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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
Just answer some of these questions. You don't have to answer them all.

*How Much Money Do You Have?

*Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?

*How Do You Make Your Money?

*Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

How Much Money Do You Have?

About 100$ right now xP

Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?

Usually. Sometimes they advise me not to waste my money, but it's only advice. They let me spend my money on what I want as long as it's appropriate.

How Do You Make Your Money?

I usually only get money through Christmas, Birthday, and good report card.

Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

Usually, I'm a total spender. Lately, I've been trying to save though xD

How is your money life? :)

How much money do I have?

-Like $200.

Do my parents let me use my money freely?

-I usually ask them. But I'm pretty much a saver. ;3

How do I make my money?

-Chores. But we live on a farm so...

Am I a saver or a spender?


* How Much Money Do You Have?

I recently sent $145 to the bank so I couldn't spend it... but probably about $15 - $20 upstairs.

* Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?


* How Do You Make Your Money?

Weekly allowance/lunch money.

* Are You A Saver Or A Spender?


How Much Money Do You Have?

Around $170 I have a bank account with over $1,000 in it though

Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?

Yes. My parents often buy stuff for me, or lend me money to shop.

How Do You Make Your Money?

Usally good grades, or helping at my grandmother's business

Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

I spend. Alot. But it seems that my parents just buy me stuff XD I usually only pay for expensive things, like iPods.

How Much Money Do You Have?


Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?

No. Not at all.

How Do You Make Your Money?

I don't. My parents give me money when I need it.

Are You A Saver Or A Spender?


*How Much Money Do You Have?


*Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?

yeah i just go out and buy stuff

*How Do You Make Your Money?

chores, babysitting, asking

*Are You A Saver Or A Spender?


How Much Money Do You Have?

Right now, I just got some. For coming top of year in my exams. So I'm currently at $15.

Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?

In general, yes. But they have their limits. No elephant for me. D:[/b]

How Do You Make Your Money?

I get $50 allowance money per month. Sometimes extra if I do chores. Like washing up after people, which is my least favouritest thing ever. Dx

Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

SPENDER! No doubt about it. My money's usually gone within the first few days it came into my possession. I've really got to work on the whole saving thing. But for now I'll just stick to being a shopaholic. I do it well. xD

How Much Money Do You Have?

Not sure, around eighty dollars.

Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?

Yeah. My mom's exact words: "Just don't buy drugs."

How Do You Make Your Money?

Well, my official allowance is ten dollars per week, but my parents just hand it to me when I ask.

Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

The only "saving" I ever do is when I'm at the mall, I set aside around ten bucks so I don't blow all the cash before I get to the Coffee Beanery Cafe.

*How Much Money Do You Have?

About $30?

*Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?

They don't care what I buy, With my money.

*How Do You Make Your Money?

Carnivals =P

*Are You A Saver Or A Spender?


Currently I'm a saver.

Just answer some of these questions. You don't have to answer them all.
*How Much Money Do You Have? About $80 in my wallet, waaaay more in my university fund.

*Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely? Pretty much.

*How Do You Make Your Money? I work at a smoothie stand, a car wash, (run by my friends and I ;P) and I ask my parents, they usually give me money if I tell them what it's for. and then I don't give abck the change and stuff it into my wallet

*Are You A Saver Or A Spender? Saver! :]
Thanks for hilighting this! What a waste of your time!

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*How Much Money Do You Have?

Uhm. $123 [OMG . Thats such a cool number] on eftpos and just over $110 cash.

*Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?

I earn't every cent of it so they let me do whatever I want to with it.

*How Do You Make Your Money?

I have a crappy paper round and mum gives me some if I do chores. And babysitting.

*Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

Both. I spend lots but I have also managed to save $500 since I was 10. I have 3 bank accounts xD

How Much Money Do You Have?

A lot, but I have much more in my savings fund (which is for later in life, and money that was deposited by grandparents and people)

Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?


How Do You Make Your Money?

While I am at school, they have an 'allowance' that they hand out to everyone every week. It comes out of the tuition fund. At home, I have a job where I teach kids how to swim and am currently looking into either waitressing, bagging at the grocery store, or life guarding in addition to my swim coaching.

Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

I used to be a saver; I wouldn't EVER spend my money on anything. (However, I had less money back then because I lived at home and my mother and brother would take my money and spend it on things they wanted) Now I still spend a lot less than I find my friends spending, but I'm more free with my money. Meaning if I see something that I really want and at least have some need for, I'll buy it after thinking about it for thirty minutes. I used to not even buy things I needed.

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How Much Money Do You Have?

$95 in cash, and $22 in my bank account.

Do your parents let you use your money freely?

Not really. Only on things I NEED.

How do you make your money?

I don't 'earn' it. Mum gives me pocket money when she wants to, and I also get the occasional $10 on my birthday and christmas, etc...

Are you a saver or a spender?

Both. A big mix. I save for a while, with something in mind, but then I blow my chance and buy something which is completely unimportant.

Edit: Code fail.

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*How Much Money Do You Have?

I have about 10,000 baht saved in the bank.. about 300 USD.

*Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?


*How Do You Make Your Money?

Mom gives me 50 baht [3 dollars approx.] everyday.

*Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

I am a saver and a spender. As you see, my bank account xD

How Much Money Do You Have?

I have around $2/3k.

Do your Parents let your spend your money freely?


How do you Make your Money?

I work part time, I also have a separate weekend job.

Are you a saver or a spender?

I only really spend things on my Drumkit. I guess I'm a saver.

How much money do you have?

Around $2,000

Do your parents let you spend your money freely?

No - My dad NEVER lets me spend money on things I want.

How do you make your money?

Birthdays, Christmas, good report cards, other holidays...

Are you a saver or a spender?

Definitely a saver.

Was there a point to that?
No, I just put all my answers in the quote, but it said I had to write some sort of message of my own. So I did that :mimitchi:

*How Much Money Do You Have?

Around a thousand, maybe more

*Do Your Parents Let You Use Your Money Freely?


*How Do You Make Your Money?

I'm spoiled, i just get it.

*Are You A Saver Or A Spender?

Both, i guess.

How much money do you have?

like 1.70 aha, but in my bank, 30-40 thousand? aha

Do your parents let you spend your money freely?

yeah, but they give me 'advice' like on expensive things

How do you make your money?

when I ask my parents, and keep the change, and special holidays. also when i had the job of a photographer..

Are you a saver or a spender?


I spend when I have like 5-10 dollars, and anything over that, I owe to my grandparents. lmao

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