Missing buttons and glitches


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Feb 13, 2010
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Today I found my old version 2 I loved this one better then any other but the A button is completely gone. I can reach the circuit board underneath. I am able to control it using a needle or anything that can reach the board but I want to know is there any way of getting replacement buttons?

Also back when version 2's where popular agees ago now, my tama's battery began getting flat and I ignored it and kept playing. I freaked out whenever I sent it to another tama and once after making it vist one of my friends ones I fed it. Instead of food coming down from the screen another tama came down and he ate it. Anyone else ever get this?

That has never happened to me. Plus, I do not have a v2. The oldest version I have is a v3.

I don't think that there are any replacement buttons. :D

But, because of the whole problem with the food, that is a little out of the ordinary. But if it has to do with your tama not being able to eat, then that's a glitch. If it's not causing any problems, but is a little weird, I wouldn't worry about it.

Hope I helped! :D

- Citrus Fruit~*

Really? Man I really need some more buttons I am having to use a flat ended earing wire. Dx

Yeah it was a while ago now and has been reset since then but it was the weirdest things I have ever seen on my tama. He ate them fine and his hearts went up like normal.

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