Miley Cyrus Pictures


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Okay, can everyone just let this topic DIE!?

The miley cyrus pictures fad is over. Just please. I have had enough miley cyrus.

No, no, no. She was showing nothing but her back. It's not like she's showing her breasts or anywhere else, I don't get why people are making such a big deal about it. She's 15, and maybe that's a little young to be showing a little skin, but as I said, it's not like she's naked.

They weren't that inappropriate. I mean, it was only her back. She does seem a little bit young though... But still. It really isn't a big deal. I still hate her, and I always will. This just rubs it in.

The piccy isn't all that bad, but I think your average dad wouldn't approve of doing such. I mean, sure the satin blanket was covering her chest, but if her dad used his common sense, all this crap about it wouldn't be here.
... I agree completely. Maybe we all just think it's inappropriate because either we're jealous, sick of Miley, or we wouldn't do that pose ourselves.

Although she wasn't totally in the nude, the shots were still immodest and totally inappropriate.

ya she's taken other risque pictures not just those dang vanity fair ones. she's got ones where she's showing off her bra, sleeping practically nude, and more. either way i think they're all inappropriate. :|
There was also one showing her and her father on top of each other and stuff like that. >.< THAT was extremely inappropriate too.

i thought that was some pedo dude she was with the 1st time. :|

o crap XP

and 2 everyone saying "let this topic die omg" no one asked you to post, or read.

i thought that was some pedo dude she was with the 1st time. :| o crap XP

and 2 everyone saying "let this topic die omg" no one asked you to post, or read.
And to anyone that can't type out their word's fully, please concentrate more in english class.

They weren't that inappropriate. I mean, it was only her back. She does seem a little bit young though... But still. It really isn't a big deal. I still hate her, and I always will. This just rubs it in.

... I agree completely. Maybe we all just think it's inappropriate because either we're jealous, sick of Miley, or we wouldn't do that pose ourselves.
I agree too. Her father was also VERY irresponsible. If it hadn't been for Billy Ray Cyrus, those pics wouldn't even BE here. >.< He's such an idiot.

There was also one showing her and her father on top of each other and stuff like that. >.< THAT was extremely inappropriate too.
:chohimetchi: What the heck?!

^ Yeah. It looked more like her dad was her boyfriend. *Barf*

And to anyone that can't type out their word's fully, please concentrate more in english class.
Actually I can type out my words fully, I just chose not to. And anyone who can't type English with a capital needs to concentrate more too!

So kindly be quiet hon, and keep comments to yourself. ;)

And about the Vanessa photo's, probably because she's almost legal, or because the little kiddies don't watch her as much as they watch Miley. Well, unless you watch HSM everyday. :|

Actually I can type out my words fully, I just chose not to. And anyone who can't type English with a capital needs to concentrate more too!So kindly be quiet hon, and keep comments to yourself. :ichigotchi:

And about the Vanessa photo's, probably because she's almost legal, or because the little kiddies don't watch her as much as they watch Miley. Well, unless you watch HSM everyday. :|
Yeah the Vanessa Hudgens photo scandal (if I spelt it right) didn't cause as much attention as the Miley Cyrus one did... o_O


I will be happy when all of the Miley topics are extinct.
I will be happy when she becomes unfamous, which I think will happen in a year or two :/

she honstely doesnt have the talent to stay a star for long.

avada kedavra


avada kedavra


avada kedavra


yeesh, why won't the miley topics just die?

there are too many. and i wanna come to the party o=

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