Miss Violetchi's v2 log! :)


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Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
Reaction score
Ravenclaw Tower
Heyy! Thanks for clickin'!

I decided instead of continuing on with my music star I would start up my v2.

So here's my log for it! :)

At lunch today I opened my music star, took out the battery, and transferred it to my v2!

Finally I could connect with my other friends older versions!! :D

I set the time to 12:29 and finished entering all the stuff.

By the time I finished entering everything it was 12:30 and one minute later, little Alice was born!

I fed Alice some bread and giga pudding:)3) and TRIED to figure out how to play Jump. (If you know how to play, please PM me!)

After lunch my friend and I went to Science and right in the middle Alice evolved into a Hitodetchi!! Right now she's bouncing around in her house while I write this log!

Here's Alice just chillin':


I'll update more tomorrow when she evolves!!

If you have any spoiler charts, cheats, or anything else PM me! :)



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Sorry I havet updated. I have finals weeks :p

But on a the bright side I finished two tests I was REALLY worried about with A's!! :D

But this is about Alice. :3

She evolved!! :)

Into....UFOtchi!! How cute/fat/metal, right??? :D

She'll evolve into an adult tomorrow, so fingers crossed its a furiwatchi or something cool like that :)

I wont be updateing my log until the end of the weekend I think, though, 'cause I'm going to Fresno.

Yes, Fresno :3

For a dance competition. Wish me luck!!

Ok, this log if starting to get more about MY life than Alice's!!!

Usually this is where I would post cute pics of her, but I have to go eat dinner.




Be here next time for:

-What Alice evolves into

-More pics


Quick Update:

Just saying that my first picture wasnt so good, but my webcam photos are MUCH clearer and less glarey, so trust me, the pics will only get better!!

And thats no joke :)



Sorry I havent been updating!

Im a very busy girl, ya know... :3

But anyways, Alice turned into a notzritchi (did I spell that right?). You know, the kutchitamatchi with the tail?

It took 3 whole days but she FINALLY became an adult!!!!

And I really need to have her play some games. I think shes 84 pounds... :3

I want her to get married to someone else's tama, but she could get married right now, and she's already 7!!!

Decisions, decisions.


I dont have any pics for this one. (I know, I lied... :( )

I just want to let you know I love you all and I will post more from now on!! (with pics!!)

I say that alot, dont I?

Im just busy, okayyy!! :)

And I went to Fresno, which, by the way, is an epic place :)


That would make a cool T-shirt...

But this is a v2 log, so Im gonna shut up about Fresno and get back to Alice.

Yup, she's as ugly as-

Oh hi mommy!! :)

But anyways (I say that a lot too...) I wanted to let you know that my next generation in I get a girl her name is going to be Katie and a boy is going to be Danny.

Almost gen. 2!! Yeah, baby!!! :)

So stay tuned, I'll keep ya posted! (I might even post later today w/ pics. > :) )



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