Miku's Journal


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Dec 5, 2006
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December 8, 2006

Dear Journal,

North Pole trip TODAY! Me and Izzo are ready! Right now I'm on the plane. This is going to be a blast!!

December 9, 2006

Dear Journal,

Yay! I'm freezing! But in a good way! Anyway, you won't beleive this. I'm staying at Santa's! He told me I'm on the Nice list. Isn't that nice?? So, anyway, back to my story. He said that someone stole the lists right before he could check it twice! So, now I'm on a mission to find out who stole it and where it's at. Spy on break. Falling asleep. Good night!

December 10, 2006

Dear Journal,

I have a clue! I have a clue! Okay, one elf left pages of the nice list. (Guess what. I saw my name! My coming here works out!) Although, the trail stopped when I got to the barbie doll maker. It's on the same floor of Santa's office. (I don't know. It's just a fact!) I'm really close!

December 11, 2006

Dear Journal,

Boo and bullfrogs. I found NO MORE pages. BUT. I did find the tiny naughty list. For some reason, it was in Santa's office hiding in the cabinet... Do you think Santa stole it? He couldn't! Maybe the mystery stealer hid it in there as a joke! Man! How cruel!

December 12, 2006

Dear Journal,

I didn't have a choice but to ask Santa. He was very suspicious because of the fact that he said it quickly like he was expecting it. Then he ran away. SOOOOOOOOO CLOSE!

December 13, 2006

Dear Journal,

The nice list was no where to be found. I'm a bad spy. Izzo said he hadn't found anything, either. Sooo tired. Good nig...

December 14, 2006

Dear Journal,

Santa apologized and said he stole them. He told me I was on the naughty list. And I would find out more on Christmas morning.


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