MLP: Freindship is Magic!


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on ur left is the horsehide hotel, a western approach 2 vacationing. this hotel features a full breakfast bar, hot tub, and swimming pool. if u dont already hav a place 2 stay, i recommend horsehide!

Musicdance caught site of a sorry-looking building. It was very big, and had a second story. Musicdance asked, "Does anyone own or live in that building over there?"

not currently, but ther hav been a few ideas 2 turn it in2 another horsehide location or a restaurant, things like that. y do u ask?

Musicdance hesitated, then said, "I'm asking because it's been my dream to have my own shop or party place for dance parties and sell music of my own...and that building is calling out to me. I can hear it..."

hmm well u'd hav 2 talk with the mare(pun 4 mayor--get it? :p )about that... ud hav sum major competition, i gotta warn u, but if u rly want that building...

(Sorry I'm on. XD I love the mayor pun.)

Musicdance smiled again, a gleam in her eye. "Major competition? You think anyone can outmatch me? Trust me, I've been able to sell only two records for TONS of money."

alright, if u can get the building, go 4 it! i cant stand in the way of a dream!

(it was twilight sparkles turn 4 the tours(my pony went last time, and ur lucky u didnt get pinky pie!), and i need a little help. will u join the welcoming committee? basically, u would play wateva ponys turn it is(unless its sum1 elses pony--the tv show ponies r ok!)and giv tours 2 new ppl! so, waddaya say? wanna join?)

well, its getting late, so i would talk 2 her 2morro. u cant stay with me, im rather busy, but my friend Star Chaser has a few rooms and time 2 kill, so y dont u ask her if u can stay ther? heres her address. *hands paper 2 u*

ding-dong! hello? o, r u new here? well here, cum on inside and make urself at home, thers a room on the 2nd floor, 1st door on the right. breakfast is at 7:30 evry morning, lunch at 12, dinner at 6:30. thers a tv in ur room, and ur welcum 2 talk 2 me anytime, about anything. enjoy ur time in ponyville!

I smiled kindly at Star Chaser. "Thank you for letting me stay." I walked in happily.

o, np! also, im watchin harry potter 4 2night, ur welcum 2 join me, i havnt started yet and thers plenty of popcorn and candy!

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