Mimitchi Mystery


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Minun and Plusle

Active member
Apr 17, 2009
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New Zealand
Hermione was your average Mimitchi, smart and funny, and of course hyper like a bunny bouncing. She was at a school called Mametchi's School of Advanced and Intelligent Students. Hermione was not stupid, she was smarter than most of the students there, but for a peculiar reason she always failed at her work. Hermione always checked her work, they all had little F's all over the paper. But she always noticed that she had no answers wrong. The reason was, no one liked her, was it because of her family history? Hermione had checked, there was no bad history of her family. But here is the real reason, when Hermione was young she had so many friends she hated her school (as she still does at her new one) and wished upon a star one night, and wished:

Gotchi oh Tama, first star I see tonight, I wish I may I wish I might, have the wish I wish tonight. I wish that no one liked me, everyone hated me except my parents, and my family. I wish that I could have a taste of a bad life. Please make my wish come true. Wish oh Wish, I wished tonight. I hope this comes true.

But Hermione was just a Young Mimitchi back then, now she doesn't remember that she ever wished at all... The next day Mimitchi walked to school with her bag full of homework, she was about to walk into a Uramametchi's leg who he was holding out to trip Hermione up. But then a tall Mametchi appeared and pushed the Uramametchi down. Mimitchi noticed this. "Why did you help me? So you could trip me up more?" said Hermione, apparently she had said it loudly because a group of Tamagotchis rounded around her and the stranger and started to chant "Trip her up! Trip her up!" and then Hermione blurted out crying. "So you are just going to beat me up are you? Like a pathetic bully?" she said sniffing. The Mametchi grabbed Hermione's hand and held on tightly. Suddenly all the chanting had stopped. Hermione looked around, everyone was frozen, some in midair and some in the middle of a pose. The stranger opened his mouth to speak, he said... continued in Chapter 2 Follow Me


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