Midnight Mystery:


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Jul 19, 2006
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Franklin, MA. USA
Midnight Mystery:

Chapter One


Lexi- A spunky,

hyper memetchi Who :blink:

has an addiction to chocolate


Nick- Lexi's

husband, who is highly

allergic to peanuts, and

he loves football! :gozarutchi:


Tina- A

shop-a-holic who currently

owns every edition of

Guinnise World Records scince



Nick was sitting on the couch watching football. "touchdown!' wait, the ref is calling a time out..." called the TV. "Lexi, when will the chicken fingers be done?' asked Nick. " just a muinite!" Lexi called back. A little while later, Lexi came into the room with a plate filled with steaming chicken fingers. As she set them down on the table, she said, 'dont forget about the pasta on the stove'. Lexi sat down next to Nick to watch football. Suddenly, the phone rang. " Ill get it." said Lexi. It was Tina: 'Hey Lexi! I was wondering, do you wanna go to the mall with me?' 'Shue, b right over!' said Lexi. "Nick, Im going to the mall with Tina. Ill be back by 5:30!" she called. "shure" said nick.

~two and a half hours later~

"Nick, im ho-' Lexi gasped at what used to be her house- and her husband. 'the stove! she thought. 'Nick forgot about the stove!' She called Tina and told her to come over. Lexi was sobbing when Tina arrived. Oh my gosh, Lexi! What happened!?! said Tina. Lexi told here everytrhing. 'A fire started...' Lexi gasped. Oh my gosh... Tina, I need a doctor, now!" 'get me to a doctor!' Tina screamed. "dont worry!' she said.


chapter two comeing out on monday!
