Miley's Story.


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March 2008 Contest Winner
Jan 2, 2008
Reaction score
Once there was a :gozarutchi: named Miley. She had a crush on a ^_^ named Jake. One day Miley decided to ask Jake out. She...


"Oh, Jake, I positively adore you, but I am always so afraid and nervous when I see you! But I have such an aching heart and a sensetive soul, and I think that if you ever rejected me, my heart would absolutely burst. But today, yes, today, I've decided that I cannot keep m affection for you a secret any longer. I want you to know, but also, I was the world to know! I (meaning my father) wrote you a song last night, and now I will sing it to you, atop this cafeteria table, for everyone to hear!

Oh Jake, I love you,

We should have babies,

Oh Jake, I love you,

Can I be your lady?


Oh Jake, I love you,

I think we should get married,

Oh Jake, I love you,

I don't care if you're hairy,


Oh Jake, I love you,

And I will for all my life,

Oh Jake, I love you,

Can I be your wife?"

A hush settled over the aghast cafeteria, and then a lone, brave student began to clap, slowly, unsure. but then, the entire romm began to form a thunderous applause, and they all began chanting at the same time,


And as Miley was bowing, and the room was applauding, and everyone seemed so brilliantly happy that the whole lunch room amy glow pink, one person remained quiet.

It was Jake.

And suddenly, Miley bent down, took him by the hand, smiled, and whipered,

"So, what do you say, Jake?"

He looked at her, a look of thought and a slight glint in his eyes, and he said...

"Sorry Miley,i'm just not ready to be in a relationship."

Miley's smile dropped and she walked away sad.

Then the next day Miley saw Jake and a :p named Daisy kissing. She....

Then, a :mimitchi: walked up to Miley. He handed her a love potion. "Make Jake drink this." The :) said. Later,Miley went up to Jake and....

"A :mimitchi: wants me to make you drink this. It's a love potion--please, Jake! I can't make you fall in love with me if you don't want to, but it hurts me to know that you don't love me," Miley cried. Jake replied, "I'm sorry I said no, Miley, and don't get me wrong. I'm in love with you, not Daisy, and I'll explain--" but he was interrupted by Daisy. "Like, ohhh my gawsh, Jakie-poo, are you talking to Riley?" Daisy asked in a preppy voice, saying Miley's name as Riley on purpose and with distaste. Jake blushed. "Don't call me that..." mumbled Jake. Miley had to break Jake and Daisy apart, even if Jake was too scared to do it himself! Miley pushed Jake gently away and told Daisy...

"Look he doesn't want you. He's stuck in a relationship with you when he just doesn't want you! Just go"

Daisy looks upset, she turns to Jake.

Jake turns away!

A fight breaks out between the two girls and then all of a sudden...

A :mimitchi: got the principle.He came up and yelled "What's going on here?!". The two girls....

ignore him. Jake told the principal that it was just a natural creative discussion. Apparently, the principal bought Jake's lie! But...

The bell rang. Everybody went to class,except Miley and Diasy. The :p walked up and said....

Miley went to her locker after class and found a cupcake from Jake! I came with a note saying:...

"Jake just broke up with me! I HOPE YOU ARE HAPPY!" She screamed. Then...

Daisy stomped away from Miley. Daisy Left a red mark on Miley's face. :lol:

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