Miri's Amazing Tama Log!


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Well-known member
Feb 3, 2017
Reaction score
New Zealand
Hi, everyone! I may have mentioned a couple of times that I'd ordered a V3, and once it got here I'd planned on logging about it. Well, that day is today, my friends!


Yes, my V3 has arrived! The seller was kind enough to include a battery as well, so of course, I started up right away!

I ended up with a lovely little girl, who I named Setsu (named after Setsuna from Fire Emblem Fates, who is one of my favourite characters in the game, only Setsuna can't fit in the five-letter limit, so, Setsu it is)


I did the usual baby care stuff, and after an hour, Setsu evolved into a Mizutamatchi!!


She's just happily bouncing around right now!! I'll update again tomorrow when she's a teen! See you all then!


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Hey guys! I know I said I was gonna update when Setsu becomes a teen, but that's still a couple of hours away, and I didn't really wanna wait that long, so... two updates today? Maybe.

There isn't really much to say, in all honesty. I may have spoiled little Setsu a bit by getting her some free items from codes and stuff. Here's a picture I got of her with the cuckoo clock!


Afterwards, I decided to try my hand at the Bump game a few times (I used to be really good at it back in the day - about 11 years ago!), but I've apparently lost the magic touch, as I'm just not that good at it anymore. While playing these games of Bump, I noticed the attention icon light up, so after the next game was over, I left the games menu to see what was going on, and poor little Setsu was on the bottom of the screen, crying.


She must not have been too happy with herself over all the Bump losses. Naturally, as any good Tama parent would, I praised her, and she was much happier! (I did get a picture for that, but it's blurry because my camera didn't focus in time)

Not long after that, I caught her rolling around on the bottom of the screen!


Also, I have more exciting news! I have ordered myself a V4.5! I've wanted one for a long time, but for some reason the V4.5's were never sold in my country, or at least not in the small town I was from. So, thinking about this, I searched on eBay a few hours ago, and there was one with only one bid on it and a little over half an hour of time remaining on the auction. Without a second thought, I bidded on it, and, after some waiting, checking to see if I was still the highest bidder, I ended up winning it! Additionally, not even an hour after I'd paid for it, my eBay orders page updated saying the seller has already shipped it! So it may get here pretty soon! I'm probably gonna log it alongside the V3 so look out for that!!


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Aaaaaaand here it is, update number 2 for the day! Setsu evolved a few minutes ago and she is now a teen!! She is a Patapatatchi!


Also, I knew that a few minutes after, if I had her play with the cuckoo clock, she would see the cuckoo thing pop out, so I decided to do just that!


Alright, so


Name: Setsu

Age: 1

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Training: 3 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Patapatatchi

And that's it for now! Until next time!!


Hi guys, not much has happened with Setsu today, however, I went to the beach with my family this afternoon, and I took the tamagotchi with me!


Here's a nice picture I got of Setsu at the beach!!

On the way home, I looked at the items in the shop for Setsu, and there was a plant, so I bought it for her! I then had her use it a little while later (the picture is blurry because when I did use the plant I was obviously in the car and we were at a stop, but we slightly started to move right when I went to take the picture so it went out of focus again, sorry!)


You can't really tell but the plant grew a flower, which Setsu really enjoyed!

Anyway, that's it for today, so...


Name: Setsu

Age: 1 (I don't know why she's still 1, she should be 2 by now - she hasn't been paused at all :huh: )

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Training: 4 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Patapatatchi

Until next time!


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Hello! So, again, not much has happened with Setsu, which is to be expected I guess. I did play a few games of Heading with her to rack up some Gotchi points! (I'm very good at Heading, always have been)


After we won a game, so, not the actual game itself (I timed it badly and didn't get her happy face/jump)

A while later, I looked at what the shopkeeper was selling in the shop, and there were some building blocks, which I decided to buy for Setsu. I then let her play with them and she built a neat little building!!



Here she is, looking very pleased with her creation!


Name: Setsu

Age: 2

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Training: 8 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Patapatatchi

So, Setsu is due to become an adult either tomorrow or the next day (most likely the next day since she's somehow behind in aging up). I don't know if I'll have anything to update on until that happens, so see you all then, I suppose!


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Hey guys, so Setsu actually did evolve today!! She is now a.....


MAMETCHI!! I've never had Mametchi on the V3 before (or well, any version prior to V5 really), so I'm actually super proud of this result!

Also, at one point while Setsu was still a toddler (I think?) I'd bought her a bow, among other things, so now that she's an adult, I decided to let her try it out!



It looks really cute on her, I must say!


Name: Setsu

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Mametchi

Later updates prior to her marriage will probably just be her trying out other items I bought when she couldn't use them, since, y'know, the V3 doesn't really do much. Also, I have work tomorrow, but I'll bring Setsu with me! (How often I get to check on her is another story - I'll get my lunch break at least)

Bye for now!


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Hi guys!! Guess who went to work with me today? (It was Setsu, as I said in my last entry)

She stayed in the pocket of my shorts until lunch break, where I checked on her, and she was doing ok! During lunch break, I let her try on her cap! (though, on her, it doesn't really look like a cap)



It was only after my lunch break that I realised - I wear a lanyard everywhere I go, because it has my house key on it; I could put the tamagotchi on the lanyard while I'm working for easy access to check on Setsu! (and future generations to come) So I did just that - and the kids seemed really fascinated by it too! (I work at an early childhood centre)

After work, I went to turn her sound back on, only to find this wintery animation going on, which isn't very fitting, considering it's summer here in New Zealand... oh well, we've had a lot of hot weather lately, Setsu surely deserves to cool down a bit!


After I got home, I decided to let her try out the weights - a great way to stay in shape!


Then, finally, as I was uploading these photos for this entry, I caught her doing some sort of singing/dancing animation, so of course I just had to snap a photo to add on here!!




Name: Setsu

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Mametchi

I'm pretty sure Setsu is due for matchmaker visits either tomorrow or Wednesday! (for reference, it's Monday here as I type this, so I didn't skip a day!) I'm not sure due to the delayed aging thing that happened when she was a teen. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!! Also, I'm working again tomorrow, as well as Wednesday, so I'll check during work for matchmaker visits - bringing the Tamagotchi to work is going to become a regular thing, which is exactly why I went with a V3!

Until next time!


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You guys are in luck, because here's a quick second update for today, since I bought Setsu some new items and couldn't wait to try them out!

I checked in the shop for new items, and there was an action figure and not one, but TWO shovels! I had enough Gotchi points for these items, so I bought them all without hesitation!

First, I had Setsu try out the action figure


She didn't seem to like it very much. If memory serves me right, this is because she's a girl. Oh well, if she has a son, he can enjoy it!

Next were the shovels!!


500 Gotchi points from the first one!! Not bad, considering the action figure set us back quite a bit...

Let's see what shovel #2 yields...


A tart!! Setsu seemed to enjoy it very much!

Ok, stats are the same so I'm not going to bother with those. So, until next time!


Hellooooo TamaTalk!! Setsu did not get the 10:30 or 3:00 matchmaker visits, but I have used more items with her today!

During my lunch break I let her use the pen!


Aww, she knows I'm a concerned Tama parent who just wants her to be ok so she wrote a note saying "I'm fine" to let me know she is!! So thoughtful of her!

Then, after work, I checked the shop again, and there was a pair of sunglasses, so I bought them for her, and I let her use them when I got home!!


So cool!


Name: Setsu

Age: 5

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Mametchi

I'm not sure if Setsu will get the 7:00 matchmaker visit or not. She might, because she will have passed 48 hours of adulthood before then, but also she was on pause for a bit during work (one of the kids probably did it while playing around with the tamagotchi), and I'm not sure how long that was... probably 50 minutes at most? We'll just have to wait and see when 7:00 comes around!


EDIT: 7:00 has been and gone here (it's 7:46 now), and no matchmaker visit. Oh well, since the matchmaker didn't come today, she'll definitely come tomorrow!

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Hey guys, guess who's married! Not Setsu, but some lucky tama out there probably!

Yes, unfortunately, despite her being 6 years old, Setsu didn't get a single matchmaker visit today. Well... tomorrow for sure?

Aside from that though, I did buy her a plant and a lamp from the shop! First, we tried the plant...


And they say money doesn't grow on trees! Or, well, plants!

Then, a while later, the lamp. Unfortunately, the genie didn't come out of the lamp, which angered Setsu a bit.


And now we can't use it again either, as we no longer have it. Sad.


Name: Setsu

Age: 6

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Mametchi

FINGERS CROSSED the matchmaker comes to visit Setsu tomorrow! Until then!


Hi guys!! Setsu is married now! I managed to catch the 10:30 matchmaker visit!


The matchmaker brought over a Memetchi and Setsu just couldn't say no! (also I find it funny how Setsu, a Mametchi, married a Memetchi, and on the later versions Mametchi is a boy and Memetchi is a girl, but here it's the other way around!)


She had a baby girl!

I'm probably going to name the baby Elise!

I've decided when it comes to these Tamagotchis I'm going to use a Fire Emblem naming theme! For the V3, each generation will be named after a Fire Emblem Fates character, as started here with Setsu (which, if you remember from the first entry, is short for Setsuna), and when my V4.5 gets here, I'm going to name each generation on that after a Fire Emblem Awakening character!! I'll keep this up until either I run out of names from either game with five or less letters, or names that can be shortened into five-or-less letter nicknames, or until I get bored and decide I don't want to do this anymore!


Name: Setsu

Age: 7

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Mametchi

So, Setsu will be leaving her baby tomorrow night, I guess there isn't really much else for her to do now!


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Hey TamaTalk! There's not really much to update on today, except that it's Setsu's last day here before she goes back to Tama Planet, leaving her daughter in my care. I decided to let her play with some itens to celebrate this last day!

I bought a shovel from the shop...


...which yielded not-so-stellar results. Setsu wasn't too happy with that snake

And then the roller skates I'd bought some time ago!


Look at her go!

There are other photos from other items too, but posting all of those would exceed the photo limit, so I won't.

I also caught her close-up animation!!


Hi, Setsu!!

Also, here's a picture I got of her and baby sleeping last night:



Name: Setsu

Age: 8

Gender: Girl

Generation: 1

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Mametchi

I can't believe Setsu is already so close to leaving us!! i'm going to miss her, but I'll take good care of her daughter, just as I took good care of her! See you all tomorrow, which brings us the first day of Setsu's daughter!


Helloooo, TamaTalkers!! Setsu is no longer with us, of course, this morning I woke up to a baby girl, her daughter, crying on the screen!


As you can see here, I did in fact name her Elise, like I said earlier!

I did the usual baby care stuff, y'know, and after an hour, Elise evolved into a Mohitamatchi!!


She's doing well for now, currently as I type this, she is rolling around the bottom of the screen!


Name: Elise

Age: 0

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 1 bar

Stage: Toddler

Character: Mohitamatchi

Also, I have more news!! Last night, I was looking around eBay for a Tamagotchi lanyard, as my current lanyard has seen better days, and what a better way to celebrate getting back into Tamagotchi again than with a Tamagotchi lanyard! As I was looking around, I found an auction for a Tamagotchi WITH the lanyard! I looked up the shell of the Tamagotchi and it appears to be a V2, one of my favourite versions, which I really want! So, I've bidded on it, and I'm the first bidder! The auction ends in three days, here's hoping I win!

Also, a huge thank you to Kyuu, Hapihapitchi, and Kajah995 for liking my posts here, I really appreciate it! And an extra special thank you to ammonride for the fanmail PM! It's nice to know people are enjoying this log, so thank you all so much!


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Hi guys!! Last night, about half an hour before Elise went to sleep, I bought her a plant from the shop, and had her use it!!


It grew a beautiful flower, which made Elise happy!!

Then, this morning, I was woken up by the sound of Elise evolving! I made my way over to her, and when I looked at the screen, I saw she had evolved into...


Hikotchi! Pretty cool, if I do say so myself!

I looked in the shop a while later, and saw a chest! So I bought it, and had Elise use it...


It turned Elise into a baby! Not sure she was too happy about that...

Luckily, the change didn't last long, and she was soon returned to her teen form!


That certainly must have been a shocking experience for her, but, judging by that last picture, she's probably glad it's all over!


Name: Elise

Age: 1

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 4 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hikotchi

I'm expecting my V4.5 will probably get here within the next few days! I'm excited to start it up, as, obviously, I've never had a V4.5 before! So, yeah, keep your eyes peeled for that!!


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Hey everyone!! Not much happened with Elise today, which is to be expected. I did, in my lunch break, buy her a lamp from the shop!


It seems that just like her mother, Elise has bad luck with lamps - once again the genie didn't come out!


Name: Elise

Age: 2

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 7 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hikotchi

I was expecting the V4.5 to be here today, given how quickly after I paid for it the seller shipped it off, and today being the earliest given expected delivery date, but unfortunately, it's not here yet. As for the V2 and lanyard, I'm still the only bidder, but the auction is going to end tomorrow, while I'm working, so I'm praying someone doesn't just snatch it up from me at that moment! Finger crossed!


Hi guys!!

Not much has happened with Elise today, but I figured I should post a picture of her today, just to keep things in order!


Ok, but NOW for the big news!! My V4.5 arrived today!!!!


Excited to get into it, I started it up, and I got a baby boy! I named him Stahl, to kick off the Fire Emblem name theme, Awakening-specific for this version!


Of course, I did the usual baby care thing, and I connected him with Elise a couple of times, and after an hour of existing, he evolved into a Kuchitamatchi!


Also, Elise show up as a Nazotchi for Stahl, even though Hikotchi is a character on the V4.5... maybe it's because she's a girl and the character is male-specific on the 4.5?? idk


- V3 STATS -

Name: Elise

Age: 3

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Teen

Character: Hikotchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Stahl

Age: 0

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 1 bar

Skill points: 0 / 4 / 10

Stage: Toddler

Character: Kuchitamatchi

As you can see, now that the V4.5 is here, I'm colour-coding the log stuff, with green when I'm talking about the V3, and purple when I'm talking about the V4.5! Elise is due to evolve into an adult tomorrow, I think - I might put her on pause in a couple of days for Stahl to catch up, so I can get them married - or I might not, depends.

Also, unfortunately, I did not win the V2 with the lanyard - someone got in and bidded three minutes before the auction ended, and being that I was working, I A. was unaware of this, and B. couldn't up my bid. Oh well, better luck next time I suppose.

I'm not sure how much I'll actually be able to log over the next few days (after tomorrow), or maybe even weeks, due to irl commitments. I'll try to log whenever I can though!


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I didn't intend on a second entry today, let alone one just a couple of hours after the last, but Stahl got accepted into preschool a while ago!!


I've also been connecting him with Elise a lot, they're at four faces in friendship rating now!

Also, I've noticed that even as a toddler, Stahl shows up as a Nazotchi for Elise, even though Kuchitamatchi is attainable on the V3 as well...


It can't be a gender restriction thing, as Kuchitamatchi is a gender neutral toddler on both versions... I don't get it

Anyways, this was just a quick second post for the day, and both Stahl and Elise are sleeping now, so see you all tomorrow!


Hey everyone!!

Ok, so first off, Elise evolved while I was at work, and she is now a Pipotchi!!


Again, another character I haven't had on the V3 before, so I'm proud of this!!

I might pause her in a couple of days for Stahl to catch up

And speaking of Stahl, he also evolved today, not too long ago, in fact!! He is now a Daiyatchi!


Nice! I'm not sure which adult to go for for his final form, so I guess we'll just roll with whatever!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Elise

Age: 4

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Pipotchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Stahl

Age: 1

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 3 bars

Skill points: 14 / 36 / 26

Stage: Teen

Character: Daiyatchi

I'm thinking I probably will get the two of them married, which is why I might be pausing Elise soon. Either way, this will be interesting! I'm expecting that just like the preschool enrollment last night, Stahl will probably get his school enrollment in a couple of hours! I'll post about that tomorrow! Until then!!


EDIT: Wow, we're at two pages now!! I'm so proud of how far we've come, it feels like just yesterday I was caring for a baby Setsu! (Elise's mother, for those of you who are just joining us) Also, thank you for the two votes and five star rating y'all, I really appreciate it!!

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Hi guys, I don't have much time for this post, as I have to continue packing my stuff to move house! Anyways,

Still not much happening with Elise, however, I did catch her close up animation earlier!!


So cute!! I especially like that little wink she does!

As for Stahl, I was right, and he did get accepted into school last night!! I decided to enroll him in Mr Canvas's class!



Also, I caught him brushing his teeth this morning!


Gotta make those teeth sparkle just as much as he himself does!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Elise

Age: 5

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult

Character: Pipotchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Stahl

Age: 1 (he'll be 2 later probably, he was started up later in the day)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 4 bars

Skill points: 14 / 42 / 65

Stage: Teen

Character: Daiyatchi

For some reason I'm finding Elise to be much needier than Setsu ever was, even as an adult. Oh well! Anyways, I'd better get back to my irl stuff!


Hey guys! I have some really weird news today, which involves both tamas, so I'm not going to colour code it. Anyway,

This morning, I decided to connect Elise and Stahl, just once, expecting that they'd play a game or something (bear in mind that Stahl is still a teen). Surprisingly, that's not what happened at all - they got married!

It happened so unexpectedly, due to Stahl still being a teen, that I don't have any good pictures of the marriage, but they had two baby boys!


I'm honestly still shook over this, I've heard of teen characters getting married before, but I'd never personally experienced it! What's even weirder is their friendship ratings when it happened:



Note that, in Elise's friends list, there's only two hearts in her friendship rating for Stahl. I haven't used the honey item either. Maybe it's because Elise is 5??

My first time owning a V4.5 and I'm not even going to get an adult for the first gen!

- V3 STATS -

Name: Elise

Age: 5 (was she actually 5 yesterday's entry? Is she turning 6 today?? idk)

Gender: Girl

Generation: 2

Training: 9 bars

Stage: Adult (with baby)

Character: Pipotchi

- V4.5 STATS -

Name: Stahl

Age: 2 (same story as yesterday, he'll be 3 later on)

Gender: Boy

Generation: 1

Training: 6 bars

Skill points: 25 / 42 / 109

Stage: Teen (with baby)

Character: Daiyatchi

Well, this sure was something! I don't think I'll ever be able to recover from the fact that I have a 2 year old teen parent! Anyways, until next time!


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