard to do!

I only wear my hair like that when its really hot and sticky...

Most of the time I have my hair up in a pony tail, nothing too fancy.

I like them. But I never wear my hair up, except before/after swim practice. Because if I do.... people will comment and say that I'm wearing my hair up, because I never wear it up. It's an awful circle. D:

Not really. I perfer to leave my hair down and alone. Hair is but fur upon the head.

o...o'' Okay, maybe not. xDDD

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Oh I wear mesy buns all the time.

I never wear my hair up. I can't do anything with it, its just too curly, and wont stay in one place. I will post a pic from my phone sometime.

I like to keep it down, because I like the feeling of it on my back, and when I do have it up, it is in a simply pony tail (I hate that name), with the bangs and sides down.

Very rarely will you see me with a bun, messy or otherwise.

I used to wear them all the time. But I rarely do. I like my hair down.

i usually straighten my hair and wear it down. but if i'm haveing an uber bad hair day, then i'll wear one.

by the way,

to: CeilidH

when you said "wear messy buns, i thought you meant like those sticky bun things xD

to: paper*cut

haha xD

YES! its my favorite thing to where! I feel weird if I go to school and my hair is not like that!


Only because I like my hair when it's straightened, not messy.

It just looks better on me. :eek:

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