Miri's Amazing Tama Log!


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Hey everyone!!

Today's been pretty uneventful for all the tamas,

but I figured I had to do something since it's Tobin's last day here with his daughter. So, item use pics!!


Here's Tobin trying on the sunglasses! Pretty cool guy!!


And here he is playing the maracas!! Neat!

I didn't wanna leave the others out, so...


Here's Kaden trying on the glasses! (regular glasses, not sunglasses)


And here's Cory watching some TV!

No pictures of Cleo, unfortunately, as she'd already gone to sleep by the time I got these

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Tobin

Age: 7

Gender: Boy

Generation: 7

Training: 7 bars

Skill points: 36 / 37 / 239

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: UraKuchipatchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Kaden

Age: 6

Gender: Boy

Generation: 11

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Kusatchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Cory

Age: 6

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Kurokotchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Cleo

Age: 2

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 40 / 5 / 8

Stage: Teen

Character: Ringotchi

That's it for now!! Tomorrow kicks off Tobin's daughter's independent life, so keep your eyes peeled for that! Until then!!


Ok guys, today's been very eventful for all four tamas, so you're getting another two-part post!!

First off, Tobin left his daughter last night, so today I got to start her independent life by inputting a name for her!


I named her Rinea (hey, I never said I wasn't going to use names of NPCs, though Rinea is probably the only relevant NPC whose name is usable), and so her independent life was underway!!

After the baby hour, Rinea evolved into a Kuchitamatchi!



And some time after that, still, she got her preschool enrollment!!



Congratulations, Rinea!!

Next up is Cleo, who evolved into an adult this morning!!


She's a Mimitchi now!! Sweet!



As for Cory and Kaden, both of them got married today! At the same time!!


For Cory, the matchmaker brought over a Debatchi, and the two of them fell in love right away!!


They had a baby girl! Congratulations!!


And for Kaden, the matchmaker brought over a Kaerutchi (?), and it was love at first sight!!


They also had a baby girl!! Congratulations to you guys too!

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Rinea

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Generation: 8

Training: 2 bars

Skill points: 9 / 13 / 33

Stage: Toddler

Character: Kuchitamatchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Kaden

Age: 7

Gender: Boy

Generation: 11

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Kusatchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Cory

Age: 7

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Kurokotchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Cleo

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 46 / 5 / 8

Stage: Adult

Character: Mimitchi

Wow, I really didn't expect so much to happen today, outside of starting Rinea's independent life! But hey, it is how it is. Anyway, I'll see you guys next time!!


Hey guys!!

Ok, so, Cleo got her job offer this morning!!



She works at the news station now! Congratulations, Cleo!!

Rinea also evolved into a teen today!


She's an Ura Young Memetchi. Here I was hoping that her high Spirituality points, as per all the effort I put into Tobin last generation, would help Rinea veer into the UraKuchi line... so much for that

But! No matter, I do have another plan for Rinea - which brings me onto her school enrollment!


I plan on her becoming an UraMemetchi, so I can then aim for the special character Hanagatatchi, as I haven't obtained any of the special characters yet - so the obvious course of action was to enroll her in Ms Flower's class! Go forth and learn, Rinea!!

(Of course, now we have many school visits, and MANY games of Shapes ahead of us)

Now, onto the boys:

Cory will be leaving his daughter tonight. Kaden, I'm not so sure about, as I had to reset+download to save him from dying this morning, so he's probably gonna stick around another day.

No pictures of either of them this entry, so as to fit it all to one post

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Rinea

Age: 1

Gender: Girl

Generation: 8

Training: 6 bars

Skill points: 15 / 27 / 33

Stage: Teen

Character: Ura Young Memetchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Kaden

Age: 7 (due to reset+download mishap, presumably)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 11

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Kusatchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Cory

Age: 8

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Kurokotchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Cleo

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 58 / 5 / 8

Stage: Adult

Character: Mimitchi

That's it for now! See you here tomorrow for Cory's daughter beginning her independent life!!


Hey everyone!!

So, Cory left his daughter last night, so today kicked off her independent life!


Welcome to the world, Diana!

When Diana's hour of babyhood was up, she evolved into a Mizutamatchi!!


Nice! I don't think we've seen this on this blog since Setsu!!

I also did manage to catch Kaden's close up animation earlier today!


Hey, Kaden!! He looks so happy in the last picture! Nothing else other than that, really, apart from it being his last day with his daughter

I also caught Cleo brushing her teeth not long ago!


Brush, brush!! Again, nothing other than that with her either

And there's also nothing new with Rinea, and I didn't get any pictures or anything of her either - just as well, what with photo limits and all. I have, however, been making a good start on her skill points for the plan mentioned in yesterday's post!

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Rinea

Age: 2

Gender: Girl

Generation: 8

Training: 7 bars

Skill points: 15 / 83 / 33

Stage: Teen

Character: Ura Young Memetchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Kaden

Age: 8

Gender: Boy

Generation: 11

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Kusatchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Diana

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 1 bar

Stage: Toddler

Character: Mizutamatchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Cleo

Age: 5

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 58 / 5 / 8

Stage: Adult

Character: Mimitchi

So, I guess I'll see you all next time, when I kick off Kaden's daughter's independent life! Until then!!


Hey guys, this is kind of a late entry for the events in store, but I've been distracted - hey, it's my birthday, can you blame me? Anyway, onto the actual entry!

So, Kaden left his daughter over the weekend, leaving her crying, waiting over the week for me to give her a name


I named her Lyn, partially in honour of the Fire Emblem Heroes voting gauntlet that just ended - I had been on Team Lyn until the disappointing multiplier loss in round 2, and I just so happened to be up to L in the alphabet naming theme, so it seemed fitting! And thus began her independent life!!

After the baby hour, Lyn evolved into a Hitodetchi, however, I forgot to get any pictures of her toddler form before she went to sleep, so here are some pictures of her sleeping!


Sweet dreams, Lyn!

Additionally, of course, I unpaused the other three when I got home from work, and Rinea decided she just had to wish me a happy birthday the moment she was unpaused!!


How sweet! There was a cake as well, but, being that this was literally right after being unpaused, I didn't have my camera ready in time to get that

Neither Cleo nor Diana did so at all, however, and there's nothing really new with them either

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Rinea

Age: 2

Gender: Girl

Generation: 8

Training: 7 bars

Skill points: 15 / 92 / 33

Stage: Teen

Character: Ura Young Memetchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Lyn

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Generation: 12

Training: 1 bar

Stage: Toddler

Character: Hitodetchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Diana

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 2 bars

Stage: Toddler

Character: Mizutamatchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Cleo

Age: 6

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 65 / 5 / 8

Stage: Adult

Character: Mimitchi

So, that's it for now!! I've had a pretty good birthday, in all honesty! Anyway, I'll see you guys next time!!


Hey guys, I've had a rather busy day today, but, so have the tamas! So, let's get this underway!

So, we'll kick this off with a proper picture of toddler Lyn to make up for last night!



However, at various times throughout the day, Rinea, Diana, and Lyn all evolved!

Rinea is an adult now, and she's...


UraMemetchi, as planned! Of course, I still have a ways to go before she becomes Hanagatatchi, but I'll keep at it!!

Diana is a teen, and she's...


Hinotamatchi, which I don't think I've had on the V3 before, so that's cool!!

And finally, Lyn is also a teen now!


She's a Propellertchi, a character I don't think I've ever had before, so this is a nice achievement!!

Now, as for Cleo, she's been busy too - she got married!!


The matchmaker brought over a Tosakatchi, and Cleo fell in love with him right away!


A happy baby boy is born! Congrats, Cleo!!

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Rinea

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 8

Training: 7 bars

Skill points: 15 / 152 / 33

Stage: Adult

Character: UraMemetchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Lyn

Age: 1

Gender: Girl

Generation: 12

Training: 4 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Propellertchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Diana

Age: 1

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 5 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hinotamatchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Cleo

Age: 7

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 71 / 5 / 8

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Mimitchi

So, that's it for now! Until next time!!


Hey guys, I don't have all that much to update on today,

Apart from Rinea getting her job offer!



Sorry about how blurry the first picture is. Anyway, she works at the hair salon now! Congratulations!! And with how easy the mini game is there, she's been racking up skill points, and is well on her way to becoming Hanagatatchi!!

Nothing new with Diana, Cleo, or Lyn though, except that it's Cleo's last day with her son!

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Rinea

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Generation: 8

Training: 7 bars

Skill points: 15 / 299 / 33

Stage: Adult

Character: UraMemetchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Lyn

Age: 2

Gender: Girl

Generation: 12

Training: 6 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Propellertchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Diana

Age: 2

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 7 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hinotamatchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Cleo

Age: 8

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 74 / 6 / 11

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Mimitchi

So, I'll see you here tomorrow, when Cleo's son start independent life!!


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Ok, WOW, this entry is late, sorry about that guys, I've been super distracted! Anyway, this is going to be split into a two-part entry again, despite only two of the tamas having detailed events happening today, as both have a lot of photos. With that said, let's get this underway!

So, we'll start with Rinea! As you all know, I've been trying to get her to become a Hanagatatchi. So, when I woke up, I sent her to work a few times to rack up some more Gorgeous skill points!!


Some repeats of this later, her skill points looked a little something like this:


Neat, we surpassed the 350 mark! But of course, that still wasn't enough, as we needed a 100+ total in the other two categories, making for a 450+ total overall. So, I played a few games of Apples and Manhole to get these up

And after that, her skill points were like this:


Ok, sweet, that's gotta be enough for her to evolve, right?

Sure enough, not long after...


It worked, and Rinea is now a Hanagatatchi!! Hard work really does pay off!

So she called her father, Tobin, right away to share this news


He's an extremely proud dad!!



Alright, so, the other tamagotchi with important events - the V4! Cleo left her son last night, leaving me to input a name for him after waking up


With no other ideas in mind, I named him Jake, and so began his independent life!

I cared for Jake throughout his babyhood, and when the hour was up, he evolved into a Puchitchi!!


Just like his mother!

Some time later, Jake got his preschool enrollment!



Have fun, Jake!!

So, as I said, those are the only two exciting events, as Diana and Lyn really didn't do much today (technically yesterday I guess - it's almost 2am here)

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Rinea

Age: 5

Gender: Girl

Generation: 8

Training: 7 bars

Skill points: 55 / 354 / 57

Stage: Adult (special)

Character: Hanagatatchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Lyn

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 12

Training: 8 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Propellertchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Diana

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hinotamatchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Jake

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 1 bar

Skill points: 7 / 2 / 10

Stage: Toddler

Character: Puchitchi

So, that's it for now! Hopefully the next entry won't be so late! See you guys then!!


Hi guys!!

Jake evolved into a teen today!


He's a Gourmetchi!! Neat!

He later got his school enrollment!



I enrolled him in Mr Canvas's class! Congrats Jake, have fun!!

Additionally, Diana evolved into an adult while I was asleep this morning


She's a Debatchi!! I've never had Debatchi before, so this is cool!

Lyn also evolved into an adult today, though much later


She's a Kabutchi... again... can I have more variety please

Rinea did start getting matchmaker visits today, but I decided to keep her around a little longer, in order to truly appreciate her new form as Hanagatatchi! However, not too long ago, I caught her brushing her teeth


Still absolutely flawless!! Other than that, nothing new with her really

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Rinea

Age: 6

Gender: Girl

Generation: 8

Training: 7 bars

Skill points: 63 / 362 / 57

Stage: Adult (special)

Character: Hanagatatchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Lyn

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 12

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Kabutchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Diana

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Debatchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Jake

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 3 bars

Skill points: 12 / 2 / 11

Stage: Teen

Character: Gourmetchi

So, that's it!! See you guys next time!


Hey, everyone!! This entry will be quick, as I've only had one log-worthy event today, being that I just finished work for the week!

So, Rinea got married tonight!!


Matchmaker brings around a Yasaguretchi, Rinea falls in love with him right away!!


Aaaaaand, a baby boy is born! Congrats, Rinea (is it just me, or has this particular V4.5 lineage been stuck in a boy/girl loop since it started?)

But yeah, nothing new with the other three, so uh

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Rinea

Age: 7

Gender: Girl

Generation: 8

Training: 7 bars

Skill points: 63 / 362 / 65

Stage: Adult (special, with baby)

Character: Hanagatatchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Lyn

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Generation: 12

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Kabutchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Diana

Age: 5

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Debatchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Jake

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 3 bars

Skill points: 12 / 2 / 12

Stage: Teen

Character: Gourmetchi

That's it for now!! Should hopefully have more exciting updates over the next few days! See you next time!!!


Hey guys, sorry I didn't update yesterday, nothing much happened really

That said, this morning, Jake evolved into an adult!


He's a Gozarutchi. I'm kinda disappointed, but I can't say I'm surprised, as I was a bit negligent on his skill points (they're harder to rack up on the regular V4 than on the V4.5 tbh), and he didn't necessarily receive the best of care... I just hope this doesn't stick me into a Universal loop

Also, Rinea left her son last night, so today, I was greeted by a crying baby boy just waiting for me to give him a name!


So, welcome to independent life, Alm!

After his hour of babyhood, Alm evolved into a Hitodetchi!!


And then later went on to get his preschool enrollment!



Congrats Alm, have fun!!

Nothing new with the girls however, they might get matchmaker visits tomorrow - I expected them today, but I guess work pausing must have messed that up or something

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Alm

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 9

Training: 3 bars

Skill points: 18 / 36 / 12

Stage: Toddler

Character: Hitodetchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Lyn

Age: 6

Gender: Girl

Generation: 12

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Kabutchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Diana

Age: 7

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Debatchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Jake

Age: 3

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 5 bars

Skill points: 12 / 2 / 61

Stage: Adult

Character: Gozarutchi

And that's it! I should note Jake's Kindness points only got as high as they are after evolution - he only had about 12 beforehand - and I decided to rack up more points before he gets his job offer so he actually stands a chance. Anyway, see you all next time!!


Hey guys, another two-part post incoming, chock full of events with all the tamas!

So, we'll start with the girls - they both got married today!!


The matchmaker arrived at the same time for both of them,so things got a bit hectic...


For Diana, she brought over a Kurokotchi, and Diana just knew it was meant to be! (kinda weird how she married a guy who looks like her dad, but eh...)


And a baby girl is born!! Congrats, Diana!


As for Lyn, the matchmaker brought her a Zuccitchi, and she readily accepted the offer!!


A wonderful baby boy was born! Congratulations, Lyn!!



Oh hey, we're on page 10 now - double digits!! That's an achievement none of my old logs ever reached! Thank you all for sticking with me through this!!

Anyway, with the girls out of the way, let's move onto the boys!

So, Jake got his job offer this morning!!



He's a firefighter now! Congrats Jake, keep up the good work!!

And, last but not least, Alm! First off, he evolved into a teen!


He's a Crackertchi now, marking two generations in a row that my expectations of which family line they'd go into were defied (I really thought Alm was headed for UraMeme, given the head start on Gorgeous points from Rinea, but oh well)

Some time later, he got his school enrollment!!



I enrolled him in Mr Turtlepedia's class!! Have fun, Alm!

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Alm

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 9

Training: 5 bars

Skill points: 32 / 36 / 12

Stage: Teen

Character: Crackertchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Lyn

Age: 7

Gender: Girl

Generation: 12

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Kabutchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Diana

Age: 8

Gender: Girl

Generation: 4

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Debatchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Jake

Age: 4

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 5 bars

Skill points: 12 / 3 / 110

Stage: Adult

Character: Gozarutchi

So, that's it for now!! I'll see you guys here next time, and thanks again for sticking around to see this through to 10 pages!


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Whoa, hey guys, it's been a while! I forgot to update for Diana and Lyn's last day here, sorry! But, anyway, onto the main event

As Diana and Lyn left their babies in the weekend, today, upon getting home from work, I was greeted by two crying babies, just waiting to be named!



The girl on the V3, Diana's daughter, I named Effie, while I named the boy on the V2, Lyn's son, Marc, and so their independent lives were underway!!

Once the baby hour was up, both of them evolved into toddlers!

Effie evolved first, becoming a Tamatchi!



Marc was a few minutes behind Effie, as I was in the middle of playing games to raise his happiness at the moment Effie evolved - nonetheless, better late than never, and Marc is now a Hitodetchi!!



Jake was all set for marriage today, as he did get a matchmaker visit, but by the time I'd gotten my phone ready to take photos, the matchmaker had already left! Why are the V4's matchmaker visits so short? I swear she was there for all of about 10 seconds!

As for Alm, nothing new with him as of yet - I'm expecting evolution either tomorrow or the next day

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Alm

Age: 2

Gender: Boy

Generation: 9

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 63 / 36 / 12

Stage: Teen

Character: Crackertchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Marc

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 13

Training: 1 bar

Stage: Toddler

Character: Hitodetchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Effie

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Generation: 5

Training: 1 bar

Stage: Toddler

Character: Tamatchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Jake

Age: 6

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 5 bars

Skill points: 18 / 3 / 123

Stage: Adult

Character: Gozarutchi

And that's all for now! See you guys here next time!!


WOW, this sure is a late entry, sorry guys - but there is a lot to talk about (sort of), so let's get on with it!

So, Alm evolved this morning into an adult!


He's an UraMametchi!! Nice!

Effie and Marc evolved into teens much later on!

Effie is now a Piroriroritchi


Kinda surprised actually, I didn't think she'd received bad care at all, and yet...

Anyways, Marc is now a Nikatchi!


Kinda sick of this, I'd like some variety please

Now, Jake did get matchmaker visits again, but I missed them all due to the V4's very short matchmaker time - however, I resorted to something I don't normally do with my tamagotchis: time setting. I set the time so that Jake could get married, and...


I was able to catch the matchmaker, who brought Jake a Yattatchi, and the two fell in love instantly!


And a baby boy was born! Congratulations, Jake!!

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Alm

Age: 3

Gender: Boy

Generation: 9

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 71 / 36 / 12

Stage: Adult

Character: UraMametchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Marc

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 13

Training: 1 bar

Stage: Teen

Character: Nikatchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Effie

Age: 1

Gender: Girl

Generation: 5

Training: 5 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Piroriroritchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Jake

Age: 7

Gender: Boy

Generation: 3

Training: 5 bars

Skill points: 30 / 3 / 131

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Gozarutchi

So that's it for now! Again, sorry this entry is so late, I've been super distracted, Anyway, until next time!


Hey guys, I forgot to update yesterday, even though I actually had something to update about, and I'm sorry about that - so I guess I'll be posting that today!

So yesterday Alm got his job offer!!



Congrats, Alm! He works at the preschool now, counting the kids getting on and off the bus!! There are worse jobs, I suppose, kids aren't all that bad

And speaking of kids, Jake left his son last night, so I was left to input a name for the crying baby boy and start his independent life today!!


Welcome to independent life, Ethan!

When the baby hour was up, Ethan evolved into a Mohitamatchi!!


Neato! He also got his preschool enrollment later, but I'm not going to post the pictures, as to keep this entry to one post!

Effie and Marc are living out their teen lives as expected, not much happening there

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Alm

Age: 5

Gender: Boy

Generation: 9

Training: 9 bars

Skill points: 101 / 36 / 12

Stage: Adult

Character: UraMametchi

- V2 STATS -

Name: Marc

Age: 3

Gender: Boy

Generation: 13

Training: 6 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Nikatchi

- V3 STATS -

Name: Effie

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 5

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Piroriroritchi

- V4 STATS -

Name: Ethan

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 4

Training: 3 bars

Skill points: 1 / 10 / 6

Stage: Toddler

Character: Mohitamatchi

So, that's it! See you guys next time!!


Alright guys, I did have a big entry for today, but photo uploading is not cooperating with me tonight, so I'll try to get it up tomorrow after work! Until then!!


Ok guys, here it is, as promised - yesterday's entry, today! This one is pretty big picture-wise, so it's gonna be split into two parts, again! Anyways,

So first off, yesterday, Alm got married!!


The matchmaker brought over an UraMemetchi, and he fell in love with her right away!


A baby boy is born! Congrats Alm, and with this, the V4.5's boy/girl/boy/girl loop is broken!!



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