Mine Seems to be Doing Cartwheels?


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Jun 4, 2006
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My kids have Tamagotchis and they appear to do cartwheels or tumbles . Their friends say they are killing themselves and I want to explain to them that this is not the case - if anyone out there knows what is happening please help as they will believe it if someone else tells tham what is happening....



You must tell your kids that the reason it is tumbling is because it is happy! My tamagotchi is doing this right now, and many people spread the rumour they are killing themselves but this is not true! your tama only does these cart-wheels when they are happy or a bit bored... hope i helped Popsiclepop

Yes!!! They will believe it in print but not from Mom or Dad

Yeah its one of their things they do in each stage. Children roll. Its just something that happens when their happy(like popsiclepop said) or they are left alone and they dont need anything.

yeah its kinda like what they said, except all tamagotchi stages except teen and baby do something when they're ... :

1. Willy Happy!

2. kinda bored and has nothing to do (left alone for 10 mins or so)

3. if they dont need anything or w/e

it's kinda like a nice screensaver when you sometimes leave them alone for like 10 mins.

they do that so you dont just see a tiny blob jumping around the screen 24/7.

makes the tamagotchi's even more interesting B)

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