Mini Tama log


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Day 7-1: Today Maskutchi, and I ended up go on a walk to a near by park. I made sure to keep the little guy close by as we walked about. It was glorious out. Soon afterwards we returned home. I hoped he had fun though. During it I kept a close eye on him to make sure he didn't fall ill, and thank Gotchi King he didn't. I maybe starting to get a little too paranoid. Hopefully I can stop soon. Two more days till he grows up. I am proud yet scared funny enough. Proud for he will be fully grown, and scared for there could be a slight chance he could fall ill. Till tomorrow guys keep you Tama going.

Np! Aw, I hope you share pictures of Yana-chi too! ^_^ Tamagotchi's are really cute. :D
That will be hard for to do. Sense everytime I try to post an update with a picture it says I cannot use that feature. The best option is for me to make an Instagram account and post the links.

Try links? xD It's what I do. Go to tinypic, select the photo and I copied the link to the page that's at the top of my screen, then pasted it on TamaTalk. (I have a Mac though. :p )
I will see what I can do

I like using Imgur. It's super easy to upload pics from my phone, and then you just get the BBCode link from Imgur's page and paste it (they give you the code when you click on any of your uploaded pics, so it's easy).

I like using Imgur. It's super easy to upload pics from my phone, and then you just get the BBCode link from Imgur's page and paste it (they give you the code when you click on any of your uploaded pics, so it's easy).
Hmm alright I will check it out.

Day 8-1: I finally decided to include instagram links to show off Maskutchi and Yana-chi. Starting his day off early Maskutchi showed his new sibling around so Yana-chi could get a hang of things. Though Yana-chi is still a new born so they didn't know what Maskutchi was talking about. It will be an interesting time with them that's for sure.



I hope you all enjoy your day ^~^

Day 8-1: I finally decided to include instagram links to show off Maskutchi and Yana-chi. Starting his day off early Maskutchi showed his new sibling around so Yana-chi could get a hang of things. Though Yana-chi is still a new born so they didn't know what Maskutchi was talking about. It will be an interesting time with them that's for sure.



I hope you all enjoy your day ^~^
Awwww, oh my goodness, they both look so unbelievably sweet!! :eek: :wub:
