Middle School


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Teachers tell you to focus, and straighten up. But In a way Middle School isn’t rough. The only thing different is that you have lockers, more teachers, gym, and a little more projects and homework. However I miss being in Elementary school, because it was easier. I’m in the 7th grade, don’t worry Middle School isn’t rough. I got a head start on middle school; I had to go to this leap week when I was in 5th grade while it was summer time. Many people will be lost as you, but it won’t be that hard.

Now Notice that there will be changes (Development, and etc...), sometimes you can’t put off stuff tomorrow. You will have to get use to studying and testes. I’m sure there’s no question that’s has to be answered, you will learn as you go. Well you can me a question, but I can’t read your mind and answer your question. By the way you can watch Ned’s Declassified School Survival Guide on Nickelodeon. (That silly show sometimes help me! :D )Just be organized, and prepare. Since your becoming a teen, BEWARE of drugs, violence, dating, peer pressure, gangs, and etc..

Hope you enjoy middle school! Enjoy, also your teachers are probably getting you and your classmates ready for middle school, probably. That’s what my teachers did.


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Actually it's pretty fun! :D I'm in 7th grade and i've been in middle school for 3 years. For me middle school started in 5th grade. You don't have anything to worry about! You'll be with some (maybe all) of your friends and you'll meet a lot of new people! But i'm going into 8th grade next year ( :D ) and that's pretty shocking for me and my friends that will be in 8th grade next year too! And it's REALLY hard to believe that we'll actually be in HIGH SCHOOL the year after 8th grade! :(

I liked middle school alot better than elemntry.

Sure the teachers are a little tougher and occacionaly you get bogged with homework, but you have a bunch more freedom.

If you don't like a teacher, you will only have them for one or two classes not the whole day! ;D

Just make sure you get all your work in on time. If you are always late- or don't turn them in period- you're in trouble.

Most schools have a late work policy, like 20% off everyday your late or so.

I'm sure you'll have a blast in middle school! ;D

you have more priviliges, more expectations, and more cute boys! :wacko:

[SIZE=14pt]Middle School is awesome![/SIZE]

It's way more interesting that boring Elementary! More of everything.


Drama, boys, fun, exitment, just have fun.


It's more gossipy though so you have to becareful of what you say or do.

I'm going to middle school next year(6th grade) and have no clue about ANYTHING!!!!
Help anyone? Can people help me PLZ!!!! Just tell me about what it's like.


Um 5th grade is Middle School... .-.;

I'm going to middle school next year(6th grade) and have no clue about ANYTHING!!!!
Help anyone? Can people help me PLZ!!!! Just tell me about what it's like.


:( Um 5th grade is Middle School... .-.; Its fun ! Well anyway if your in NJ you get to play this fun game in 5th grade called "Kateri" I love that game also because i saw Peter :eek:

Um 5th grade is Middle School... .-.;
No it aint..........5 grade is the last year of Elementary

Well I just entered 6th grade this year. Tramatic Grade drop~ I hate advanced classes as I cant turn anything in on time or at all cuz its at home from me trying to finish it

It can be fun and stuff, just beware of the deans, they are the meanest

ok im in grade 8 (middle school, almost in highschool) and it is pretty much more repsosibility, it preplares u for highschool, yea

thats it lol

- britt

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I'm in year nine. the schools are bigger, the homework takes longer and there are more lessons. but at least I get DT every week! (also I get to choose the subjects I do next year [you have to take science, maths and english, but you can drop other subjects])

Um 5th grade is Middle School... .-.;
Not in my school district...or in Ruby's. I don't know really except you don't have the same teacher the whole day long! Also you don't have recess. I'm also in 6th grade and Middle school is also next year. My teacher reccomended me for advanced classes next year. Oh and obviously the school is bigger.

I always hated recess anyway. But, you still have lunch! Haha.. xD


It's also more harder than Elementary.. Gets you more pressured. But you just have to keep up.

-pp :ichigotchi:

Please, before I begin, don't hold me to anything I say. It's all my own opinion, you don't have to agree, so don't quote me saying something along the lines of "That's not right!", because it's all my opinion. So don't.

Middle school is all fun and games for me C: Nothing about it is hard, but maybe because I'm an advanced student... Not bragging, but seriously. xD And no homework tonight! Ohyes!

But for the advice. Just be yourself and pay attention in class. That's how I am. C:

I think middle school is better than elm. school! I mean hey I'm a sixth grader so I just came out of elm., But on the first day you usually are allowed to ba a little late baecause you are new and eveery thing!

Just make sure ou know your way around school and your schedule and you will slip into the flow of it within the first week! Just relax! I know it seems scary or hard at first but it evens out! :rolleyes:

I have friends in 8th grade and they say..."You don't want to go to middle school..." and stuff like that.
The ones like that have a hard time in school or they wasn't ready/prepared... Which is rare, middle school isn't really that hard. :furawatchi:

Well heres one thing I learned the hard way in sixth grade... ALWAYS be ready for upcoming tests, quizzes, ect. and Never get behind in anything it will haunt you until you get it done! :furawatchi:

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