Mom of tamagotchi user


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Sep 26, 2005
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My eight year old got an old tamagotchi from her cousin. We have the basic instructons but need more. On the main screen (boy/girl) we have a girl but she is losing weight even though she is fed and her age doesn't change even though she is a teen now and what does GEN 1C mean? Can anyone help me :( :(

I have two of the old tamas from the mid 90's, Gen1 and Gen2

They lose weight when you play games with them...I don't know about the age thing.

Well generations dont exist on those old ones...... and it only ages when it goes to bed those things are very fickle. If you dont reset it after you put a new battery in or restrat it up for a very long time it will glitch up i have my old on sitting here with me at work. on the old ones you cant name them....... they are niether boy or girl. On the P1 you just had Babytchi as the baby and on the p2 you have shirobabytchi.. and if you have a girl then apperantly you have the p2. Just try reseting it..... and se what happens from there.. you have to put in consideration that those things are old. And need time to warm back up to par again.

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does anyone know what the c is after the 1 in GEN, also both my girls are asking for the newest ones for x-mas any suggestions? I live in Canada and i am not sure what is avaliable out here.

the newer ones are much better but require much more care than the older ones... cause the older ones are basic..... the newer ones will give your girls something in common to play with and interact with with each other than fight over things all the time, unless one gets an adult the other one wanted and vise versa.

I am not too sure how old it is. When we started it up after inserting a new battery it was a boy but she wanted a girl so we took out the battery and we finally hatched a girl she was able to name it Kelly and it started out as a very well behaved baby then a day later it turned into a toddler then two days later it turned into a teen that looks very much like this one :( but i am not too sure also i don't know what the characters from the old models look like if they have changed

I am not too sure how old it is. When we started it up after inserting a new battery it was a boy but she wanted a girl so we took out the battery and we finally hatched a girl she was able to name it Kelly and it started out as a very well behaved baby then a day later it turned into a toddler then two days later it turned into a teen that looks very much like this one :( but i am not too sure also i don't know what the characters from the old models look like if they have changed
then you have a V1....... thats one of the newest tamas..... and that "C" is actually a "G"... stands for Generation. and what # its on. V2s are the newest...... let me find somewhere you could order them from for you... you can also pick them up at Target , WAl-mart, or just about any other store for about 15 dollars but it would be close to 20 if you live in canada. its alot cheaper than paying 30 some dollars + shipping ordering them.

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Thanks for all the help i'll let my daughter know. I'll be back asking for more help trust me. :( :(

Also instead of takeing the battery in and out trying to get a specific gendered one you can simply press the reset button on the back it will show an egg.... press the middle button it will give you the option to reset or download pick reset and a new egg will appear just set the time your daughters birthday in it and in about a minute a new baby will be hatched. also if she plays with it and plays with it till the battery goes dead... youll know so if an "X" appears across the screen with a battery under the "X" that the battery is low and if you daughter doesnt want to loose the character she has and keeps her generations going simple pick download and youll start back off from were you left off.

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does anyone know what the c is after the 1 in GEN, also both my girls are asking for the newest ones for x-mas any suggestions? I live in Canada and i am not sure what is avaliable out here.
i strongly suggest a v2 because they are the best so far 4 me!

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