Mimitchi's Ranting Virtual Pet Log


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Happy 6th page! Today is a blah post. And I have a big one for you guys today. So all in all first thing is I was going to take the batteries out of my V2s since Ultra and peeps left the babies and put them in the V4's cause they ran out of batteries. But the pink v2s screw broke so I cant get it out and the red V2's battery died. So now im running my hexagon and my two iDs as well as my Blue and purple iD Ls. Alot of colors XD I bet you guys are saying "well, is andz atleast still here?" yes she is! She is still here of course. V4.5 is one of my favorites as I said. I couldnt let her out! Okay enough of my blab, and heres the log! Most of them are asleep becuase im posting so late, but eh, doesnt matter. I can still give you guys the scoop! What I just said made me think of paparatchi O_O Anyways...

My Blue iD L is a sunopotchi with 2 happy stamps. It took forever to find out his name AND his happy symbols, including kikitchis on my purple iD L. Thanks to oldschooltama (Your epic oldschooltama!) I have all kikitchis happy symbols and so we can find him a lady. (preferably a chamametchi or perotchi) Oh I just remembered what I was going to say. my Purple iD L is on its 4th gen, my Blue iD L is on his 5th. Just to make a note. Im making a little chart in my journal so I will remember, but im probably going to give up. And also I suck at drawing.



Hexagon. Ahh, the hexagon. Good times. Its what started my color collection. My first color was the hexagon. The hexagon is the same thing as the color pretty much, just the hexagon is based off a japanese game show so some guy comes when your at the park sometimes and asks you questions. I always fail because I cant read japanese so yeah. But right now its a nonbiritchi. The same character I get every single time. Im not a whole fan of the hexagon so I take bad care and always end up with nonbiritchi or makiko. Which somehow they are bad care when on the v4 they are rare XD but then again tensaitchi is super good care on here. I really want to get a tensaitchi! On the v4 or here! the V4s tensaitchi animations and pixels are a darker color and they just are epic! And hes just one of my favorites. Mimitchi, whaletchi, tensaitchi. Hmm. (No pics for Hexagon)

oh. My iDs! If you guys remember from my old posts (if you read my log) then youll remember the kutchipatchi brothers. I still have them. They still look the exact same too. The chef hat and everything. I still need to marry them off though because Kutchipatchi, I could care less if I got him or not. Im not saying hes bad, but he certainly isnt the first character I would choose to hang around with. Thats the good thing about tamas. You dont get to choose your character, you have to take care of it a certain way.



Well thats all! Bye!

(P.S. = PLEASE SEND ME FANMAIL! I will make a shout out for you or whatever! Just please! Thats my fuel for logging, fanmail. I really need it, I get discouraged logging and when you guys leave fanmail it makes me especially happy!)

(P.P.S. = Im getting a new camera soon! I wont have to use my poopy DSi cam anymore! Yay!)

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Well... Alot is new. The colors are gone. I got my camera. Yeah.

I explain in video with Jewel (My V4's yes I brought back) about it. And after this video happened Chad evolved into Shimashimatchi, the two V2s which were kinakomotchi evolved into young mimitchi and itchigotchi and Andz is leaving her baby tonight. Ill have pictures hopefully by friday, but this week im filled with homework and I really need to do it so I wont get any pictures in here. Im sorry! Ill try to fit some in.

Never mind. I wanted to show you guys.









My vid:


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Sorry for the gloomy post, but yeah. :3 Bye!

kk guys im backerz.

My iD Ls were shinshitchi and makiko, and shinshitchi got all his happy symbols and married a little chamametchi, while makiko married a maisutatchi. Ive never gotten either of these characters before on the iD L, so they are pretty new to me. And Shinshitchi had a baby boy who looked just like his father as a baby, while makiko had a baby girl that looked just like her mom as a baby.



My V2s evolved into someone I would have never guessed. MEMETCHI!!! And they are both boys so thats weird... But still ive never ever gotten a mametchi on anything! (Except for the V5 you know but eeh that was easy) Wow im lucky O_O I took trashy care of all my tamas too because I have been to obsessed with animal crossing. XD Sorry you guys, but now im in the mood!


My two v4s. They both are old enough to marry! But someones Infa red thingy is broke because it says fail every time I try to connect to them. I guess they are just going to get a visit from the matchmaker D:


Last but not least is andz son, Bubba. XD Who is epic. and Hopefully I get something besides a poopy winged girl or a sumo guy. O_O I hate those two with a passion. But anyways here is a pic of him.


Seeya guys later!

And im back again! :3

iD Ls are gone, I felt like they werent bringing out any fun in it, and I brought in my V3 and someone new to my collection...

A yellow v4.5 I got for 9 dollars!

Back to log though XD

I only have one picture.. of bubba. He is now a Ura Mametchi! Yippee! I though I was going to get some horrible other character, but nah. My Yellow V4.5, Jacob is a ura young mametchi! But he has gorgeous points for the highest so idk what he will be.

AAAAA has a baby boy and BBBBB has a baby girl. Just something I would bring up. And the v3 is a nikatchi. sorry for the small post.

See you later!

my Yellow v4.5 died, but he was a samuraitchi. :( the new egg was a baby boy so Bubbas girl and the new boy grew up together. Now my yellow v4.5 is the one with the purple mask, and the red v4.5 is the winged girl. they both have 4 hearts on eachothers friend screen, but arent old enough to marry. And all the other tamas are pretty much on pause.. but I literally may leave tamatalk because this stupid update. its horrible and i hate everything about it so I may literally leave. So if admin doesnt make a button where you can change to the old one im gone.

See you guys either later or never again.

Thanks for the comments guys, but please dont do it in my log. have you read the tamatalk rules?

Hey guys, im back. but feel horrible. i woke up with sore throat and fever and i had to take OVAR 9000!!!!! pills. U_U

Well anyways I still dont like this update, but its the cheery season so whatever, good suprise for you guys. and for me, because im posting on the worst update with the worst sickness. How wonderful.

To my v2s i guess?

I had whaletchi finally but accidentally killed him. while he was around my neck. at school. I had the sound off obviously and he DIED. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- well hopefully ill get him again, because i have oniontchi again, and that was the teen last time. so yeah. and my other V2 is a flying tentacle guy! im too lazy to search his name in my book, because im still SICK. and i have pics, one where he looks like he doesnt even have a face. e.e so yeah. heres the pictures i told you guys i would post.

(ignore the blue square, my thumb got in the way XD)

My v4.5s. ones a uramemetchi with a baby girl, the other a kuribotchi. nothing much to say about them, but they visited and uramemetchi faced her back towards the cam when i took the pic. X_X


well thats all! see you guys whenever i see you guys!

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Well Im guessing you guys are wondering where in the poop I was. (Obsessed with sgt. frog, sorry XD and a vacation all I ever wanted, vacation have to get away (Its a song I bet you dont know! because I dont!) But yeahs. 6 more tamas added to my logg!!!

For christmas I got 9 tamagotchis, 7 v4.5s and 2 v4s. and a 3DS!! Woot!! but yeah v4.5's are my favorite kind so im just running 6 of them from christmas and I still have orange and yellow, dont worry. No pictures, but stats.

Red: urayoungmemetchi

yellow: same as above

pink and brown: yakantchi

Purple with puzzle peices: urayoungvioletchi

Light blue: urayoungmametchi

peacock: kujakutchi

Yellow clear: youngmarotchi

black with scales: dude with a hat


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Ello people. Its pretty much feb. Miss me?

I Should call this the "Forever changing my tamagotchi to log on" log. Because I am logging on 5 new tamas. And I am thinking of holding the pictures for a while. But Back to the WHY THE FU- HAVE I BEEN GONE SO FU-ING LONG?!?! problem. I... Kind of... Lost my interest to tamas over the past few months. The forever beeping is stressing me out, so I paused them, But I finally felt bad so im doing something about it. And your also probably wondering *Did he muture?* Because the answer is NO. Im just like this for serious talk. Like, the calm before the storm, cause im officially back! Woot! Party time! And I also really like the new opening to the website. Rainbows FTW! So whats going on with my life? Glad you asked. I got a Xbox 360, playstation 2, Halo anniversary, SSX tricky, and other poopy goodness. I should start the log now.

Blue v4.5 = Ura Togetchi

Peacock v4.5 = Ura Kutchipatchi

Scales v4.5 = The guy with lots of feet that looks kinda like hanatchi. (I call him Ura Hanatchi)

Random squares v4.5 = Baby boy

hearts V4 = nothing yet (No batteries)

Flowers V4 = Nothing yet (No batteries)

I promise to post tomorrow. If I break that promise ill stab myself in the throat. (Just kidding) But yeah. I PROMISE. Bye bye!

I Told you guys I would be back!

Im downloading all the animal crossing gamecube songs on my ipod right now so I almost forgot to log! Any ways I forgot about putting my V2 in the last post, because im logging on it as well. And.. Its a whaletchi! I forgot that I had a whaletchi when I took the batteries out. But yeah, Whaletchi for me! And also Urakutchipatchi and UraTogetchi got married and both had a baby girl. So cute! Nothing much else to talk about, except my hearts and flowers v4 are toddlers. The Hearts one is putchitchi and the Flowers one is a Hitodetchi. I may also have pictures on my next post, so keep your eye out for that!

Oh My baby stars. Today is Feb 1! Doesnt mean anything though XD

Whaletchi is still HERSELF. I just figured it out today shes a girl! I was checking the stats and saw "Girl". I freaking freaked! Oh and also Urakutchipatchi and Uratogetchi are leaving the baby girls tonight. And the hearts V4 is now a young mimitchi! Her "pencil" stats are up all the way so hopefully I get mimitchi! I love playing slots on the V2. I get so much money with it. And I bought some stuff with it, which I HOPEFULLY can show you guys when i HOPEFULLY put some more pictures on here. Okay I dont promise any pictures for this week, but I do promise some pictures on the weekend. I Promise. With the money from UraKutchipatchi I bought a shovel and sunglasses for when im digging outside I dont have the sun in my eyes. Just kidding... But we went digging and dug up... cake? Who in Tamagotchi World puts cake in the ground? Whats in the trees.. Guitars? Wait, I think guitars do grow in trees in the iD L 15th anniversary edition. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU- Well now. I should tell you all of the names!

Blue v4.5 = Pape. But change the P with an R.

Peacock v4.5 = A

V2 = Poop

Squares V4.5 = Face

Scales V4.5 = Edd

Pink Flowers V4 = Splas (Stands for Splash)

Hearts V4 = Cutie

Gotta go! See you again sometime again with another again! Bye!

Hello people. Im back. With a Suprise..

So to start it all off my pink flowers V4 is now a young memetchi. Cute character as well. I need to get her gorgeous points up so I can get a memetchi! Oh and you know how like when you dont mess with your tama for awhile when it has an emergency letter it opens it for you? Yeah it did that and chose my teacher for me, so now I have Mr. Turtlepedia when I wanted Mrs. Flowerlady! (Thats not really her name XD but she does teach your tama gorgeous points. So the fastest way to get her gorgeous points up was to go to tamatown to buy her the foods that increase gorgeousness. I hate typing gorgeous! it confuses me. Im going to say fashion points, thats easier.

So we went to tamatown and found NOTHING for fashion points. And I have to go. I guess ill show you guys the suprise some other time...


Okay. So. Heres the Earth. Jk, and if anyone got that I love you. XD But umm every day I bring the same three tamas to school, the V2 and both of the V4's. So I checked on Whaletchi and Young Memetchi at school but I kept forgetting to check on young mimitchi. I could have gotten mimitchi if I checked on young mimitchi, but this is also good because I got my first universal adult on the V4. You guys are probably like "what is it!?!?!" Well, its a masktchi. I think shes cute, but hanatchi is better. If you wont give me mimitchi atleast give me something else good! oh and also I have a good feeling that Young Memetchi will become Memetchi because her fashion point level is 23 and the other two are both 8. Ive had a Memetchi and Kutchipatchi on the V4 before, but it wouldnt be so bad to get another memetchi. I still want to try for others though, like Violetchi, Mametchi, Mimitchi, Gozarutchi, pyonkotchi, pyonchitchi and Hanatchi.


YES PICTURES I KNOW RIGHT! Yupp that was going to be the suprise yesterday but I had to get off the computer so I had no more time. Also whaletchi was using some sunglasses and it got me so mad, my camera takes awhile to focus and this picture was like the OVAR 9000!!!'th one I took so I was just like 'Screw the blurriness' and so yeah thats why its blurry. But ill do better when I feel like it. I missed tamatalk so much, and now im back to DAILY logging! But I still get no fanmail. ;_; I guess noone reads my log anymore. Oh well it will be fun to read it when im older. And im not quitting ever again!


Bye. See you guys later!

I dont even know who im talking too.

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Sorry guys, Ive been grounded for nearly a month but im back!

Im only blogging on 5 tamagotchi's (Technically 4) But ill tell you which ones.

My blue v4.5

Both my v2's

My P2

and my other v4.5 im letting my close friend babysit!

So.. Both my v2's are masktchi's, my Blue v4.5 is a kutchitamatchi, my P2 is a something adult, and my other v4.5 im letting my close friend babysit is a kuribotchi. Yupp. Sorry, I gotta go but I PROMISE i will post again very soon.

Hey Dudes and Dudettes! peoples of all ages! Im back! And im going to a carnival today. :eek:

I Also have pictures!

My Blue v4.5 is now an ura young violetchi. I dont know what my friends is, I havent called them yet but yeah! I feel like a photographer because I got the most epic picture EVER of her! And here I was, hating my camera because it takes forever to focus! when you see her in this picture you will cry of the quality. I also opened a chest with her (I despise of them because I usually always turn my tama into an oldie on accident) But today was a lucky day! She got 1000 GP in the chest! there is also a ticket to japan in the shop (My favorite place in the world) but it costs 20000 GP and she only has 3010 GP ):


Also here is a picture of my P2, nothing much about him but he is now 16 years of age.


Last but not least is masktchi on the hearts V2. The other masktchi on my flowers V2 died, sadly, so now its a little baby again. But anyways. Here is a picture of him being greedy over money. it looks like hes saying "Gimme moneh!" XD Or atleast to me it does.


And this reminds me of spongebob.


See you guys later!

Edit: Sorry for all the dust and fuzz and stuff. My room is very dusty. :p It bothers me when i see the dust in my pictures, but please ignore it.

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So... Im back.

Um.. Today we will start off by saying MY SISTERS RUNNING HER V4.5 SO WE ARE GUNNA HAVE A LOG PARTY WOOT WOOT OH YEAH! Yupp. XDD Im sorry I just had to do that. Anyways.. I should start off by telling you everyones name. OR in other words its time for stats.

Hearts V2


3 Training

All hungry hearts filled

All happy hearts filled

5 yrs old

99 lbs

Name is Apple


Gen 1

203 Gp

Flowers V2


All every hearts filled

4 training

1 yr

78 lbs

Name is boobs (yes boobs)


gen 1

45 GP

Blue v4.5

Ura young violetchi

All hearts filled

7 training

35 funny points

16 fashion

59 strength

2 yrs

48 lb

Name is EEEEE


gen 4

26380 Gp

Yellow P2

Idk what he is

18 yrs

99 lbs

no name

3 training

Sisters V4.5


all everything hearts filled

1 training

14 funny

10 fashion

17 strength

0 yrs

42 lbs

Name is Mason


gen 1

10080 Gp

Yupp! nothing new lately with EEEEE but she has high skill points. So she can most likely get any job she wants when she grows up! Yay! EEEEE and Mason are going to marry when they grow up, and me and my sister will have babies! (That sounds so wrong) But yeah, Um.. Yeah. I still havent talked to my friend yet so I still dont know what their tama is.

EEEEE's skill points


My sisters tama! :D


And Boobs!


Yupp! Seems like a long post today. Well I guess ill be on my way... And should I let them talk in the log? Let me know, and SEND ME DAH FAN MAIL! OR I KIEL YUU.

Before I begin my Boring talk, I would like to give Eternal Mametchi Fan A special shout out, because they have sparked my heart, and therfore more pictures for my loving fans. There fore, the oscar goes too... Eternal Mametchi Fan!!! Wooot! :( IF only. And that should have been an idea. TAMA OSCARS!!!!! We should do that next year for Tama Talk. Tama Oscars, I would try my hardest to win one.... Longest gen? Nope... Oldest tam? Nope... Most money on V4.5? Maybe... Anyways...

Tada! Logarific time! Well well well, I saw my friend at school today so I know what their tama is! Well it died over the weeked because of their FREKKIN DAD. Their dad hates me! Idk why! So they were playing with it on the couch last night and theie dad said "who gave you that?" they said "Oh my friend 'MY name here' " And so their dad took it up and didnt give it back till this morning so it DIED. now its a tamatchi, it was a kuribotchi when it DIED. IT DIED. DIED. Umm yeah. Anyways EEEEE is now a Ura Violetchi! Woot! It was a ura young violetchi so its only fitting. And my sisters tama is a crackertchi! And im happy to say I FREKKIN FINALLY HAVE CLEAN PICTURES OMG OMG OMG. Im pretty much a clean freak so when it comes to pictures I cant even read my post if the picture in it has dust or fuzz on it. I dont ever eat around my tamas and always wash my hands after I eat so the little stuff on the screen isnt food. It would be disgusting if it was. I would delete that post immediatly if it was. Some people may think my way of logging is messy, but eeh. Im too lazy to make two paragraphs so i'll talk about Apple in here too :D She got married! Woot woot! To a flowertchi NOT VIOLETCHI I said flowertchi. She had a beautiful baby boy.



Apple getting married to flowertchi


Apples baby


Soo... Still no votes about them talking. Ill wait longer..


Im back! And stuff!

So.. To start off my P2 died.. So I started someone else! My music star! which is a kikitchi right now and his name is Kaleb. :D and I have pictures! But none of Kaleb. Boobs grew up to be a something, Idk the name of but here is what he looks like.


my sisters and my tamagotchi (Ura violetchi) had baby girls, But no pictures of that either... ):

And last but not least is apples son, AE. He is now the dude um.. Patapatatchi? I think thats his name. Here he is being all happy! :3


Welp.. See y'all later! :3

My grandparents just hate me probably ;_; Now I got grounded from tamas, thats why I havent been logging. And im still grounded!!! Good thing they are paused! Ill tell you about them.. But I wont have pictures ):

My tama-go (Black) Is an ahirikutchi gen 5

Blue music star is a mametchi and mikiko with a baby boy

pink/black music star is a rexitchi and chantotchi with a baby boy

Well.. There you have it. And if I do get my tamas back I wont be able to log untill the week after next week, im going to a camp for the whole week in oklahoma (A state away from where I live) Its a science camp for school and the top 50 kids in the school grade get to go but I was #51 and someone dropped out so I get to go! Yay!!! Hopefully I get my tamas! I would definitely bring them, but hide them.


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